Struggling Hard As The Lord Of A Castle In A Different World
Episode 152: The Morning I'm Back II
Even during the day, the dim basement offers chilling air and feels chilly.
When I open the lid of the coffin placed in the middle of the room marked Spiritual Animal Room, Laylan sleeps with a white face and hands together.
If you look at this only, it is still a corpse.
They undead species move very poorly during the time their body temperature drops in the morning, and are so bad that their sleeping ministers are not Orion's ratio.
Sleeping sounds like your brain is close to undead instincts. It bites and attacks you.
Therefore, when you wake up, it is a risk to your life.
"Hey, live."
It is a novel way to wake up every time.
No response at all. I think he's still a bad sleeper, but me and Raylan are tight when it comes to waking up, and waking up is ok and agreeable at all costs.
So I rub Raylan's cold tits for nothing.
It feels good like pudding chilled in the fridge and it feels limp.
Suddenly Raylan's eyes open up as he enjoys the soft feel.
That's why I'm scared of the way it happens.
The colour of the eyes is red and the light is creepy.
I thought they would attack me. Then I peeled off my fangs and attacked them.
From the side, it only looks like a diagram of a completely zombified heroine from a horror movie coming at me, but the truth is, Raylan doesn't bite.
As I hit my head and put my lips together, I hold this body down disappointingly and lick my lips around as it is.
I decided to think this was already being attacked by a scared panda, and the kiss took the liberty of judging by my own rule of no cane.
I'm letting it do what I want for a while, and my thoughts are awakening step by step, and my eyes are reddened.
"... what are you doing, you?
"You're pushing me down, you hear that?
"Don't get too close to a sleeping eagle."
"You told me to come and wake you up from myself, didn't you?
"Not in memory, sir"
"Are you okay, the synaptic stuff in your brain rots and ---"
"Shut up. Okay."
It bites the bumps and neck muscles to such an extent that they do not bleed.
"Hey, don't smoke. It's gonna be a mark."
When the neck muscle is sucked after a loud sound, red marks can be made.
This could mislead someone... No, you don't. You're just an asshole...... Bug bite? or something like that is going to be said in real life.
"Leave people scattered, you have no veto, sir. Shut up, you're getting sucked alive. All right."
Apparently, this act of sucking and licking the neck muscle has a big nickname for sucking the vibe.
I can't help it, so I give up on letting him like it for a while, and things make noises and Raylan startles his shoulders.
Looking out of the coffin, the Black Dragon Squad, her men and also Kyonsie, comes to the bedroom.
"The return of the king, our warm welcome. Now, Captain, you don't have to cry in the middle of the night, Gusgus."
That's what I said. A knife pierced the head of the Black Dragon crew with a skan and a small carved good sound.
"You don't have to say anything you don't want."
As Black Dragon operatives pulled the knife out of their heads, they turned toward the hot spring with a couscous and a women-specific grin.
It's an undead black joke.
"I'm not crying, sir. Why do I have to cry about you? Over-conscious, sir."
"I'm sorry. Stay away."
When I kissed Raylan's forehead with an apology, tears spilled out of her eyes.
"............... I'm not crying, sir. I'm not lonely, sir. But the next time you go anywhere on your own, I'll pull your brains out, sir."
"That's scary."
She is just a kissing demon and a crybaby johncy.
I finished waking up Raylan, who was strong, and now I enter Aerica's room in another compartment in the basement.
Raylan and Erica's guys, they often want to be in the same place you're not close to.
We even have theories that look like we're hanging out with each other and we're actually close.
Entering the room, there were scattered mountainous cords and cables, which were not very ordinary private rooms.
Aerica wakes up sitting there like a therapeutic chair in a dentist, connected to a lot of cords in the center of the room.
Are the arms and legs under maintenance, or are they removed from the body and only the torso part is in the form of lying down?
"Good morning. Excuse me for dressing like this."
"No, fine, 'cause I'm just going around saying hello in the morning"
"Really? I thought you'd been working sexually harassing threesomes all morning."
"I was watching!?
"It's a lie, I just camouflaged it"
Aerica was born in a country where machines called the floating continent Gallia were developed, and came down to the lower realm to know the magic that man possesses.
It was formerly another king's chariot, but when I realized it, it was the same chariot.
She was thoughtful, and in a time when she still had no company at all and couldn't make any money, I regretted being scattered around bragging about her by a rival guy named Dry.
Her looks don't match this fantastic otherworldly. It's a completely different mechanical armor than the Western-style armor widely distributed in this world, dressed like that fighting the bad guys on Sunday mornings, armed with gaddling cannons too and gear that makes me want to say you shouldn't use it in a sword and magic world.
You always seem to only see your mouth with a helm and have no emotions, but sometimes you laugh softly and cheeky, and then it gets really exciting.
When using the crystalline stone of thunder as a substitute for the core, she evaded the memories she had shorted and now seems to be moving in Safe Mode surrogacy, but there are signs that her original personality is showing demodulation, such as hanging out with Raylan.
"King, excuse me, I just have a few things to try, do you mind?
"Yeah, fine."
"Now...... System Startup. Boot up your personality program......"
When Aerika's head shakes wide with Gaku, Gaku, the bee and current occur around her neck.
What is this, not a rampage? and watch in cold sweat.
[Ga...... gaga...... pshoo]
There was some air or gas coming out and her head dripped.
"So, are you okay? I feel like I've been bugging you..."
"Saki... you"
I'm surprised at the way it's called.
"No way, Erica, originally"
Erica's head lifts up, but after a while, the bee and current flow again, and Erica shakes her head gushing.
"So, are you okay? I'm so scared."
"Dijoub, Dijoub, Dijoub, Dijoub, Dijoub"
"Scary, scary, scary, scary!
Something's bugging my audio! High voice!
After a while, we completely lose light. If you're anxious for a minute or so, did you restart it again? The light lights up.
"... main personality, confirm bugfix to sector 17 22. Continue in main personality is not possible Continue startup in safe mode. Start-up operations with up to the sixteenth sector as a subsystem"
After a different mechanical audio flow than Erica's, she turns to me after a while.
"Excuse me. I was checking the bugfix, but it was conflicting with some black boxes and I wasn't expecting any more recovery. I thought talking to the king would allow some new sector to be built, but before I could build the subcircuit, the load turned me off."
"Oh, really? I don't know what it is."
"The king doesn't care."
"Oh, really?
"Yes, so you may not want to, but enjoy sexual harassment in this state"
"Because I won't!
"Don't you? Are you still not interested in the body of the machine?
"No, not like that"
"The chest and uterus are biological units, so if you don't mind your arms, your legs, you'll enjoy the feeling."
"Stop calling people like they're petitioners for sexual harassment"
"And you touch it with a good touch"
"No, I wonder what it's like"
but naturally the chest I've touched is covered with hard armor so it can't be soft.
"Excuse me. Thoracic Armored Purge"
Bash sounded all the time, chest armor opened and I saw Erica's beautiful tits.
"Wait, raw isn't good! Hide it!"
"Yeah, because raw is probably going to get something rateable up"
"If so."
Now a perfect fabric like a bodysuit around your chest? Mysterious fibers cover the chest.
"Is this okay?
"No, I don't mind. Are you okay, Erica? Won't you be gooped when you get back to normal? If it's Erica's goopard, it's probably gonna blow your skull off, right?
"You'll be fine. She'll call it nozozozozozozozogar too...... pee......"
"Horrible, scary, scary! Don't bug me all of a sudden!
"Excuse me. Looks like you got caught up in a banned word."
"Really? I don't know."
Well, if Erica's going to be okay, don't hesitate to touch it.
Oh, it's so soft. When he's moved that there was such a part of Erica, Erica turns to herself as to whether she's been embarrassed. But I can't hide my chest because I don't have both hands, and I can't use my legs to escape.
"No more. The machine's thermal sensor has detected an abnormal overheating. We'll overheat any more."
"Uh, almost. Almost."
Momming Aerica's chest, irresistible as it is, smoke really started coming from around her helmet.
"Shit, Erica, there's smoke out there."
"Self repair is possible, so you can enjoy it as it is Kama Mama Mama Mama Mama...... Gar...... Pee...... Shu"
"Are you okay, Erica! Erica!?"
I think you've got more stories about one Aerica guy, and I'll leave her room behind.
They self-repair the heat-running circuit, and they're back in standby mode. I think you've done something wrong.
She said how to enhance the cooling fan, so she might be okay the next time she touches her tits. This neighborhood would also be the strength of the melting man's self-modification.
I'm talking about not touching it in the first place, but that's a consultation I can't do.
Walking in the basement as it is, little squid is walking around.
These are the Krakens who changed places from the fountain in the courtyard and started being kept underground.
"Oh Krakens, how are you?
Kraken sticks to Becca and me in the face.
"I can't take it..."
Pulling Kraken is about to, but if you are struggling badly and not at all, the other Krakens gather at your feet.
"Oh, no, no, no."
When the squid breaks my leg, Galiver says hello and keeps carrying me.
"Where are you going? Hey, hey?