Struggling Hard As The Lord Of A Castle In A Different World
Episode 131: The Taken
"The fog is getting more stylish."
First thing in the morning, I was watching what was going on out there and dressed in my uniform thinking it was really bad.
The contact network came around yesterday and told me that the school would be reopened.
It seems that the Silver Family will do something about the students coming to school from afar, and sometimes the rich can't help but think that they will do extra things, but they can't let them advance without classes like this, and as a foggy generation without loose generations, it's also silly to be fogged in the head.
Besides, I was going to go around to Grandpa Ero's today and suggest that we not have enough pawns but close the gate.
"It would be just fine to talk to Mr. Mo."
I stare at my own king's pawn and turn on the TV casually.
I thought I wouldn't be doing any news other than fog either, but from the TV I turned on, the announcer is doing some kind of report on Nico's face along with some light music.
"In this century, for the first time in Japan, the direct successor to the Silver Company, to which you are all familiar, has decided, at the same time, the multiple marriages will be held between his successors, Yongsaki Kaji, Yang-fu Silver and Kurono Silver!!
I turn up the TV volume to what I just think was messed up by the fog.
"Unbeaten by public criticism, Yuansan Silver, the founder of the Silver and Silver Company, was able to obtain a special permit warrant for polygamy from the Cabinet Office, so Yongsaki Kaji, the successor to the Straight Silver Company, is set to marry in the future. The ceremony is still a little ahead of us, but Yuansan is willing to make it the best wedding in the world, and the overseas media is also very interested in this big news --"
What, when was I supposed to get married? I mean, same name? But you said silver feathers.
Watching TV with his face up, that old porn guy is on the screen and interviewed by an announcer.
"Congratulations on your grandson's wedding this time"
"Uhahahahaha, oh sister, give me your panties"
"No, uh, I think it would have taken extraordinary help to have that bigamy admitted,"
"With the power of the eagle, it's easy to get people to admit to bigamy."
"It's like bending the law, with ripples all over the world, but how did you get the country to recognize it?"
"There's no such thing as a guy who doesn't shake his head vertically if he binds with gold. Whoa, keep that a secret. I was told, forget it. Uhahahahaha. Senator Yamanaka, Fukui, Tanaka, thank you!
"Are you okay? I need your name now..."
Definitely. This nasty thing, it wouldn't be the same or similar name, but the authentic grandfather porn, Silver Yuansan, for sure.
"The groom is with a classmate from a general household, but didn't he emphasize special households, etc?
"My daughter is going to leave. It's up to the parents to do something about it. Instead, don't be like those assholes who discriminate against you in your own way."
"And I beg your pardon"
"Because I still have work to do. I bought it from Rattleland and had to use the meeting around the moon for my honeymoon as a NASU ~"
Grandpa porn leaves a big laugh and fades out of the screen.
That's my uncanny grandfather.
"I also wanted to talk to the bride and groom, but the press is kept away. We've got a photo of Kaji Yongsaki, the groom."
I wondered if my picture would be used, and when I looked at the screen to eat in, what was shown was a face photograph of a handsome heaven and earth that just made me angry to watch.
Studio guests on the news have sent praises that he is a tremendously beautiful boy.
"Hey, wait a minute! What's going on with this!?
Why am I in heaven and earth!?
When I rush out of the girls' dorm, I meet a few girls at the dorm entrance.
"What's the matter with you, Heaven and Earth?
"Heaven and Earth, can you come to the girls' dorm at any time... is that Heaven and Earth your face changed?
"I'm not involved!
Shit, this isn't about your mind or your TV freaking out.
Hurry to school, the classmates I haven't met in days are joyfully bickering to attend school.
I called out to a friend I saw from one end. But the results were all the same.
"Heaven and Earth, what are you doing?
"Shit, Mr. Heaven and Earth, what are you doing?
"Heaven and earth, if the fog clears, you can come in again."
"Heaven and Earth, if you don't have a lot of people, come on."
Everyone calls me Heaven and Earth as if they had all shown each other.
Those eyes are unquestionable, they're not acting, they're not spectacular dodgy.
"What the hell is this..."
Among the people who are coming to school, I find the Savior.
Hurry up and say hello to a friend who's been attending school like he cares.
Then Mogi seemed to be eating, and he also seemed troubled about how to react.
"What, uh, what's wrong? Heaven and Earth...... you"
"No, it's me, Kaji! Kaji Yongsaki. What's wrong with you guys, why are you mistaken about me Heaven and Earth!?
Mogi is confused that he doesn't really know why.
Shin Rin came to school a little late from Mogi. If she shares the same otherworldly knowledge. That's what I think. Now I'm going to say to Shin Rin.
"What, oh, heaven and earth, you? What's wrong?
It's exactly the same reaction as Mogi's. Her eyes suddenly stuffed up. She also looked scared of me.
Naturally, if they suddenly come close and grab me by the shoulder, I'd be surprised how much ”I know” they are.
"You too..."
"Duh, what's wrong?
"Shin Rin, are you sure you don't understand me!? It's me, Kaji Yongsaki! You were talking about different worlds or something!?
Shin Rin marvels at the word different worlds and makes his eyes black and white.
"Oh, Heaven and Earth, who told you that story?
"That's why I'm not heaven and earth!
"Yes, I do."
I got excited about it and became more powerful at grabbing my shoulders.
"Hey, stop it. Mr. Hundred Eyebrows, you're in trouble."
Mogi inserts the bag and breaks it between me and Shin Rin.
"How many faces do you like... how many centurion ghosts are cute"
Why did you say that again, this guy?
"I don't think it's a good idea to force a relationship."
"I'm not like that."
"Oh, Heaven and Earth, should I go to that infirmary? I've seen on the news that someone gets tired and crazy because of the fog."
I'm not like that.
"Let's go, Hundred Eyed."
"Ugh, yeah."
"Wait! Shin Rin, Mo!
"Don't call me by the name below."
I desperately reached out, but I had to drop them off when I ran into the lifting mouth.
"Heaven and earth, you're out of your mind with the fog."
"Yeah... but you did something really desperate"
"What a good-looking guy to peel a skin like that...... mon. That, I feel like heaven and earth were handsome, but they're not, are they? Either that or I'm better looking."
"I don't think so."
"Yes, that's right"
Denied and pungent mogi before you say it out.
"What's going on here..."
I was in the classroom and in my seat. Naturally, that seat is the seat of heaven and earth where heaven and earth are supposed to sit.
Because if I went to sit in my seat in my current state, I'd be certified as a complete crazy one because I could see.
I tried to get one breath done before I thought about the current situation, but I don't have time for my heart to rest because the next thing I know, a girl is going to say hello.
And after saying goodbye every time, when they all spoke from themselves, they said, "What, who? Stop looking like that."
Almost certain is the presence of Kaji Yongsaki, but the standing position is irreplaceable and replaced with Shiichi Heaven and Earth. This is an unsuspecting fact.
Furthermore, so far, I have not been able to recognize this phenomenon other than mine.
I mean, everyone but me is rewriting their memories.
And I know this phenomenon. That's what happened in the karaoke box.
Memory manipulation that Sister Zamas turned into a tree with me. That would be the same in terms of being close to emotional manipulation but forcing others to twist their will.
That means the means are almost certainly determined by the connection.
Then the problem is the cause.
You don't have to think about the cause that created this situation. Nothing like that would be possible except heaven and earth itself.
But what's in it for you? Why heaven and earth want to replace me.
Benefits of a guy as perfect as him switching with me.
Morning news comes to mind.
"Deep feathers, did you want to marry Kurono?
There's nowhere else to think about.
But questions remain. If heaven and earth used connections to swap beings with me, why did you do that?
It is so much quicker to manipulate the emotions of the two of us when the fried feathers and Kurono like themselves without such hassle.
Because you thought it would stand out just to rewrite their memories?
No, whatever the shape, heaven and earth, fried feathers and Kurono were originally in the same group and the distance was close. You won't be suspicious of that even if you feel uncomfortable.
When I was thinking about it, the classroom door opened and I took a breath when I saw the person who came in.
It is a threesome of fried feathers, Kurono, and heaven and earth.
I never saw those three attending school at the same time until recently.
Oddly enough, we can also say that we have returned to our earliest sights.
When they come in, the whole classroom applauds.
"Congratulations, Johhohoho. I'm surprised the three of you are getting married."
"Because our grandfather is the strongest"
"Marriage is... embarrassing"
"Wow, you're gonna get married that year and inherit the Silver Family, right?
"Yeah, 'cause Darling said he wanted to try it."
"We are... watching behind..."
"You're my wife. JK Wife, doesn't that sound like something?
"I really liked Kaji ~. But I honestly want to congratulate you for not feeling taken at all right now for some reason ~"
Sister Zamas, who still talks reluctantly. What she's saying is shooting at the status quo.
I get up and get closer to the heavens and the earth I'm switching with.