Struggling Hard As The Lord Of A Castle In A Different World
Episode 272: New
"I want to recover my confiscated belongings first. Let's head to the luxury cell building."
As Bostrol-style female guards put it, I found a room on the ground floor of a luxury cell building that was used as a warehouse.
Inside is a cluttered array of looted goods from the inhabitants, in which we discover our belongings.
"Ooh... it's a king's pawn on my smartphone... There's no black iron."
But it's huge that I could take this back.
Perhaps the weapon is somewhere else.
"Chris, how you doing over there?
"Uh, wait a minute"
I don't care, but the connected handcuffs make a charming noise, pulling each other's arms together, so it's pretty much out of the way.
"Hmm? What are you doing?
"Don't look at me right now."
It is the mood that makes me want to see it when they say so.
Instead, never stop. It's synonymous with absolutely do it.
When I looked at Chris, he was just changing his underwear and sticking his hand under his short skirt.
"Why are you looking so grand!
"No, I was wondering if you'd wear a man or a woman."
"It would be weird if you were wearing a man in this look! Just turn around!
Even if they say that, you'll see if there's a woman next door dressed in pants.
Chris quickly changes into black adult pants when he takes off his supply prisoner pants.
Probably chosen one of the new confiscated from the clothes store, and the matte black fabric looks good on her white skin.
"Ugh, why are you looking from start to finish..."
"But... Chris' body was excited and upbeat when he was being seen, and his unspeakable comfort ran all over his body."
"Don't wear weird monologues!
When Chris speaks up, the warehouse door is inadvertently opened and the patrolling guard raises a lantern and looks inside.
"That's crazy. I think I just heard something."
"That's not true. Temei works too much for cheap money."
There seem to be two guards, voices coming from behind.
"Right. But... shouldn't we sort it out better? This room is a mess."
"Tell the guards here. Then it's over when Temei tells you to do it."
"If you look, you'll find something."
"The golden-eyed ones are all out of the debulk."
"There's no way out of that, is there, Ketty? Prisoner snoring is the only thing that tastes good."
The guard just glanced inside the warehouse and left, bringing debulking and stupidity to work.
We were hiding our bodies in a pile of clothes, making sure the guards left before we got our heads out.
"Don't be too loud. This is enemy territory."
"Oh, sorry."
"And Debble seems unpopular."
"There's no way there's any hope for traitors. That's why they hire mercenaries to guard them."
"Those guys just came on a winning horse to suck some sweet juice, so they also said they had low morale..."
Collect my personal belongings and I leave the luxury cell building thinking of the map in Hex that Altair sent me.
"You're looking for an Armor Knights production plant, aren't you?
"Oh, look for the main production plant that does the assembly, not the one that makes the parts. I've got a few spots I've been staring at. I'll go there."
We look for the Armor Knights production plant with the guard's eyes peeled, but all the spots where we were staring were off.
Everything was a factory of scraps, screws, springs, armor, wheels and other fine parts.
I was lucky enough to get around in about an hour, but I couldn't find it in the end. But it doesn't make sense.
"It's not good. Maybe there's less than half an hour left to patrol the guards. Time to go back to jail."
"Damn, just getting my smartphone back is good enough..."
You want to see me tomorrow? But it's not always going to be this good tomorrow.
Even so, when we went back to the holding cell, I noticed a certain discomfort.
"Hmm...? Hey, Chris, what's in the basement of the holding cell?
"What, what is it? I heard there used to be an indoor training area."
"Is that wide?
"Yeah, there. This camp itself, because it is a facility that was originally remodeled from that used by the cadets. There's got to be nothing right now."
I tilted my neck when I saw a power unit with a magic stone of thunder, set aside beside the holding building.
There shouldn't have been a single electrical installation in the holding building, but I was wondering why such a large power generation unit would be here.
"... Chris, underground. Probably building something at that indoor training facility."
The Debles and the Knights of the Holy Cross know that Armor Knights production plants will be targeted.
Underground that is invisible if you naturally hide it. Moreover, buildings inhabited by living humans in thousands shall be placed on the ground.
If there was a factory under the holding building, it would be virtually impossible to destroy only the factory to a pinpoint with minimal human damage.
Being captured is not simply used as a labor force, but as a human shield without realizing it, so it is a plausible arrangement if you think carefully.
Me and Chris go down the basement of the holding cell, and old wooden doors and locks block right in front of us.
"I don't think it was this door..."
Next to Chris tilting his neck, I knock on the door with Concon to see how I feel.
"It's dense. This is metal, not wood."
It looks like a wooden door, but it's a disguise.
It is definitely seen as a thick metal door due to the sound.
I remove the spherical metal slime from my pocket to unlock the lock.
The metal slime seemed angry that it had been stuck in the keyhole in the locker, and even Teco had become a mess when he said it couldn't move.
"Chris, open your crotch a little"
"What? Wait a minute, no... all of a sudden..."
"Just hurry."
"Ki, sometimes you get very strong, don't you?... I don't hate that."
Chris spreads his legs half a step when told.
I plugged a spherical metal slime into her crotch.
Then, in an instant, the metal slime dissolved into a drool.
"Um come on!? You come on!? I know maiden heart!?
"Why is it that the guy who was a man until the other day is rapidly learning to be a woman?"
"You won't return my readiness and expectations!?
"Sheesh. I don't know what you're ready for, but if they find you here, you won't be stylish."
When I stuck the liquefied metal slime into the keyhole and turned it, the key came off as I made a sound with Kachan.
"This... what would you do if you were working inside?
"I'm fine. I'm probably not working at night because the sleeping prisoner notices me."
When we open the heavy metal door, the lights go out inside and it's dim. I didn't make a single sound as a sin, and there was no sign of people as expected.
When I turned on my smartphone light and looked inside, I breathed into the sight that jumped in front of me.
Finished Armor Nights alongside a slack in a high ceiling underground facility and a large crane for assembly. In a wheeled mobile staircase, a container with parts is arranged in a narrow position.
This seemed unmistakable at Armor Knights assembly plant.
I could confirm the location. But at the same time, it also turned out to be in an unattainable position.
To see how big this factory is, me and Chris decided to explore the darkness.
"It's dark...... floating light bulbs (lights)"
When Chris casts his magic, a blurry bright ball floats.
"Can you use magic?
"It's okay to have collar restrictions if it's about initial."
The lights do look easy and auto-track the operator, control the amount of light emitted and so on. I have the skill there, but it seems preliminary to Chris.
With that in mind, she looks at this one worryingly if there's been any mistake.
"Is it too bright?
"Right, maybe a little bright"
When Chris turned off the lights, he gripped in like a small, round bean. Then the gnawed and elongated stem stretches upwards from the gap between the fingers, and the bright white flower dripping from that stem blooms.
Three flowers bloom in ears like tin runs, and light leaks from each flower.
"What's that?
"It's a lantern flower called moonlight flower."
"No, how did you bloom that?
"Eh, I've enhanced the growth power of flowers. The seeds were in the warehouse earlier, using my personal effects."
Chris took out a small crate and when he opened inside he saw a lot of seeds in it.
"That's awesome... You can do anything."
"You're blessed with these talents... Because I like flowers...... Even if it's a play prop."
The second half of the voice was too small to hear, but Chris says something that includes.
I was concerned that her expression, illuminated by moonlight flowers, was just a little sad.
I'm handcuffed, and I hold your hand, and Chris' cheek just bares a little.
"You're really sweet."
"I'm nice to beauties. Super sweet for super beauties"
"I'm sure you're nice to everyone."
It's a buyout.
Explore the factory with both hands together.
I decided to shoot Pasha Pasha and the factory with my smartphone camera to keep a record.
When I'm obsessed with shooting, Chris pulls my hand.
"Hey, that's it, isn't it?
If you look at the tip she points at, you can see two human-shaped fuselages there that are distinctly different from the rest of the fuselage.
Would the size be one turn larger than the average Armor Knights, about eight or nine meters?
The coloring was white and black, and I knew immediately what the hell both fuselages were inspired by.
"Angels and Reapers..."
Holy Knight-style Angel-shaped Armor Knights with white feathers and Reaper-shaped Armor Knights with black feathers and huge sickles on their faces.
These two planes emit distinctly different colors than the others. Both machines are connected to countless pipes, and some parts have been removed.
Probably won't move out in this state.
"Hey, hey, could this be..."
"Oh no doubt...... it's a new one. This factory wasn't just assembled, it was even developed..."
As we approach the two new models, there is a console foundation nearby for control, with several files lined up on top of it.
I take one of them and turn to pieces.
Apparently, it's a development material, with information on the fuselage, including the developer's running and writing.
It has a magic arithmetic device (ether logic generator) on the base spec of the fuselage, which is many times more powerful than conventional armor nights, but the frame is hardmetal reinforced (hard-metallized) and even withstands the braces of the dragon, which is detailed by crossing figures with the graph, but the content is too difficult to fully understand.
I barely figured out...
"Replica plan...... Unlike the battery-shaped Armor Knights made as a copy of the lower angels, the tester (prototype) was made with the aim of making a complete copy of the Angel (Seraph) class Archangel used by the Kurt tribe. Implement the Holy Spirit Fusion Organisation (Spirit Core) as an alternative to Angel Core. Begin operational testing of current development number 004 Metatron and 005 Tanatos at Hex Underground Plant… Duke Sparda Replica, who still hits Unit 1, completes combat testing at Hex and is currently moving to Third Phase"
"No way, he knocked Hex off."
"Apparently these brothers..."
I see an angel-shaped metatron, a reaper shaped tanatos.
There are two planes lined up right now that are powerful enough to take down Hex.
This isn't a joke. It discourages dry laughter from leaking.
"I don't know why there are too many horizontal characters, but it seems to be 80% complete on both planes"
"Then you're still not moving."
"No, he's not moving yet..." He's moving now. "
A cold sweat flows down Chris' cheek understanding the meaning of the word.
"After core stability and all the other fine adjustments, these two planes will come out into battle...... Then there will be an even better Armor Knights based on these guys' data."
"... destroy, have to"
"Oh, I can't right now, though. Always think of something."
We don't even have the power to destroy the old Armor Knights here.
Anyway, we have to hold the crime scene.
I photograph the material and the hangar from one end with a smartphone camera and put it on the record.
I don't have time, I expect a new weakness to be listed in this dossier anyway.
And in the meantime, Chris really looked at two new planes.
"If you can't break it, what about taking it?
My hands stopped taking pictures and Chris and I looked at each other.
"You... genius."
I immediately find the items in the pilot's manual and take photographs from the development materials.
That's right, you just have to take it away after it's done.