Succubus-san’s Life in Another World

Weekend Training Part III

"Dear Joaquin, please restrain me! Master Leaf, restrain him!


"Leave it to me!

Mahala flies the instructions from behind, and Joaquin and Reef release the magic according to it. It appears that Mahala has determined that the magic they unleash is not decisive. Joaquin's unleashed "bind" hooks Gloru's rear leg, a big wolf demon. That's how the Leaf's unleashed "Flame Arrow" hits Gloru's nose and snatches his sight.

"Dear Magnus!


"" "Wind Slash"! "

Don't miss that gap, Magnus and Mahala simultaneously unleash the attack magic of the wind attribute, "Windslash". The magic that generates the blade of air succeeds in attacking Gloru's neck, although the aim was slightly there, and in defeating that giant.


"I knocked him down!

"Oh, no!

Magnus and Joaquin took them down! and joy, running over to that giant without even hearing Mahala's stillness. I thought we had a solid collaboration. I'm not going to be able to get a passing score yet.

It moves and bites to jump up its giant, as if Magnus and Joaquin had foreseen reaching out to touch its body.



"" Impact "

Like a Vine Viper, it's no problem if you're a demon that's bitten but if you're bitten by a big demon like Glow, the vulnerable die quickly, so you bounce off Glow's body, which has been bitten by the magic that generates the shock.

"Didn't you hear Mahala's advice? Don't be alarmed if you intend to take them down."

"I can't believe you're alive with that wound..."

Don't take a sweet look at the demon's health. Even if they were fatally wounded, they would attack as long as only one piece of life remained. Like a wolf who raised some princess, she has a life force that is not alarming enough that even if it were only her neck, it might strike.

This is natural common sense if you are an adventurer with some strength. Adventurers, especially those diving into the dungeons, are described by guilds and senior adventurers when ranking up. In my case, I have received instruction from Urania. There was a "Gail Viper" raid shortly afterwards that left me all kinds of jealous, but then there was a roper fight, which I remember well in my brain.

With such boring things, I don't want you to feel like your life is in danger, but if you experience it as a practical experience, you will become cautious in the future. Nevertheless, should this place be complimented and followed up?

"Let's make use of reflection in the future. The collaboration before that was good. Mr. Mahala has worked hard to give you precise instructions."

"Oh, no... I am"

"Master Joaquin and Master Leaf were also effective uses of witchcraft. Sorcerers often suffer from a lack of power, but can make up for it by ingenuity. Remember that very well. Master Magnus is a little sweet on magic control, isn't he? The aim is incredible, so a little more control will be enough."

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Then continue your walk in the woods using the full morning. One swarm of vine vipers in two Glolu. Defeated 3 Goblins. Joaquin, it looks like we're getting a hunting flow of stopping at Reef's Mage Combination, Magnus, and Mahala's Wizard Combination doing damage, and then confirming life and death with Joaquin's magic.

Joaquin is the confirmer of life and death because he can use lightning attribute magic. It is by passing electricity that the muscles are forced to contract to confirm life activity in subsequent reactions. It can be said that it is a good means of minimizing damage to demonic materials as well, as it only gives a faint amount of electricity.

By the way, when me and Urania were hunting, they were checked for safety by Urania's sense of smell. The monster, who was always cautioned by the fact that he was dead, was dealt with by freezing him with "freeze" and then entering [dream storage]. Frozen is one of the best ways to do this.

"It's time for lunch. Shall we return once we have finished processing this Warcraft?"

"" "" Yes "" "

Finishing processing the fire-breathing cow-shaped warcraft called High Sku, my last prey, I speak to the faces of Squad C. Hisku has an organ in one of the four stomachs that uses oily burning secretions instead of digestive fluids called flame bags. The taste is just as spicy as the tongue burns, but it is also a dish with many enthusiasts.

Naturally, it is a warcraft that struggles to defeat even a giant like a cow, but it is not a troublesome noise because it blows even more to the fire. Only this crusade of warcraft gave me a hand in the boulder. Grant everyone a "barrier" to prevent flames, and Joaquin and Leaf manage to restrain their mouths with a "bind". After Magnus and Mahala attacked his legs and blunted his movements, he managed to knock them off with Joaquin's full "Thunder".

By the way, livestock coos don't throw up fire, so I can safely raise them even if they're not magicians or magicians.

As I finished the treatment and put the meat in everyone's storage bag, I heard a loud noise coming from the back of the woods.

"What is it? What's the sound now?

"What are you..."

"…… that's the magic prop I gave you. Everyone to the rendezvous point at once!

That sound is the sound of a magic device that informs me of distress signals made by me. I can see the smoke and light from a distance. And that color is... Squad A, that is, where Urania is.

"What about Master Lily!?

"I'm going over there!

That demon prop was honestly meant to be insured. I thought even if it was used, it would be Squad B. Squad A has all the strength, and if there's any chance, that's the suspicious level of strength that Urania can win with me if she lifts the ban on anything but magical combat. A squad like that can fly through the sky with their teeth biting at the status quo that they are asking for help.

"Urania, please stay safe!