Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 2161 - Extra: Fantasy Journey 2

(Thanks to Guru Crimson Dance for her support of this book)

(Thank you to the Master of the Pen for your strong support of this book)

There is a poem that says: you are standing on the bridge looking at the view, and the viewer is upstairs looking at you.

Even though the place where the knight billet was walking at the moment was just a shallow stretch of land, there wasn't even a pier trestle that touched the bridge, and there were no buildings around the female warrior, it didn't prevent him from being a sight to behold.

Most of the female warriors were still in training, but their movements were clearly a bit distracted.

A small number of them leaned in close, a few dozen or even a dozen meters apart, surveying him with the eyes of a ...... panda.

The sound of their tiny words were also taken in by his keen hearing: "Who is this?"

"This guy looks like he's different from us?"

"Dumbass, it's a man."

"What man? Ah, is that the man?"

"Why is this guy prettier than me? Are all men this pretty?"

"Is he strong, is he more powerful than us?"

There were whispers, but no one came up to delay the march of the lead warrior woman and the knight, so they watched from near and far to see him arrive outside the wooden cottage halfway up the hill.

The knight billet had a good look at a huge stone palace more than a hundred meters away - it was clearly one of the main buildings.

And the wooden hut in front of him ...... well, why does it look so much like a North American bungalow?

A North American bungalow is probably a one-story house built out of one layer of wood, and there are variants with an extra attic as well as small roof decks and the like.

There are many such houses in the Texas countryside, including Luke's grandfather Drax's house.

But a house of this type on this magical island would be special.

The warrior woman leading the way just said, "Please wait here for a moment and don't move around." She said and went into the house.

A moment later, she came out and stood in the doorway to the open door and motioned, "Come in, my lord is waiting for you."

The knight said his thanks and stepped in.

The layout inside was not unexpected, and still smelled like a typical North American bungalow - spacious, simple, comfortable, and practical.

Of course, all four features required money to support them.

A poor man's house may look similar on the outside, but in reality, it may only be "simple and practical", but not necessarily spacious and comfortable.

The owner of this house was certainly not lacking in money, and the room was not very luxurious, but at most "exquisite".

After passing through the entrance and entering the large living room, the knight saw the target of his visit - Tiana.

Dressed in a large cotton white shirt and denim shorts, she was nothing like the other female warriors on the island, but more like the knight in the white shirt and gray and black trousers of the same world.

Almost at the same time he looked at her, she lifted her gaze from the tablet in her hand to meet his four eyes, "Hello, Mr. Wayne."

The knight bowed slightly in respect, "Hello, Lady Tiana."

He greeted her, but in his mind he muttered, "Surely, almost thirty years after that meeting in the Las Vegas casino, the suspected "goddess" still looks the same.

Tiana didn't get up either, just extended her hand, "Sit down, Mr. Wayne. You have contributed greatly to the peace of this universe, so I will try to answer your questions."

The knight nodded, "Thank you very much, Ms. Tiana. I was wondering about ......."

Half an hour later, the knight billet reappeared on the sea in the center of the Pacific Ocean.

After the nano armor finished equipping, he thanked the female warrior who had once again maneuvered the canoe to get him out, and leapt into the sea to leave.


One night a month later, Luke's original and third level billet appeared hundreds of kilometers away from the surface of this sea at the same time.

On the hovering flying platform was an instrument that covered an area of more than ten square meters.

The most conspicuous thing on the instrument was naturally the Spatial Gem, which was beginning to emit an increasingly strong light as the instrument was activated.

Dozens of seconds later, a bright blue beam was projected onto the flight platform's predetermined location, opening a portal that could accommodate a single person to pass through.

The intelligent program showed that the portal's data matched the expected model by 91.3%.

Having reached a sufficient conclusion, the waiting triple-divide figure flashed and rushed into the cloudy night sky opposite the portal.

Looking at the urban night scene amidst the drizzling rain, the principal over there turned off the apparatus and quickly left that sea surface.

The reason why he chose that place to activate the spatial gems was naturally to find the other "world" that Tiana said was nearby.

According to her, there was also a complete world there, and it was more dangerous than this one.

The world is also a whole world, according to what she said, and it is more dangerous than this.

Having gotten what he needed, the knight billet didn't wait any longer.

Tiana saw him, but Knight's reputation was on the line.

The same camp of justice, more or less to see her is considered to leave a little incense love, not to find the youngest to act as a middleman when something needs to communicate in the future.

It's the limit for him to enter the mysterious island once, and it's not even possible to stay for a day.

Of course, Luke couldn't let the knight billet become an uninvited guest.

After returning to the island, he asked his super brain, Genesis, to simulate his plan for a month, and finally decided on his plan.

At this moment, Luke, who had successfully arrived at this "new world", instantly left his spot and arrived at an unoccupied apartment in a building a few kilometers away.

Throwing out the drone, he pulled the boss chair over to the window of the apartment, watching the movement of the location he had crossed, as well as the information gathered by the drone.

Thankfully this was still Earth, though it was 2016, and the wifi was already there.

Through the drone, Luke quickly "rubbed" into someone's Internet connection, and the Big Dipper armor intelligence program Polaris began quickly browsing and sifting through important information, displaying it on a virtual light screen.

In a few minutes, his face became subtle and he muttered, "Gotham City? Batman? Superman?"

He couldn't help but raise his gaze to the gloomy night sky and the small but never-ending drizzle of rain: "No wonder, this inexplicable weather is actually a standard Gotham backdrop, right? Well, it does have a bit of an inner flavor of the people."

After posting his thoughts, his originally very excited mood slowly calmed down.

Regardless of where this place was, the preparations that needed to be made were just as good.

He didn't think that the batgoblin here would look at everyone dressed similarly and come up here and recognize him as a half-brother.

On the other hand, if Luke dares to go out wearing the knight's outfit, he's probably going to be treated like a "malicious impersonator" by some psychopathic paranoid super-villain, and there's a high probability that he'll be beaten to death if he doesn't get along.