Struggling Hard As The Lord Of A Castle In A Different World
Episode 253: Snow Mountain SOS Part II
When the young aristocrats kick us out and everyone runs into the cave, the wind doesn't come much either if we go wider and deeper than we thought.
But unlike the cottage, the ground is cold, and the walls are definitely freezing and cold.
I leave my luggage and collect dead trees and leaves rolling in the cave in one place.
"Saki, no! Sophie as well as Freya can be a cock dick and you can hit the nail with Sophie!
Orion is shaking Sophie around like a bat that doesn't make her so slight that she wants to say if she's rigid after death.
"I know, wait a minute!
When you set fire to the dead tree, a light orange flame lit up in the dim cave.
"All right, punch the solid fuel I brought to this... snow in the Orion pan"
Orion puts a lot of snow on the iron pan and sets it on fire.
I throw dried onions, spices, cold hardened solid bouillon and salted pork into a boiling pan, cut appropriately.
Put the soup in a glass where it's boiled and give it to the rattle-shaking Orions and rabbits.
"Wow... warm"
"... delicious... sounds a little crying"
"Saki, more"
The Orion guy drank a lot of gubbi.
"Taste some more"
"Delicious. You can be Chef Saki Iron."
"I can't do it because I can't serve dragons or anything with cooking"
After I left the soup, I gathered potatoes of emergency food from all of them, wrapped them all in dead leaves and set them on fire.
"Round roasted potatoes?
"Don't expect noble dishes from me. Warm yourself up with soup. Your tummy's jagged butter."
"That's good, that's great"
But the amount of dead leaves is low, and the firepower is a little weak.
"Hey, is Mr. Freia still frozen?
"Shall I get some hot water?
After a while, Sophie and Freia said, "When! Aren't you stupid!?" I heard a noisy voice. Apparently, it was forcibly defrosted.
Thanks to the revived Freya, the fire power was raised and the luxury of having Hokhok's potato butter in Snow Mountain was created.
"It's delicious. I thought it would be great to watch the snow scattering in this lovely lodge."
"What's a romantic atmosphere like eating potato butter?"
"Saki, let's cook rice in soup"
"You really can't come up with the devil's cooking."
"Wouldn't that be nice, the rice and cooking looks delicious"
After that, we even ate well into the rice cooking, and we were completely full and unwilling to move even though we were in distress.
"Oh, it feels good to be full..."
"Right... I'm getting sleepy after eating"
"It was frozen and stored earlier."
"I've made barricades out of blooms, cave entrances, and snow"
"Well done. Shit, it's gonna get better."
"The noblemen were staring at me from the window."
"Don't worry, this one's been kicked out. Nothing to do with them."
"I'm getting sleepy, too."
"I used a lot of strength. I'll save the fire. Go to sleep."
As Orion, Freia, Sophie and the rabbits overlap and fall asleep, I throw dead trees into a flaming fire.
I still have solid fuel, but I don't want to waste much. Because if the blizzard didn't stop, the worst thing I could think of was a second day here.
"Not enough trees... can we get some outside?"
I'll just break down the Orion snow barricade and go get the trees outside.
Find a suitable dead tree and spatter the branches with black iron.
"I slaughtered something boring again..." goemon said as he was messing around, a massive amount of snow on the dead tree hit me straight and buried me for a moment.
Not as cool as real.
I put my pants off from the snow and bring the branches back in the cold and trembling.
The cottage caught my eye for a moment on the way back to the cave.
No, Orion said the lady nobleman was looking through the window.
When I saw the cottage I was kicked out of remembering that, there was no shadow in the window.
Strangely, the lights are completely out. Normally the fireplace should be on fire.
Well, you slept with him, going back to the cave if you don't care about others.
I fold the branches I've taken and make them the right length, throwing them into the fire.
"Blah blah blah blah... oh cold"
You just got cold because you were buried in the snow.
The coat I was wearing is also completely wet.
You should take it off and dry it, but it's cold while you're taking it off. In time I decided to leave it to dry.
Then Kuri and Sakuya and Karin rose up behind me.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I wake you up?"
"... Wang, you look cold"
"You brought something to burn for us?
"Well. You can't digest fuel in one day."
"... so it's also the fire"
"You're so devoted that you don't think you're the king."
"Really? It would be pathetic if I let the others do it."
Sakya and Karin punched their cat-like eyes when they said so and looked at each other.
The two of you realize the coat I was wearing is wet, and you pull it off with a ghoul and take it off.
"... wet"
"King, it's a matter of pity that you don't come in every time."
"... yeah"
When they took off their coats and got half-naked themselves, they turned to this body perfectly and put their coats on top of it.
"... the right snowy mountain style"
"This is how you want your skin to match when you're in distress, isn't it?
"... Still Sam Sam"
Then the rabbits, who seemed asleep, get up, and when they are all shy and half naked with a helical laugh at Ehehe, they try to bury my body without gaps and fit their own bodies perfectly on their backs and knees.
I didn't mean to say such a virgin-like line, but Usa's body is soft and warm.
I ride on my lap, Bunny. When I touch your sister's rabbit ear, I squeeze my eyes like it tickles.
Then Sakya pokes her head out with her mouth X next door and strokes my cheek with her own rabbit ear.
"... jealous"
"Yes, rabbits seem to be sitting still, and they're just goosebumps and animals."
Karin is laughing at Couscous, so I stroke the ears of the two fluffies.
It feels really good to touch.
Bunny Girl keeps on the fire as she talks to the sisters of the Dragon Knights, who usually don't talk much, wondering if she'll just look like she's enjoying herself when she sees from the side.
"You've heard a lot of interesting stories. Actually, Karin's fat."
"Even if you're fat, it's all going to be fine because you're going to boobs."
"Karin likes sweet too much...... meat is meat...... luxury meat. When you get fat, you lose your jumping power."
"What, really?
"I'm not falling."
Karin, who is always Nico's face, pulls Sakya's cheeks against her as she rarely pulls them.
"... Yikes"
"Say colored meat. I don't care about body fat. You can't put up with a girl's sugar."
"I have no idea what I'm looking for."
I forget that I'm half-naked right now, and then I get my gaze on Karin's chest, and a big white double hill pops into my eyes and rushes off my gaze.
Then Karin laughed at Couscous and said, "Want some? I said" rabbit meat, "so I realize my cheeks have turned cuckoo red.
"Cute, King. You are."
"Don't make fun of me too much"
Turning next door to escape Karin, how about Sakya is mine? All I'm saying is, I make my own breasts look spared.
"Okay. I understand very well that your bodies are amazing."
So give me a break. "Da-me," the rabbits, including the two, say in a sweet voice, announcing their surrender.
Shit. A lot of sisters make fun of me. I feel like my brother.
The next day, I woke up with the sound of Tun in the morning.
The sound of the snowstorm has completely stopped and the light of the dazzling day is inserted through the entrance of the cave.
In front of him were the burning cusses of a dead tree that raised smoke and the appearance of Orion, Sophie and Freia with their jittery eyes.
"... why are all those rabbits naked?"
"Unclean! Unclean!
"You were sketching next to us."
"Unclean! Unclean!
"I didn't. My coat was wet, so while I was drying it out,"
"He said he was sketching."
"Unclean! Unclean!
Ugh, that idiot cleric.
I wonder what's wrong, half-naked Sakuya, Karin wakes up and makes a big stretch.
"Mm-hmm... Your body was warm."
Oh, this is Akan.
"Unclean! Unclean!
"Come on, I'm gonna leave you alone like this."
"Wait, don't you have breakfast?
"I'm coming!
"I'm determined to eat!
Where the hell are they?
With a bitter laugh, we had breakfast and left the cave.
I wondered what was going on with those stupid aristocrats for once, and I peered into the cottage through the window. Then we were both down and both Pickle was stuck.
"What's going on?
"He's dead inside."
"What do you want me to do, just take the golden-eyed one?
"First of all, are you alive or not? If you're weak even if you're alive, stab Todome."
"Don't call me a cleric."
We walked into the cottage and checked the nobles. Fortunately, they had breath. Orion tongues one tickle.
"That's a total frostbite. My hands are bright blue."
"Why didn't you use it when there was a fireplace?
When you think it's strange, a man or woman nobleman has trembling lips and vomits a grudge.
"Tomas, I can't believe you can't get one firewood."
"Ki, even you have so many ingredients, you couldn't cook a single dish..."
"I can't open one can properly. It's your fault."
"A servant would open a can. Even you don't know how to use canning."
"You die."
"You're bald."
Oh...... how ugly.
"Well, we're going because we seem friendly. Curse each other as much as you like."
"Ma, wait... please help me... I'll die like this"
"Oh, yes, the poor king. You have a duty to help us..."
I don't know. Let's go home.
"Wait, don't go! I don't care what happens to this man, even just me!
"Kid, you're dirty! Wait, my father is so great. Thank you!
"Thankfully, my dad's richer!
I saw the two men begging for their lives while desperately cursing each other, and the sigh leaked.
"What are we going to do?
"Let's make the right sori and carry it. I think I'm gonna get money from my father."
We made a simple sleigh and carried them to the foot, but they kept cursing at each other the whole time they were being carried. Snow Mountain was a horrible place to keep me cold until I fell in love.
By the way, thanks to bringing them back, we were able to get a massive amount of ice magic stones for free from their parents.
Snow Mountain SOS.
I'll take some time off because I can't write next time.