Summoning at Random

Episode 100: Epilogue

"Protect the order of the world, administrator of three pillars.

Now it is time for us to be rare.

Give me your help. "

A magical formation was painted on the corner of the garden of the Black Rose Mansion, a mansion secluded in the vicinity of the Holy Henri capital, Unlinia.

On that circumference are four women standing and praying.

Holy bow brave Oraine, the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon Clan Miliers, the Virgin Ferrina, and the Wicked Witch Tena.

It's the difference in direction that makes all four women look beautiful.

The positions and the races were fragmented, but they had one thing in common, and thus they now came to a certain ritual, uniting their hearts.

"Open the door to the land of the other kingdoms,

Invite those who once walked with us to this land once and for all. "

What they are chanting is a summoning magic chant.

It also acts only for certain purposes which have no versatility whatsoever.

It was a promise of assured success, thanks to a covenant that interacted directly with the three pillar divine tribes sitting ahead of prayer.

Still, desperately caging their wishes would be something they couldn't possibly do, especially given the mood of the blonde woman at the centre.

Dazzling light emanates from the magic formation according to the chant, and vast amounts of power are concentrated in the center, distorting the space.

"─ Please come back, Mr. Rage!

A witch who has grown from a girl to a woman after two years of adventure together cries out with a cage of thoughts of the universe.

As I echoed that voice, a young man appeared at the heart of the magic formation.

◆ ◆ ◆

"Three years...... no, I just want two years to wait"

After the final showdown, that was the first word Ling Ji said, questioned by the evil god who promised to fulfill his wishes.

The person he is complaining about with a serious face is certainly not some evil god.

Hands on both shoulders of Tena, the blonde girl who was letting each other through her heart, he solicits his thoughts.

"Two years, is it?

Tena questioned him as he blushed just a little bit because he was staring at each other up close.

"I was going back to my old world.

No, that in itself hasn't changed now.

Because all of a sudden I've been summoned by this world to throw everything at me.

We can't just not go back like this. "

"Yes, right..."

Ling Ji has survived numerous adventures with the goal of returning to the original world.

Tena, who spent most of that itinerary with him, also knows that as a matter of course.

But she was gradually getting close and not wanting him to go home, and there was undeniably a part of her that she had hoped for it.

Knowing that the wish would not come true, Tena leaned down lonely.



In the words that followed, the girl leaned down to her surprise and turned her eyes toward him.

"Tena, I want to be with you.

So...... so I come back to the original world once to clean up all sorts of things.

And when I come back to this world again, I want you to live with me. "

"Oh, is that...?"

To a word also equal to the proposal, Tena tided her face with her hands together in front of her chest.

But there is one person who doesn't have good feelings for those two worlds.

It's Henri, the masked woman, the lord of Tena, not to mention.

"Admit it.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

"Hi, Henri.

This is a good place, so let's not interrupt. "

It was Henri who tried to crack it and come in, but he was held down on his mouth from behind.

What stopped her was Aurain, a woman with thin purple hair, brave.

She was thinking of Ling Ji just like Tena, but she doesn't seem willing to let the two of us get in the way.

The seized Henri turns the grievance to her.

Originally, Henri cooked her own servants by making them aware of Oraine's feelings for Ling Ji.

Henri was dissatisfied with the fact that she was acting as if she would acknowledge the relationship between them.

"Is that okay with you?

What do you think I was rooting for? "

"Even I haven't given up completely yet.

But I'll be patient now.

I'm sorry, but in order for Mr. Rage to be in the world we live in,

'Cause I think we need Mr. Tena's presence. "


Even while the two women said it was there, Ling Ji and Tena had made two worlds to gaze at each other, but there a voice could be hung from the side.

He meditated his eyes on the god with the cross spear and decided not to look at Henri's accidental gut pose.

"I heard from you earlier, and it sounds like you're about to go back to that world again after you get back to the original world.

You can't admit you're free to come and go between two worlds on a boulder, can you?

That would be even the three pillars. "

"Chip, well, you're right"

"Of course."

"Our demands are non-interference in this world.

Connecting the two worlds is out of the question. "

It was the evil god who made the inquiry in the first place who put in the cross spear.

The caretakers also have to snort at his remarks.

Amber and the others decided to defy the Evil Gods in order to prevent them from intervening in the world in any more interesting halves.

Given that, there can be no acknowledgment, such as allowing two worlds to come and go freely.

"Oh, no..."

"If I can do that, I'd appreciate it most, but I also know that I can't do that on a boulder.

But instead of coming and going freely, I want you to put me back in the original world once here.

Wouldn't it be possible if you put aside time and then asked me to summon you again?

"Well, then there's nothing I can't do.

In that case, you wouldn't be willing to ask me if I said I wanted to go back to the original world after the re-summons?

"... I don't mind"

"Hmm, well, no.

I don't mind if I do... Yeah, but am I talking about not getting involved in that world?

If you need to renegotiate with them about the subpoena. "

The evil god, who nodded indifferently at Ling Ji, who expressed his determination, turned his water to the administrators.

When Ling Ji looks at the three pillars so that they are fished by it, they nod and return.

"Well, that's okay.

I owe you one. "

"I don't mind either.

We asked for every favor, and that's about it. "

"I don't like it. I'm not giving you a tena."

"─ What, oi!

Correction, only two of the three pillars nodded.

Henri of the Divine Family also cares about Tena, who is a squire, just like Henri of the People, and he is swollen wondering if he would do it to his daughter-in-law or something like that.

Amber accidentally puts a scratch on her reaction not to read her air.

"Ha, even if you turn the other way around, it's two-on-one.

By majority, I will grant his re-summons. "


Henri was still unconvinced, but Sophia and Amber seemed to manage to talk about it by suppressing it.

I was wondering what would happen to Ling Ji for a while, but he relieves himself and turns to Tena.

"Like I said, I'm gonna clean up a lot in two years.

So why don't you do a summons ritual and call it back in two years "

"Yes! Be sure!

At Ling Ji's request, Tena nodded without a word or two.

The expression is full of a hint of loneliness and the expectation of seeing someone more important than that again.

Ling Ji, with a slightly lit face on her dazzling smile, turned to the three companions standing behind her.

"Nice to meet you too, Mr. O'Raine, Miliers and Feelina"

"Yes, I did accept"

"It depends on His Majesty's life... well, that one won't refuse either"

"I remember the ritual of summoning the brave, and I can assist.

Rest assured. "


Reiji once again turns to Tena, reaffirming his bond with his companions who have survived the adventure together.

"Bye, Tena.

I'll stop saying goodbye.

I'll see you in two years. "

"Yeah, I'll see you around. Two years later."

Thus, Ling Ji was sent back to the original world by the power of the Evil God.

"Two years hey...... in which world (...) two years"

No disturbing whining of the evil gods reached the ears of those who would drop him off.

◆ ◆ ◆

Standing in the middle of the magic formation at the same time the light went out was undoubtedly the opponent who was causing his thoughts to be solicited for as long as two years.

Its appearance has hardly changed since it returned to its original world.

Tena accidentally rushed over to him and hugged him to the joy of reunion.

"Mr. Rage! Great, see you again...... see you again!

"Wop!? te, tena?

Duh, why... "


I knew he'd be happy to reunite, but he's got some confused look on his face.

I wondered if I'd lost my feelings for myself while I spent two years in the original world, an anxious tena, but I solidified with my mouth open unexpectedly to the unexpected words that followed.

"Why did you call me back in only six months (...)?

"Yes!? is, six months?

Tena panics to Ling Ji's appearance of simply questioning her rather than blaming her.

Under those two, other women who were involved in the ritual approached.

"Um, Mr. Rage?

It's certainly been two years since then... "

"Mr. Orlaine?

No, only six months... "

The longtime reunion also remained halfway, confused by a non-meshing conversation they were, but the sight of the person in front of them caught my eye.

The tenors haven't changed that much after two years.

Ling Ji grew from a girl to an attractive woman, even though it had only been six months.

And then, to the feeling of two swells that have grown even more than before that are hitting by being embraced.

I noticed things faintly. They sweat cold.

"" "" "" No way - Huh!? "" "

One voice echoed behind their brains like that.

The voices of evil gods are forbidden to interfere in this world.

"I didn't say a word about the exact same amount of time flowing into the two worlds."

A few seconds later, they were stuck on the ground.

In short, the speed of time would have been different in this world where the tenors are now and in the original world where Ling Ji returned.

Two years spent on this side will be six months in the world on that side...... about four times the difference.

Tena and the others re-subpoenaed thinking two years had passed, but only six months had passed in Ling Ji's world.

In unexpected pitfalls, the depressing Ling Ji et al.

"Uh, what do we do now?


I can only manage to get up or get on my way.

Tena cares about Ling Ji, too, to inquire about Firina.

Did you feel the gaze, Ling Ji opens his mouth even though it seems slightly difficult to say.

"I've only had six months, so I haven't even cleaned it up at all.

I have to go back somehow......

And I can't help but beat that evil god who kept his mouth shut about such an important thing. "

"Yeah, right"

From Tena's point of view, he concludes that even though he waited two years, he still can't.

If we take into account the course of time in the two worlds, we will have to wait a total of eight years and six more years.

That's too long.

But there are also drawbacks that have been called back for a quarter of his scheduled time, albeit not without.

Because of that, I couldn't even tell you not to go home.

"But even then, I couldn't get to the evil god.

So I want you to come with me. "

"Ah...... Yes!"

Still, she nodded at his invitation, probably because of the desire to have an adventure together again, as then.

And that was the same for the three people standing around.

"Of course, I will accompany you too"

"I don't know what else to do, but I can help you."

"Me, too."

Wearing the equipment removed from the item box, Ling Ji turned to the women of the party members and lowered her head gently.

"'Atlantic' party, that's a reconstitution.

Also nice to meet you. "


"Nice to meet you"

"Your majesty also tells me to draw you into the Demon Clan, I have to."

"Hehe, you can adventure like that again"

Because the evil god has already stopped interfering in this world, it is difficult for them to reach "him". No, it's practically impossible.

Both Ling Ji and the women understand that.

However, it was important for them to spend time with their peers who had no changeover, and it had nothing to do with whether their goals were difficult or not.

"Come on, let's go. Tena."

"Yes, Mr. Rage"

Holding the hand of a beautiful thinker who had grown to his age, he embarked on an endless journey of adventure.