Struggling Hard As The Lord Of A Castle In A Different World
Episode 200: Iron Chef X
Gourmet slowly closed his eyes when he finished eating all the miso soup and rice.
"Give me the grading. Chef Kaji, no, it's Trident. Your dish, mushroom miso soup..."
Tension runs on everyone. Even though the Marquis said he had eaten everything, perhaps the flavor would raise the armament to bald tells. Even if we can score high here, it doesn't make sense if we can't beat him.
The competitor, Balgetel, also listens with a wrinkle between his eyebrows.
"No good!!
I won by five points!
The bald tel I was watching beside raises a voice of amazement and anger.
"I can't believe that miso soup outweighs my cooking! You're scoring because it's detoxifying!
"Shut up!!
Gourmet opened his eyes with excitement.
"I know what it's like to be angry. If it's just about flavor, bald tells prevail. However, after eating Steel Dragon Descent Culinary Genesis, I felt painful so that my stomach could cling, not knowing why I wanted to eat a replacement. I can't eat all the evidence, and I've left a little behind."
Sure enough, the Marquis of Gourmet was throwing up back after eating bald tel dishes, just a little bit, but he's left to eat.
"Conversely, I could drink this miso soup and remember the taste of my mother, who is the origin of a deep nostalgia and her own dish. I wouldn't say that cooking is love. But this miso soup is the ultimate cup created for someone, as well as dishes in opposite positions with Steel Dragon Descent Culinary Genesis, which only pursues its flavour."
"No, no, no, no, no. Miso soup."
"And miso soup. But this miso soup can't be reproduced by the cook I hire, or perhaps even then. I don't deserve to say this as a culinary selector, but I can eat as many cups of that miso soup as I want, but I'm satisfied with one of those dishes. I can't even explain why."
"Don't be ridiculous! That's not why I'm convinced!
It was when the bald tel raised the blood vessels in his head and it was even more intense.
G-13 brought the leftover Steel Dragon Descent Culinary Genesis with his arm.
[Gourmet Marquis Ga, Why Kono Food Bekirena Kattaka Description Sulkotoga Dekimus]
"Is that true?
"Why can a robot explain something we can't explain?"
[Recently, the Way Uvoano Appraisal was carried out in the following areas: Attay Masitaga, Soleto Tong Ji Ingredient Ga, Kono Cuisine Kara Detection Salemacita. Solemo Normally wayUvoano about 1000 times or more no content Death]
"You mean you put a fucked up cup in it?
"If Waywouvoir were in there, I'd notice."
[Fear Lac, Way Uvoano Raw Tonal Things, Sonoma Mommy In Lettuce Swaremas]
"That means bald tells, you know what the raw materials of Waywovoor are!
When I point, the bald tells shake their heads big.
"And I don't know! I don't know anything about you!
You're telling me you don't know anything, and Sakuya and Karin hold his body because the bald tells are in a big hurry to escape.
"Get off me, you ungrateful sluts!
"You make me laugh."
"... I want to kill"
"Hey bald, what's with the Waywvore material?
"I told you I don't know!
I thought I was going to use some rough hands on the bald tells that cut Shira, and I was about to take my belt off and take my pants off and shove my ass right into his face.
Suddenly the sound of Zunzun and something huge approaching sounds in the woods.
Looking back, I wondered, where the right arm was damaged and the spark rose, and Zeno's Armor Knights, muddy everywhere on the body, appeared from the shade of the tree.
"Is he still on this island?"
Speaking of which, I thought smashing down the new Armor Nights that Toya supposedly took wouldn't tell you anything, but apparently he was in some kind of trouble.
Zeno's Armor Knights, in strange condition, pulled out a giant sword and suddenly came slashing towards us.
Armor Knights sent a rally of people to the Marquis of Gourmet.
When I am forced to pull the Marquis' body and cross the sword, the sword plunges heavily into the ground.
The recoil of the attack stops Armor Knights from raising the bee and spark from all over the joint.
Xeno instantly got off the cockpit and was slashed by the Gourmet Marquis with a huge axe in his charge.
"What the fuck, you!?
I break in between and get axed with black iron but the blow is too heavy.
"You evil bastard!!
"What are you talking about all of a sudden!?
"It's nothing! If I disturb you, I will kill you as an evil man!
Zeno is exaggerated and not in a situation where we can talk properly.
"Stop. Okay."
When his voice sounded and looked back, there was Raylan and Erica.
Erica is forced to strangle Zeno's body with wings and suppress it with force.
Apparently, these two are the ones who brought Zeno home.
When Aerica punches a sedative into Zeno's neck muscle, her powers fall out of her body, which was creeping her fangs out.
But I haven't lost consciousness, and I'm staring in angry eyes like I'm trying to kill this one.
"Explain to me what happened, both of you!?
"We have infiltrated a facility in the centre of the island, which is the exit point for the swamp transfer magic formation. Looking inside, the food processing center was a table, and the basement was a Waywovoer production plant run by the eyes of the evil man Ammon."
"Ammon's Eye!?
"Yeah, the factory was stamped with evil stamps, so you'll be sure."
"So you both saw the Waywvore manufacturing process?"
"Yes, the ingredients of Waywovoor were maggots hatched from Belzefly eggs and eggs. It's shredded, diluted and powdered into cans."
"There's a giant Belzebae in the factory, and it keeps laying eggs for now, the production line was ready, sir"
Wait, they do lay eggs on humans and creatures.
"Yes, they were laying eggs on slaves brought into the factory"
"After laying the eggs, the next slave will be taken on the machine, sir"
"You were purposefully removing the eggs you laid?
"No, sir."
"Crush it with a per-human press machine and mix it all up, sir. Mixing human blood with fly eggs is an unusual addiction that paralyzes the taste nerve and illuminates itself with a convenient flavor of the all-purpose condiment Way Uvoir, sir."
Everyone's face turns blue when they hear that story.
Humans who had eaten Waywvore at all when they heard the truth seemed to have gastric juices refluxing and were pale.
"Why is Zeno mad about that?"
"She was made a hauler."
"Cono woman, they thought I was carrying food to a food processing center, but what I was actually carrying was a slave for a nursery, sir. The slaves even cast the magic of the phantom so that it was okay for you to look inside carefully, sir."
"That means the Marquis of Gourmet was collecting slaves from all over the world..."
"To make Wayvoor material, sir."
What? I thought he was normal because he said something decent when he was cooking, but isn't a real psychopath?
I turn to the Marquis of Gourmet.
"And even if you don't know! I knew I was making Waywouvoir here, but I don't know anything about ingredients or Ammon!
"Give me an ugly excuse! My people were attacked by a fly in that factory and lost their lives!
Surely there had to have been two later around Zeno, a side on Armor Knights. To say I don't see him......
"Really! I don't know anything! All the plant management here was done by Bartley! Even if I just gathered them for the reason that slaves also need a Bartley!
The Gourmet Marquis looks at Bartley as he almost cries, but the figure of the said butler is not around him.
Finally, I can't even see the bald tells.
"Son of a bitch, you got away"
"I'll go after him!
By that time, Bartley and Balgetel were running towards the shore where the ship was located.
A creepy eyeball evil mark emerges hidden in Bartley's neck.
That was a sign that he was an evil man.
"Oh, because you put Belzebae eggs directly into the dish. If I had as much strength as you, I wouldn't have had to use fly eggs, hi."
"Shut up, you're going to make such a dumb bitch a hauler!
"I finally killed that meat samurai with poison and it's all pah when I say I could rule Iron Chef territory..."
"The man who killed hundreds of slaves for himself is the lord."
"What's wrong with food processing slaves (livestock)? Anyway, we have to run! If you find out that this plant, which is a financial resource, has been crushed, you will be solemnly sanctified by the" Pope, "Hi."
"I taught you how to make Waywovoor. I guess they won't even erase you!?
"You don't know that, hi"
When the two of them are running at their full strength, their feet suddenly get heavier and they stop moving at all as if they had been taken by a deep swamp.
"My legs... don't move"
"Hey, why?"
They said they would be able to reach the escape ship soon, but they were unable to move in the woods.
Looking around, the scenery suddenly changed and it turned into a rotten swamp that sank the Royal Bunnies.
I should have been on my way to the coast with all my might, but somehow I was unable to move in the middle of the swamp, and the two get confused.
"Hey, what's this!?
"Are you telling me you've been shown a phantom, hi"
Before the two werewolves, a man appears. The man in a mask on the robe looks down at the two as he floats in the hollow.
"And, priest! Forgive me, hi."
"Shouldn't I have anything to do with this!? I don't think you guys have anything to do with Amon!
The man in the robe answered nothing, and when he rattled his pussy and fingers, a large number of bodies emerged from the swamp.
All of them were made into fly nursery beds, and there is nothing that keeps the prototype decent.
And it came to pass, when the corpse, which had become swollen, was broken, that there was the figure of the belzebae, which had grown into an adult worm.
As Belzebae stretched out his threading feathers, he made an uncomfortable noise and feathered into the sky.
Immediately after peeling, the belly-up Belzebae, when assembled in the bartley, tries to scrape it off his head and eats it.
"Oh, no, no, no, no!
The bald tells fear when they see Bartley freshly eaten by beckveggies next door.
"I don't want to die! I'm going to live as a cook!
When the bald tells scream, the Berzebae, who was eating Bartley next door, flies off and disappears into the woods.
It was a bald tel that was relieved for a moment that humans were full on their own, but now two belly-bellied Belzebaes flew in, refraining from laying eggs.
When the fly finds a bald tel that can't move around in the swamp, one attaches to his back and the other sticks to his face.
"Stop, stop. Whoa! Oops."
Berzebae's red and black grotesque fallopian tubes are inserted into the bald tel's mouth and anus, and the flies lay their eggs in the rectum and stomach.
After laying the eggs, the flies free the bald tells, but the next fly assembles and lays the eggs on the bald tel's body.
The flies are swirling amicably through the sky until their turn comes to defend what Haguettel said before: "If you give birth in order, yes".
By the time all the flies had finished laying their eggs, the man in the robe had disappeared.
It wasn't until three hours after they escaped that we were able to confirm the bald tells, and even though we had sightings of them fleeing towards the coast, what we found was a spoiled swamp with cause.
The two are floating in the swamp looking miserable, Bartley is so crushed that he can't figure out the prototype, and the bald tel one seems to have been assembled and spawned on the belzebae, his abdomen is ruptured and his organs are pounding all around him.
It was a hell of a picture of massive maggots hatching that organ eating, a sight that made everyone want to turn away.
"We have confirmed Ammon's evil mark from Bartley's body."
Dee, who was examining the body, also looked pale, even nauseated.
"What about bald tells?
"No, he didn't find it. Speaking to the private soldiers of the Marquis of Gourmet coming to the island, Bartley seemed to have a strong grudge against the Marquis of Gourmet"
"Did you get into Ammon's eyes for revenge?
"I don't know until the background, but he knew Waywovoor was poisonous and seemed to give the Marquis of Gourmet a massive dose"
"Surely, if the Marquis of Gourmet knew the ingredients, he would never eat Waywouvoir. What about the factory?"
"We searched, but the officials who were at the factory already fled in the magic formation of the transfer. We seem to have destroyed the facility ourselves."
"... it's a good thing you've been able to crush the cult's sources of funding"
"Looks like the Marquis of Gourmet has decided to collect, destroy and inspect the Iron Chef territory and all Waywvores exported in the hospitals of the people"
"Well... I can eat delicious rice without relying on such magic powder."
"He himself will be admitted as soon as he returns to the territory."
"Right, what about Zeno?
"Looks like I saw Bartley and the bald tel bodies and decided to pull them up. That and the increase in export charges that the Marquis was making will be withdrawn, and they will continue to maintain their current rates."
"You're going to have a good report on that for the Marquis Romero."
"Anyway, we got what we came for, and we're gonna pull it up."
"Yeah, we're taking a small amount, but we're taking Wayweaver, so when we get back, we'll run tests and purifications."
Talking to Dee, Mykonid, a useful actor in this one, walks in with a chick.
It's poker face plenty anyway and I don't know what you're trying to say.
"You've taken care of me. It worked great."
That's what I say, stroke my umbrella and then say goodbye, but Mykonid follows a chick behind me.
"Mm... don't follow me"
When Chloe saw the sight, she held up Myconid with a smile on her face.
"Dad, can I take you home?
"If that's what our cooking minister says, fine."
I like mushroom dishes, too.
The Marquis of Gourmet then freed all the adventurers and nobles who had sent him forced labor, and publicly declared that he would not take all the charges he had used on the island.
Wicked people get caught, but for now, all the trouble could have been solved.
Next Iron Chef Edition Epilogue