"I thought I'd introduce my grandson, Adan, at the dinner table. For now, do you mean a trial period of about three days?

"Mmm, no problem."

"It's okay."

I hadn't heard about the trial period, but I guess it's important to the Iglesio family, where tutors have run away so far. If you were paying for something to escape, it wouldn't be enough.

"We have a room upstairs. Hey, can you show me around?

"Yes, of course."

When Grandpa Kent spoke, the maid came from behind us without making a sound.

"Now I will show you to your room. This will be a room for two. May I?

"Yes, thank you."

The room I was shown was a decent one with two beds. For this, it was probably caused by bringing furniture for two people into a single room. The bed is subtle compared to the dream bed I made, but it was more comfortable than the bed I slept in this other world.

In the meantime, I shall give it all to Urania now. This time, it's essential that we D-rank adventurers break your nose column. To that end, I, the wizard, as well as Urania, will be given the art of fighting magic. All of a sudden I don't think there's anything I can do about it at the dinner table, but if I'm ready, what a treat.

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After all the support, I was called to dinner, so I decided to make a move. I created a new garment in [Dream Creativity]. The skirt is still resistant, so I made it a dark blue pants-style dress. Urania seems to have a dress for herself and is a bright blue piece type, well suited to a lovely Urania.

"Well, that's an adorable dress! Shameless adorability in the name of" Fairies. "

When we showed up in the dining room, she stood up with a bare gesture that Lady Fiona said was unexpected and praised me with both hands together. That tension makes me and Urania embarrassed and blush.

"My grandmother doesn't have eyes for cute things. Ho, we can't just leave our customers standing, can we?

"Oh, I'm sorry. Hey. Sit down. Sit down. Can I get you a drink with grape juice? Wine? No. Hey, wine grows up. Oh? Were you already an adult? Um, still not?

"Uh, ha. Juice is fine."

The Fiona woman running around not listening to people really feels like a grandmother to her relatives. Look, the grandson in front of you is musty, huh? Girl?

"Have you gone for a drink? So, before we toast, I thought I'd go introduce you. This is Lily and Urania, D-rank adventurers. And this is our grandson Adam."

That's what Grandpa Kent introduced me to was a girl, no matter what I thought. White hair, healthy tanned skin. The garment feels like an active courtesan if it's just a white one-piece dress and appearance, but that look smashes everything up.

Until earlier, he looked musty and grumpy, but the moment the grape juice, which was a drink, arrived, his expression was distorted. Obviously, with the expression "I came up with something," he's nibbling.

"So here's to a new encounter, cheers"

"" Cheers ""

Yes, the moment the glass was raised and the voice other than that of the girl was aligned, the girl moved and sprinkled the contents of the glass in her hand towards Urania.

"Ha, D-rank adventurer huh? There's nothing I can teach such a mutt! Get wet and get out of here!

Apparently, we need an education fast. Don't even confirm the decrease in front of you, it's painful the other way around to have your chest stretched like you won.

"Ha, she's a fine grandson."

"Mmm, reminds me of my brother"

"What can I afford..."?

Mr. Adan, Toto, Adan is finally looking at the table and confused. Adan's sprinkled grape juice is all floating in the air before it hits Urania to make a purple water polo. Naturally, I'm not sprinkled on the table, but I slowly drink out my glass of grape juice and then move that purple water polo onto the glass to release the magic.

Along with the sound of a pussy, the water polo returns to its original juice and fits nicely in the glass. I realized what I was going to do from the look on my face, and I prepared the magic of "Levitation". I had given Urania a magical ring with a "barrier" so I wouldn't have to do anything to prevent it, but I thought I wouldn't have to bother exposing my hand when I was around and there was no urgency, and this time I magically prevented it.

"Mm-hmm. That's delicious. Don't be such a waste, Adam. Take your time and taste it."

That's what I said, "Levitation" again on the grape juice I put in my glass and fly it to Adan's glass.

She didn't mind the first trick swinging empty, then quietly proceeded with the meal and quickly went to her room. Well, it would be good as a first contact.

"I'm sorry. Please listen to us properly."

"Was it more than I expected? But it's okay, I'll do something about it."

He said he would listen to his father, the lion's wise man, but he would hardly listen to Grandpa Kent, who did not inherit the wise man.

"I mean, you were a girl."

"What, I didn't know"

"No, your name is…"

"Yeah, that's right."

Generations of lion sages have been served by men. In a long history there were also candidates for female wise men, but none of them could be wise men. But a four generation old lion sage gave his daughter the name of a man. Although the person who became the grandmother to Grandpa Kent was a woman, he successfully assumed the position of a wise man and demonstrated his talent. Ever since then, the Iglesio family has started naming men whether they are girls or not.

"So, what do you say?

"It's a cute thing if that's about it. It's okay. The question is, can we face each other again after tomorrow? I think they hated me."

Well, if that looks like it, starting tomorrow, you'll stick around on your own. Let's get rid of it first and let's get this one admitted.