Summon a small skeleton at the start

Chapter 263 Repression (seeking subscription)

Jiangnan University, Great Hall.

Hao Renyi, who had just said that he was not free, landed in the auditorium in a few minutes.

Lu Wu glanced at Hao Renyi in Tie Xiong's hand and nodded.

"I said no, my body was honest, just a little embarrassed.

Tie Lao, let others sort out."

"it is good!"

Tie Xiong got a little head and threw Hao Renyi to the ground.

Hao Renyi got up from the ground: "Student Lu Wu, listen to me explain me..."

"You don't have to rush to quibble now. What I want to talk to you about now is your thirteen projects.

Immediately, ask your low-ranking person to send me the information about the thirteen items."

Lu is extremely strong.

Hao Renyi couldn't do anything about it. He looked at Tie Xiong next to him, and he could only touch his nose to call and ask his people to send the 13 project materials.

They were all in school, and Hao Renyi had actually prepared these materials in advance.

So the speed is quite fast.

In less than ten minutes, all 13 project materials were sent over.

Hao Renyi was not awesome at this time, let alone arrogant, and sent the information respectfully: "Student Lu Wu, this is the information for the thirteen projects."


"What!" Hao Renyi was taken aback, but immediately reacted: "Okay, I'll read it!"

This guy opened these materials and started reading from the general outline one by one.

There are research directions for each project. Research is time, people involved in the research, resources consumed, and final results.

"Thirteen projects, with 76 people invested in total, 7.52 million points of funds, and a total of five years, 9 successful and 3 failed, and one is still under study.

Of the nine successful results, three have reached cooperation with related companies and will withdraw from the market within three years at the latest, and the R&D costs invested will be gradually recovered."

How Hao Renyi managed to be the dean of academic affairs.

People can't do other things. This kind of face-saving project can still be done, at least it makes it look like that.

The low-level students couldn't hear anything wrong at all, and Lu Wu applauded for the first time.

"It's not bad, I can do this in just one day, it's good, continue!"

"carry on?"

Hao Renyi's face changed.

"Yes, just continue, what you just read is your result, what I want to listen to now is the process.

Read your research journal."

"Student Lu Wu, this is not appropriate. This is related to the confidentiality of the research project..."

"Read!" Lu Wu had no expression on his face.

Hao Renyi trembled, only to find a research diary and read it.

I have to say that although Hao Renyi's predecessors were not prepared as expected, they did quite well, and the research log also made corresponding preparations.

The log he read out sounded like that.

At least it's okay to fool the students below, but it's useless to Lu Wu's side.

Since he started to read the diary, Lu didn't pass one question after another.

In less than five minutes, with seven questions ranging from material prices to specific operations, from experimental results to experimental procedures, Lu Wu directly asked Hao Renyi to collapse.

And under Lu Wu's question.

Even the following students from Pure Summoner Xiang can see the problem with Zhao Renyi's research log.

This so-called research log is fake at all, and it can't even compete with the research project.

It stands to reason that Lu Wu should stop this meeting.

But he didn't, he wanted Hao Renyi to read it from beginning to end.

How can Hao Renyi do it?

After only ten minutes of reading, after realizing that it is absolutely impossible to fool the past, even the fool knew he was making a fake, Hao Renyi stopped.

"Read it, keep reading? Why can't it go on?

OK, since I can't read it anymore, let's start the next topic. Where did you spend these points?"

Lu Wubu pressed tightly, and forced Hao Renyi to the corner.

At this time, Hao Renyi already understood Lu Wu's determination to engage in his own.

As a result, Hao Renyi lowered his head, and his face became grim when he bit his teeth.

"Well, I admit that these thirteen projects are not really developed at all, they are just the names we used to ask the student union for money.

I report, I report, one of the teachers on Lu Wu's classmates list counts as one. All of their research projects are fake. Those are the names they ask for money from the Student Union."

Hao Renyi's words are no longer surprising, but what is surprising is his next words.

"But we also have difficulties.

We are also compelled. Jiangnan University’s finances are becoming increasingly tight, teachers’ salaries and R&D funding are owed every year, and our days are almost too much to go on.

After all, those of us who are the fathers and sons of others, we also have our own families.

In order to live, we will make this bad decision."

As soon as Hao Renyi said this, the students present felt that their three views had been refreshed.

Lu Wu was also extremely distressed.

"It's not easy. Director Hao is really not easy. My Jiangnan University tens of thousands of students have treated Director Hao badly, so you can only embezzle ten million points.

It's me, Jiangnan student, sorry for you!"

Hao Renyi doesn't care about this, he is now ready to break the jar.

He couldn't run anyway, and he couldn't get rid of it.

The only solution now is to activate his killer.

"Dear students, I, Hao Renyi, know that I'm sorry for what I did, and I'm sorry for you. From today onwards, Hao Renyi will resign from the post of dean of Jiangnan University."

"And I!"

"And I!"

As Hao Renyi's words fell, one by one loudly and vigorously, "and me" rang.

At the same time, the door of the auditorium was pushed open, and the teachers walked in arrogantly.

This row, one by one.

After hundreds of teachers came to the stage at the same time, they all came behind Hao Renyi, with firm will and spirit, and said in unison: "We are willing to quit our job at Jiangnan University, and we hope Governor Lu Wushao will do it all."

Listen to what people say, look at this row of people.

Those who know, know that they are the corrupt criminals who come to confess their sins, but those who don't know think that they are here to die and sacrifice for their ideals.

And this is Hao Renyi's killer.

Since you Lu Wu is shameless, it is not certain who Hao Renyi got it tomorrow.

In this case, their entire interest group doesn't need Lu Wudi, they all stand up by themselves.

Directly give Lu Wulai an anti-customer-oriented approach.

"Young Governor, we all ask you to resign, and if you agree or not, I will give you a happy message.

Remember, it is all, all of us are one."

Hao Renyi was also directly arrogant.

He felt that he was qualified to be arrogant, because he knew Lu Wu dare to take them.

With them, Jiangnan University doesn't have to wait until next year's ranking, and it will have to be closed tomorrow.

Lu Wu absolutely dare not do anything to them.

Now Lu Wu can only regress, and if Lu Wu wants to regress, they can further persecute Lu Wu and make it reasonable and legal for Lu Wu to admit that the money they took away is what they deserve.

As long as Lu Wu admits it, even if the matter is over, Lu Wu can no longer pursue them in the future.

As for future matters, isn't Jiangbei contacting them?

Refuge in Jiangbei, what can Lu Wu do to them?

With the overall plan in his heart, Hao Renyi came back unscrupulously: "Young Governor, how can I agree to disagree..."


Hao Renyi didn't finish speaking, Lu Wuyi slapped his face, and the crisp applause sounded through the auditorium.

Hao Renyi's face was dumbfounded by the fight, and he didn't expect Lu Wu to be fierce at this time.

The students in the audience were also excited.

On Lu Wu's side, after giving a slap, he ignored Hao Renyi and turned his head to look at the classmates in the audience.

"Yesterday, just yesterday Hao Renyi said something to me. He said that I was fooling around and that I was ruining Jiangnan University.

I didn't respond at the time. Now that's what I said, I will give him and everyone a response."

"I just want to ruin Jiangnan University!"

"I just want to destroy Jiangnan University, which is parasitized by rancid parasites.

Look at this group of people on stage, no, it's this group of parasites.

Looking at this group of parasites greedily sucking the blood of Jiangnan University, don’t you still understand why Jiangnan University is weak every year?

Not because we, as students, do not work hard, nor because of the pressure of external powerful enemies, but because of them!"

"You said, do you want to keep them and live with this group of parasites, or do you want to cut them off with a knife, destroy this rotten school and rebuild a new Jiangnan University?"

"answer me!"

With Lu Wu raised his arms.

In the auditorium, the heart of every student was beating violently, and his blood boiled subconsciously, raising his arm and shouting: "Cut them off!"

"Cut them off!"


The deafening roar resounded again, and the will of the whole school was gathered together, and they answered instead of Lu Wu.

And this answer changed the expressions of Hao Renyi and others who had never expected it.

At this time, Lu Wuze walked towards Hao Renyi and others amidst cheers.

"Unfortunately, your application for resignation was not approved."

This remark made Hao Renyi and the others a short joy, but they soon fell into a deeper despair.

"You are suspected of embezzlement and embezzlement of public funds and other crimes. Since you have confessed yourself, then from now on, you have been arrested."

While Lu Wu spoke, Tie Lao started to work.

A terrifying aura suppressed, directly squeezing all the hundreds of people down.

Under Tie Lao's pressure, this group of people had no way to resist. The only thing they could do was to beg Lu Wu for mercy or threaten Lu Wu.

Hao Zhijian chose the latter.

"Lu Wu, you will regret it, you will regret it, your current behavior will ruin Jiangnan University."

"Will I regret it? I don't know, but you will!

As for whether Jiangnan University will be destroyed, let us wait and see!"