Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 68 Chapter 68-80 (Ten Thousand Words Chapter)

Luke shrugged for a moment, "I'm a cop. Although, the FBI wants to arrest you, I know it's for your X gene. You yourself have not made a mistake, even a simple victim, and you are innocent. I don't have to sacrifice an innocent person in exchange for a promotion. It's my personal principle issue, and it's none of your business. ”

Carol was silent again. Somehow she wanted to cry.

What kind of life has she had these days?

Somehow someone broke into the house and shot him, then woke up in the morgue and scared him off.

Unstoppable anger led her to retaliate against the Mexican gang, and as a result she was almost caught mixing up with the bandits in the black suit in the warehouse.

Finally, Luke let her go, and now he even shows her a way out.

Although the stack of knives is only more than 8,000, a young policeman like Luke can get 56,000 years' salary a year, eat, drink and laser down, and save 10,000.

Luke came out to work at first glance like this, maybe these 8,000 knives are his whole family, but he didn't hesitate to give himself to be a complete stranger.

Are there really good people in this world?

Carol's a little confused.

Instead of ignoring Carol's ideas, Luke continued to talk about makeup and covert walking techniques.

Now, his abilities come from Saracha, a special police officer, which is more appropriate for Carol.

That was two or three hours before he stopped this duck-filling education.

“No matter how much you write down, you're going to have to work on your own.” Luke said, "Now, get out of here while it's dark. ”

Carol has calmed down a lot this time.

She came here just to say thank you.

But unexpectedly, she received unexpected help.

Once again, she had a goal, a hope for the future, and no longer as horrible as before.

If she really had a goal, she wouldn't be in trouble with the Mexican gang, she'd be hiding as far away as possible.

She stood up and bowed seriously to Luke: "Thank you, you're a good man. ”

Luke's face is a little dark.

Something's wrong with that word! I don't want to be a benefactor NPC.

Carol didn't say anything more, walked out the door and finally looked at Luke in front of the door and left quickly.

Luke looked at the girl who disappeared on the stairs and sighed, "Good luck, that's all I can do for you.” He closed the door.

Selena had a good night and had a good meal, though not too full.

She's been satisfied with a lot of inside information and watching Luke teach her students.

Luke closed the door and waved at her: "Get up and get to work. ”

Selena: "Ah? ”

“Clean up the room and never leave a trace of Carol. I don't want to be targeted by Charles' FBI.” Luke said, get the cleaning utensils.

Selena's face collapsed.

Turns out, listening to gossip is also costly.

Luke was cleaning and hygienic, but he was thinking about Carol.

As he said himself, that's all he can do.

Leaving Carol alone, offering her a sum of money and pointing her to a way out is the limit he can reach.

More, he's not that capable.

Cheney alone is a mess for S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, not to mention that big swirl in New York. He doesn't want to go there right now.

He got Carol's powers, but he helped her as much as he could, and the rest depended on the girl's luck and strength.

The two men cleaned up a sanitary course, and for the police, how to clean up the scene thoroughly was the bank.

Nothing in this room will leave Carol, including fingerprinted hair.

The two men washed and slept together until 11 pm.

The next day, the two of them drove off directly.

More than 400 kilometres northwest of Houston, the city of Rakun is a relatively remote small city.

More than three hours later, both changed places and entered a small town a few dozen kilometres from the city of La Cun.

It's a small town called Rumford, but it looks like Bishakford is getting a lot of excitement.

Looking at the surroundings of the town, Luke thinks it's okay to go on vacation if you're bored in La Cun.

The view is nice and the town will not consume as much as the big city.

Selena was driving over there, and she was like, "Where's the bathroom? I want to go to the bathroom. ”

Luke looked out the window and fingered, “There's a supermarket over there, there's gotta be a toilet. ”

As soon as Selena had a dozen steering wheels, she drove away: "This view of Ramford is no better than Shakford's. ”


Don't look at Selena, she's beautiful and hot, but she's a little bit of a kid. She likes to have fun. She must be a little disappointed that the "tourist” place is in such a remote and uncharacteristic place.

The car carried two people, who parked in the parking lot next to the supermarket in the morning sun.

Selena got out of the car and rushed to the bathroom.

Luke sat in the car and looked at the people coming and going in front of the supermarket, and it was a little strange.

These people take all sorts of things out of the supermarket in big bags, as if they were buying them out of storage.

Occasionally, a few townsfolk passed by and heard what they were talking about before Luke found out there was a storm last night that destroyed a lot of things nearby.

For example, residents' housing vehicles, some power lines, some fixed telephone lines, even mobile base stations are out of order.

Luke pulled out his phone and looked at it and found that there was no signal. He dialed 911, and there was no signal either.

He doesn't care much either.

Anyway, just passing by, as long as it's not the case in La Cun City.

A siren sounded and Luke looked over and found a large convoy of vehicles rushing down the road next to him.

Fire trucks, ambulances, repair trucks, and finally a series of military vehicles.

It's not far from town folks' gossip. He doesn't really care if he knows what kind of military base there is on the nearby hills.

There are too many bases like this in the United States, not surprisingly large and small, and these townsfolk are used to it.

About ten minutes later, Selena came out and sat in the co-pilot, and she half complained and half explained, “Oh, my God, there were so many people in the bathroom at the supermarket, like in a war, and there was a kid in such a hurry to pull his pants. ”

Luke wrinkled his nose: "You're not going to get a tummy? ”

Selena Haha laughed, “How is that possible? It's just pissing. Let's go, let's go! ”

At the end of the voice, a burst of anti-aircraft alarm sounded.

They also heard a burst of shock in their ears and looked to their sides and found a white mist spreading across the mountains behind them.

Many townsfolk ran in panic, and many subconsciously came to the crowded supermarket.

An old man came running with his nose and mouth bleeding and screaming in alarm.

Selena didn't understand much, but Luke did.

“Monster, there's a monster in the fog.” The old man ran all the way over.

Luke frowned and quickly drove the car near the supermarket gate, saying, "Selena, take all our ammunition and weapons vests. ”

As the first outstanding representative of security, Luke has always been safe.

Even this time in the field, he still carries all his equipment as usual, with more bullets than usual.

Selena didn't hesitate to pack anything in the car.

Actually, there's nothing to clean up.

The backup gear for two people is two large bags, one for firearms and ammunition and one for bulletproof clothes, and all she does is take them out.

Luke had quickly driven his car to a point on the side of the supermarket gate, almost stopping against the glass wall of the supermarket.

He grabbed two big bags with his hands up, and Selena walked into the supermarket.

Serena hadn't noticed, but Luke had found that there was a lot of insidious screaming in the raging white fog.

But under the air defense alert, most people didn't hear it.

He even saw a man being caught in the mist by a giant insect clamp-like object when he was submerged in the mist.

Terribly, this plier-like limb is over five meters long.

On top of this huge thing, Luke wondered if his gun would work or if it would be safe to hide in the building and observe.

Shortly after the two entered the supermarket, the alarmed clerk closed the door.

The people in the supermarket also finally heard the screaming in the spreading white fog, and the old “monster monster” screaming before, creating a sense of fear in their hearts.

Watching the white mist gush over, covering the supermarket, shielding the heavens and the earth from sight, everyone's face was ugly.

“It must have been the factories on the west side of town that exploded, and these are the toxic fumes in the factory.” Someone muttered.

Luke snorted at those words.

These fumes have no chemical smell at all, and they are a natural smoke with a hint of wilderness like a forest.

And a little bit of blood, and these belong to the townspeople who just died.

Luke grabbed Serena and whispered in her ear.

With the structure of this supermarket, you really meet the huge thing he sees, and a plier comes over, and a row of glass curtain walls on the front of the supermarket smashes in half.

It's really unsafe to fit in front of a glass curtain wall.

Suddenly, the ground shook violently.

A lot of people suddenly fell to the ground, and the whole supermarket was in disarray.

Luke helped Selena, who was slightly unstable, to turn on a falling daylight.

This vibration came fast, it went fast, and stopped in less than 20 seconds.

He was relieved that the supermarket had not collapsed, apart from shocking down some groceries.

At a time like this, if the supermarket in the hiding place collapses, it's a dead end.

How bad the supermarket is, it's also a cement building, except for the glass curtain wall that's about 20 meters across the gate, which is all cement walls.

Stay here, at least don't be afraid to suddenly come out with a big plier around you.

The panic caused by the shock stopped quickly, but something depressing happened - the power supply was interrupted.

After hearing a few shouts from several shopkeepers, Luke found out that the store was already powered by its own generator this morning.

The vibration just now may have caused a problem with the generator in the basement.

Lucra went to Lasserena and found a short glasses guy called the manager: "You're going to check the generator, right? ”

The glasses manager looked at him strangely and nodded: "Yes, not just the lighting, but the ventilation system here needs electricity, otherwise so many people here will be bored to death. ”

Luke: “We're coming with you. ”

The manager was stunned: "Ah? ”

Luke pulled out his badge: "We're detectives in Houston, traveling to La Cun, and we can still help. ”

The manager looked at the badge and relieved himself.

Although Houston detectives are out of control here, at least professionals are better at dealing with emergencies than civilians like them.

He nodded and greeted the two clerks before leaving.

A man saw it next to him, asked the manager a few words, and said he wanted to join.

Luke had no objection, and enthusiasts were everywhere.

As Luke walked, he turned over the two large vests on the shelf and threw them at Selena.

The manager looked at him suspiciously.

"Don't worry, I'll pay for it," said Luke. ”

The manager also thinks, dozens of cutlery little things, two detectives don't steal yet.

Let's take a look at each other as well.

Short glasses store manager is Ollie.

A 40-year-old supermarket janitor named Jim, who repairs generators.

There was also a 17-8-year-old Norton who was temporarily employed at the supermarket and was called in to help.

The enthusiastic man, David, a painter living in the nearby hills, recently came on vacation to create a new piece.

As a result of the storm last night, the house on the hill was smashed into a hole by a tree, and the electricity stopped, only to take my son's wife down the hill.

Get to the basement, it's dark.

Store manager Ollie turned on the LED camping light in his hand.

Fortunately, it's a supermarket with all kinds of everyday stuff.

The two clerks also pressed the flashlight in their hand and swept it around.

Jim walked to a corner where the generator was isolated by a mesh of iron.

And he looked at it for a moment, and he said, “Ollie, I can't see anything. I'm going to try and turn the generator on. ”

Store manager Ollie doesn't fix generators, of course he agrees.

Jim restarted the generator and the lights in the basement lit up.

Everyone was relieved.

There's no electricity in this situation, it's really a bit of a mess.

Jim sucked his nose: “I don't know what clogged the vent and it still stinks. Norton, I open the door, you go out and clean it up if you have any clutter. ”

Norton nodded: “No problem. ”

David couldn't help but say, "Wait, you let this kid out? There's danger in that mist. ”

Jim dissatisfied: “What danger? The vent is by the door. I'm not letting him go far. Besides, if the vent is blocked, the ventilator won't work. Do you want the people on top to hold it? ”

David still shook his head: “I'm not in favor of letting the kid take the risk, and the air almost isn't a big deal. ”

Jim despises: "You're a painter, you make a lot more money than we do, but you don't have to teach us how to do it. Norton, are you ready? ”

Store manager Ollie hesitated: “Jim, forget it, there's electricity anyway, and blocking the vent isn't a big problem. ”

Jim stiffened his neck: “I don't want to smell it all the time. Norton, I'll open the door and you can go out and scream. ”

“Okay.” Norton leaped to try.

The kid obviously sees it as an adventure game.

When the fog was being used, he was moving things in the warehouse and didn't see them with his own eyes, so he was not too scared, but rather amused.

When these guys argued, Luke pulled Selena aside, took out the vest in the big bag and started wearing it.

Then the two of them put on the outermost tooling vest and covered the big HPD logo on the back.

After wearing it, Selena smashed Luke's arm slightly, meaning "We don't care?”.

Luke glanced at her, and she knew in a second, and people retreated away from the door and cautioned with guns.

Jim activated the door and raised the curtain door at the basement exit half a metre high.

Norton shouted to stop and squatted to see what was going on out there.

White fog slowly poured in through the opening.

All of a sudden, Luke near the gate moved in color, lightning up front, grabbed a Norton collar squatting there and threw the big boy onto the dog food pile a few meters away.

At the same time, he retreated quickly, staring closely at the crevices of the curtain door.

Jim stood still and tried to curse.

As a result, a giant tentacle suddenly leapt out of the fog and penetrated the gate.

The manager, Ollie, the enthusiast, David, was scared to even back off.

This tentacle is incredible.

The length of the penetration alone exceeds five meters, with a body diameter of at least twenty and thirty centimeters, except for a slightly thin head.

And what's even scarier is that there's a row of barbs on the tentacles.

It is conceivable that when it is entangled, these barbs will stick into the body without hesitation, making it difficult to get rid of them.

Luke squinted his eyes, weighed left and right, and grabbed a crowbar and threw it hard.

The slightly sharp piece of steel nailed the interceptor hand to the ground.

Tentacles are painful and want to recycle.

Luke had grabbed the fire axe on the wall and threw it again.

The axe blade, under enormous force, cut the tentacles in half, and the tentacles are also desperately retrieving, tearing the rest of the pieces apart and shrinking out.

There was only a glitch of barbaric hands twitching on the ground.

Everyone was stunned by the battle of the rabbit, and no one spoke for a while.

Luke said, “Jim, close the door. ”

Jim: "Ah? Oh, okay, okay. ”

After a few seconds, the curtain door landed again, temporarily isolating the hazard.

Luke walked up, picked up the axe, and another axe went down.

The little half-touched hand that would have twisted there twisted like a bug.

People just saw that the tentacle tip had something as open as a mouth, spitting a strand of black and green liquid in its mouth full of teeth.

Luke chopped it up and immediately backed off, afraid it would spit liquid on him, which was disgusting.

Watching this tentacle end the convulsion, completely immobilized, he looked up and looked at the crowd: “David is right, there are dangerous monsters in the fog, is everyone agreeing? ”

What else can people say? The chopped tentacles are still here.

If it hadn't been for Luke, the big kid Norton would have been cold.

“Come on, let's go up.” He said as he walked: "Now that there's a monster out there, the glass curtain wall on the front of the supermarket needs to be taken care of. ”

When people think of the giant tentacles, they have a row of glass curtain walls floating in front of the big tentacles, and they have to nod.

“Ollie, get all the dog food up here, all right?” Luke continued.

Ollie stunned and looked at the dog food bag in the basement. She came over and nodded quickly: "Yes. In fact, there are also steel pipes and thick wooden slabs, which are the remainder of the bathroom that was previously remodeled, and...”

Luke lifted his hand and interrupted: “Either way, let Jim and Norton get them up in the trailer and lock down the curtain wall as much as possible. Besides, you find the prestigious people here, you get them to organize the help, and you clear all the women and children who can't help you, behind the supermarket far from the curtain wall, you understand? ”

Ollie nodded as he listened.

He can be a supermarket manager, and what he's best at is dealing with this trivial business, Luke.

A few people go up and act on their own.

Store manager Ollie is the busiest.

He had to arrange for people to carry dog food and items that could be used to reinforce the curtain wall, as well as to communicate with some of the people in town who could serve the crowd, and ask them to help get the crowd off the curtain wall to the back half of the supermarket.

These things are best done by someone who has both supermarket authority and a special familiarity with the town's inhabitants.

Luke muttered to David for a while and asked the enthusiastic painter to help as well.

Just now in the basement, this enthusiastic man spoke out against Jim Jean Norton's adventure.

Such enthusiasts are better suited to maintaining order.

Luke and Selena sat silently in a blind corner, and they began to inspect firearms and magazines to replenish food and drinking water.

Take this opportunity, Luke watches with cold eyes.

In this climate of panic, particular attention should be paid to certain seedlings.

For example, robbery by fire, for example, sensitivity, for example, inflammation of the wind.

These will all come at a time of despair.

Man is such a strange animal.

In the face of despair, some people can resist and fight, even if they die.

And some people, before things got to their head, had a mental breakdown, abandoned themselves violently, and wanted everyone to die with them.

This kind of person is the most destructive.

In the words of previous generations, the existence of such persons is a vicious element that jeopardizes the atmosphere of stability and solidarity and undermines harmonious societies.

Luke, since he's staying here, certainly doesn't like having this shit stick out of him.

He and Selena didn't show up as detectives, just to find out who the shit sticks are.

The supermarket is also a mess, with people screaming and arguing from time to time.

Most people are just unconscious reactions in panic, and one person is not.

A middle-aged woman, in her forties, started propagating God's judgment there naggingly, a statement about God's punishment for people who did not respect him.

Luke gave Selena a look.

The two of them walked over and Selena took control of the woman and said, "Ah, are you religious too? Please point it out to me. ”

Said the two of them had gotten the woman behind them.

Luke was too lazy to talk to the woman, disengaged from the supermarket lobby, and after entering the aisle, a knife knocked the annoying goddess out: "Throw her in the bathroom. ”

Selena threw this stupid woman in a bathroom compartment and closed the door.

Without this goddess, there was still chaos in front of the supermarket, but everyone gradually moved under the direction of store manager Ollie.

A bag of dog food was piled behind a glass curtain wall and then reinforced with wooden slabs and steel pipes.

Unfortunately, the quantity of dog food is not unlimited, and a small half of the glass curtain walls can only be sealed off with supermarket shelves and pieces of cargo.

However, an open area a few metres wide was also cleared behind the glass curtain wall.

Luke, that's how Ollie and Jim Norton, the manager, and David, the enthusiasts, started scheduling the next thing.

Two women followed.

One is Irene, the principal of town elementary school, an old lady with gray hair, very charming appearance.

The other was Amanda, a third-year teacher at school, a young woman with blonde hair.

Luke smiled and shook hands with both of them: "You're just in time. We need to focus children and weak women in supermarkets on the side of the office so that they are not harmed by the chaos. You are primary school teachers who can take care of your children. ”

Two women were surprised, but felt it was necessary to do so.

The old lady Irene was a little worried: "But parents don't have to worry about us taking care of their children. ”

Luke: "Prioritize the mothers with the kids. Others like David should be familiar with you, and don't mind. Forget those who resist, we are not coercive in nature, we are simply trying to minimize unnecessary chaos and protect children and women. ”

People also think that this is already the best way, and at this time there is no perfect solution.

Luke just said to David, "Find some honest and reliable men, move shelves and stuff, lock down the access to the office, and prevent something from rushing directly into the office. ”

David nodded hastily.

The office was definitely the safest place than the hall where there was no cover, and he came with his wife and son, certainly willing to accept Luke's arrangement.

Luke looked at the store manager Ollie and Jim again: “I just saw some plumbing wooden sticks and stuff in the basement, and you guys figured out a way to turn them into spears with pointy ends and distribute them to men willing to come out and protect their families. ”

Everyone looked heavy and seemed to have a bad association.

Luke looked at everyone and sighed: "I want to comfort you, but everything's going to be okay. But I feel that anything that prepares you in advance is more practical than waiting for fate to come. It's better to feel a little fussy afterwards than to die here, right? ”

Everyone nodded silently and started to get busy.

Fortunately, until nightfall, no monsters attacked the supermarket.

Luke and Selena are sitting in a corner with a small ventilation window.

He opened his ears slightly and watched the movement outside.

Most of the time, there is silence outside, but occasionally there is some chirping and squeaking chewing.

It also means that the monsters are not evenly distributed in the fog outside, but they are wandering and hunting each other.

This isn't too bad, but it's not too good.

Suddenly, Luke frowned and said, “Who turned on the lights outside the supermarket? Ollie, turn it off. ”

Shorty shop manager Ollie was angry: “It's automatic, it turns on at regular intervals. Where's the switch? Jim, go and turn it off. ”

Clerk Jim answered from afar and ran to the basement.

But almost five minutes later, the lights were still on in front of the supermarket.

Luke looked ugly, signaling Serena's vigilance, and he rushed quickly into the basement.

In front of the entrance to the basement, he saw Jim lying on the ground with his head moaning.

He immediately stepped forward and lifted Jim: "What's going on? ”

“I just walked over and someone hit me in the head from the back.” Jim holds his head in agony: “I can only smell a strange fragrance. ”

Luke's face is gloomy: weird fragrance? Looks like someone has it.

Jim's head is starting to bleed. That's not a bad time, enough killing people.

“Without this, where do you turn off the lights?” He said he was taking Jim into the basement.

Jim suffered a severe headache, pointing to an electric box next to him: "There, the fourth and fifth in the third row, the white switch. ”

Luke: “Both? ”

Jim: “One is a sign light, and the other is a little spotlight that lights up around, and it's all off. ”

Luke's done. Pick up the walkie-talkie: "Selena, are the lights off? ”

Selena's voice immediately replied: “Turn it off, but you better hurry up, the lights just now have attracted a lot of flying bugs. ”

Luke told me to put Jim on his back and head straight to the lobby.

Giving Jim to Norton, Luke grabbed David and whispered to him, “Watch out for that nagging crazy woman, she could have just attacked Jim. ”

David nodded with suspicion and walked away to find someone.

Luke had just arrived at the glass curtain wall and looked at that little piece of glass that was not completely covered by a dog's food bag, a dense, numb flying bug, and his face was extremely clotted.

Flying bugs are not scary, and typically flying bugs can't break the thick tempered glass curtain walls of supermarkets.

But these flying insects are extremely exaggerated, about the same size as a two-month old hen, and their claw teeth are very dangerous to look at.

Luke has already drunk: "Everybody, turn off the camp lights around you, now. ”

Although the habits of these flying insects are not known, their emergence proves that they, like some insects, are luminous.

The lights were almost invisible around the supermarket, and only the supermarket doorway was lit and magnified, attracting these guys.

Fortunately, these flying bugs didn't destroy the glass curtain walls the way they did in the horror film.

So I thought, a dark shadow like a vulture rushed out of the fog and slammed onto the curtain wall, grabbing a flying bug.

That's not the point. The point is, this thing crashed the glass out of a clear crack.

Luke's face was calm and his mouth was open: "Turn off all the lights, and the people behind you hide in their places and don't run around. ”

As he spoke, he made a gesture to Selena.

Selena retreated to a position about ten meters behind him, a place protected by shelves like a small fortress, where she fired.

Camping lights went out in the supermarket, but there were still lights in several places, and there were people in a hurry: “What's going on? I can't turn this light off. ”

Luke was quiet.

It's not uncommon for any accident to happen, including not finding a button to turn the lights off when you want to.

He didn't have the time to take care of these people and put all his attention on the glass curtain wall.

In the crackling sound, the kind of vulture size, but looking like an ancient pterodactylus monster came out more than a dozen times in a row, eating those flying bugs wildly on the glass.

Finally, a loud breaking noise sounded and a glass curtain wall burst into pieces, but it was where the dog's food bag was blocked.

The next moment, another broken sound sounded, but this time the glass was completely broken somewhere without the dog's food bag.

Most of the flying insects above flew away, but several of them drilled in through the voids of the shelves and shields.

There's no way.

There's not enough shelter in the supermarket to seal off this nearly 20-metre floor-to-ceiling glass curtain wall, and it's great to block most of it with a dog food bag.

Standing nearby, Luke grabbed an alloy baseball bat to reinforce the shelf and swung it out.


Two freshly drilled flying bugs were knocked to the ground.

With this one-meter baseball bat attack, Luke can rub a man's nose without hurting him, and it won't be a problem for dozens of times in a row.

The phantom baseball bat didn't stop, and as he turned around he went twice-winning again.


Four flying bugs knock on the ground.

But they're still struggling.

This was Luke's intention to harvest a little force so that he wouldn't shoot them directly into a beach of liquid.

Looking at the broken hole, he grabbed some of the spare goods in the back and stuffed them in, like shampoo, mineral water, bucket of milk powder, etc.

Looking back and forth, he made sure that there were no holes, lifted the bat in his hand, chopped it down, squashed the heads of the four struggling flying bugs, but did not appear to burst.

“Ollie, get some sealed plastic boxes, clothes and bedding, and get these bugs in there and seal them. Remember, don't touch these bugs with your body. Use a broom or something.” He greeted and continued to observe the movement outside.

Suddenly, his face changed.

A huge, five-six meters tall thing suddenly rushed out of the mist, biting a winged dragon monster eating on the door glass and chewing it up.

The doorway broke.

As reserved access, the gate is the least protected area in the entire curtain wall, with only one long solid wood table erected and some heavy objects on the back.

But these things were like building blocks in front of a huge five or six metres, and they were hit a few metres back, revealing a huge void.

Several wingdragon monsters who prey on flying insects in the vicinity seem to be frightened by the new monsters, who fan their wings and drill into the newly emerging passage.

Luke frowned and stopped talking.

He's not sure if that big five or six meters guy's gonna notice him for yelling.

Five dragon monsters rushed in.

Luke made a freelance gesture against Selena, holding a bat and killing it from the side, knocking two of the outermost dragon monsters over the floor.

Seeing as he was still struggling on the ground, he seemed to be an unharmed Wing Dragon monster, and he continued to hold onto his hand, increasing his efforts to snap the bat around their neck.

With two clicks, the bodies of the two monsters immediately became stiff.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Selena's pistol opened fire decisively, knocking down the furthest wing dragon monster.

Luke, this is the only way to keep up with the two dispersed Wing Dragon Monsters.

They have been completely dispersed, crossing the open zone and pounding at those behind the shelf line.

Luke stared closely at the nearest one, followed the passageway slipping out from the side to the defensive line, pounded out a stick from the bottom, knocked the monster who had just wanted to peck a townsman upside down, and fell back into the outer void.

Solved three Dragonfly monsters, but he wasn't happy because the other one had gone into the crowd and started attacking the crowd wildly.

The townspeople panicked and shouted for refuge, while several people who wanted to resist were led by others to wander around.

Luke hit several runaway townspeople under his feet, rushing behind a dragon monster, holding down a woman's neck, his sharp mouth trying to bite it down.

The bat instantly arrived, knocking it up and pounding it around its neck.

The dragon monster fell to the ground and struggled powerlessly for a few moments.

But the crowd was already in a mess, screaming and running.

Luke didn't have time to take care of them. Turn around and run.

The scream in the supermarket shook the big monster at the door, and he puzzled his head in and looked around.

It has tremendous power, lifting up all the clutter stacked at the door.

Looks like he's trying to get in.

Luke hurried back, and a man next to him was trembling backwards, his spear waving wildly.

Luke grabbed the spear, his whole body exploded, and he threw it out.


With a squeak, the monster has an extra spear in his head.

Too bad Luke didn't practice spear throwing, and the spear thrown was just a minor defect of the sharp water pipe in the head. After inserting the monster's head more than 10 centimeters, it stopped, and no one had to kill it.

The giant monster howled, seemingly screaming, and his head backed out the door.

Luke wasn't scared, but he picked his feet and pulled several of them out of the galvanized pipes stacked on the floor.

As he rushed to the open door, he stood back and forth, twisting his waist slightly, waving his arms and throwing out the galvanized hose in his hand.

Three consecutive pointy water pipes flew out under his powerful power, turning into three shadows of grey and black in the night, hitting three parts of the giant monster from chest to head in turn.

The giant monster howled terribly, retreating more than 10 meters before falling on his back.

These three galvanized water pipes weigh far more than the first inferior spear, and Luke did his best, causing fatal damage by instantly penetrating its head and chest belly within a few meters.

Luke ignored the monster, took a few steps back, pulled the squeezed table back, pulled his shoulders hard, pushed it back against the door gap, and shouted, “Bring the hose. ”

A few bolder townspeople suddenly looked back and held several pipes on the ground.

Luke crossed them over to the wooden table to relieve himself slightly and looked at the giant monster outside from the small gap next to him.

The monster howled, but was too badly injured to climb on the ground.

Everyone was relieved.

In the mist, a giant plier suddenly appeared, clamping up the howling monster and shrinking back.

A few clicks and the monster's howling stopped.

Then a bigger monster left in a hidden vibration on the ground.

Everyone was pale.

Compared to the monster who just revealed a plier, the monster, five or six meters long, was only a little smaller.

But perhaps it was too big, and the more horrible monster had no interest in the people in the supermarket, leaving with the freshly harvested monster's body.

Luke looked ugly and said to some of the people around him, "Tell them to stop screaming. Scream the fuck out of me and bring back a monster like that, and nobody's gonna live. ”

Several people ran away with cold sweats on their foreheads.

The screams in the supermarket finally calmed down, even the children were held by their respective families and went to the bathroom crying.

It's the most hidden and soundproofed, and it makes them cry enough.

After an unexpected shock, the crowd in the supermarket cautioned.

Nobody dares turn on the lights in the lobby except the office and bathroom.

Luke wiped the sweat off his head, half tired, half scared.

The last monster was terrible, conservatively estimated to be between 10 and 20 meters long.

He can't imagine the consequences of this monster rushing into the supermarket.


(Solemn Reminder: This chapter is a large collection of 10,000 words chapters of chapters 68-80. Because this drama has been overhauled, from over 40,000 words to over 20,000 words, there are ten chapters missing, but the drama is not missing.