Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 276: 294: Boss, I'm done (3 more)

In the image, a water-red hard rubber supply slammed Millis' proud face from behind, knocking her whole body aside.

Then there was a man's depressed voice, but he was extremely angry: "You beep, you want to get rid of Manny! Want to take the money alone? It's all mine. Mine! Die, you little beep. ”

This is accompanied by the sound of hard rubber supplies punching people in the body.

Elizabeth looked at the picture, completely speechless.

In the picture, a man's face is twisted, but it's clear. Who's Thomson, not the head of security?

Luke didn't say a word, watched the man beat Millis like crazy, then suddenly woke up and started cleaning up the mess.

He's a little panicky, but he's got some basic rules.

Return some of the items that Millis touched down and drag Millis out of the coma.

Afterwards, the room in the picture returned to calm.

Luke clicked twenty-four times to play, made sure the camera's battery ran out, and nobody was in the room until it shut down automatically.

He looked up at Elizabeth: "Looks like the case is closed. Lisa, you're doing great. You have to keep going. ”

Elizabeth: "Ah? Oh, okay. ”

Elizabeth found the evidence bag, took the artefact with her to the camera, and packed the perfume bottle together and walked out of the room with Luke.

In the back garden, Luke greeted Jennifer, who was quietly there: "Miss Perry, please call all your security guards. ”

Jennifer didn't ask anything, just call someone on the radio.

The four people who were resting in the security dormitory came quickly and didn't look very good.

One day down, not much interrogation, but really annoying, it seemed that everyone looked at them like they were looking at a murderer.

And Morgan was taken away this afternoon and never returned.

Everyone has been working together for a long time, and there is a sad feeling in their hearts that rabbits are dead.

Luke looked at the four people in front and said, "Okay, Green, Ram, Ricky, you three can go. ”

The other three looked at each other and left silently.

Luke, that's what Thomson said: "Thomson, come on, come back with us to the police station to help with the investigation. ”

Thomson's face changed and suddenly rushed toward Jennifer, already touching the armpit holster.

They have guns in their security.

Luke shook his head slightly and stepped forward, blocking Jennifer, lifting his hand and pressing it just under Thomson's arm, his other hand punched him in the stomach.

Thomson knelt down in a minute.

Luke seemed lightweight, but heavy for ordinary people, and he felt his entire stomach stir.

Luke touched out the cuffs, slowly pulled Thomson out of the right hand of the handle, twisted his left hand, and handcuffed it back: "Thomson, what am I supposed to say about you? Am I to admire your courage in trying to hold Miss Perry in front of three detectives? ”

This guy is fucked! Luke's car parked on the side had surveillance footage, and his incriminating evidence was one more.

Thomson couldn't speak at all, and his eyes were full of panic and panic.

Nor did he know why he suddenly did it.

Maybe Morgan was taken away, or maybe Luke just kept looking at him, or maybe the other three were called together and let go, leaving him alone.

It all seemed to tell him that his attack on Millis had come to light.

He was also right, at least Luke called four security guards together to avoid Thomson's suspicion of escape.

Although Luke is not afraid of his escape, it would certainly be better if a sentence could make the suspect stand in front of himself.

Jennifer looked calm, but looked into Thomson's eyes with hatred and disgust, and her lips clasped tightly.

Luke called: "Boss, I'm done here. Let Selena and Elizabeth take Thomson back. ”

Elsa over there: "Ah? ”

Luke: "I found the evidence, and I went back to get Elizabeth to report to you, and she did a great job today. ”

Hanging up the phone, Luke said, "Selena, drive our car and take him back to the station with Lisa. Lisa, give me your car keys. I'll drive back to the station after I'm busy. ”

Neither woman spoke, just nodded and returned to the police station with Thomson and new evidence.

Thomson escaped? Well, unless he's a psychic, Luke's modified accessory would have functionality for the suspect.

As the car drove out the back, Luke picked up the tapes he'd been putting on the table: "Come on, Miss Perry, I need to finish the tapes. ”

Jennifer finally lost her peace: "Why? Didn't you already catch someone? ”

Luke was faint: "Miss Perry, I have a terrible thing to say. In both cases, you are the central figure, in fact, you may not be without suspicion. In order to preserve their own secrets, there are not a handful of big killers. ”

Jennifer was mute.

The two of them spoke in the room and have returned to Millis' room.

An hour later, Luke came out and his hand was empty.

Before boarding the car, he looked at the three security guards at the door, and at the big, luxurious villa in the distance, shaking his head slightly: "Beverly Hills? Rich people? Huh.”

When he gets back to the station, he sees Elsa: "Boss, you're not resting? ”

Elsa just came out of the interrogation room and shook her head: "Millis is dead, too, and she's bleeding in her skull, saving her life from ineffective death. ”

Luke got it.

One case of injury, which eventually turned into two homicides, is of course of a different gravity.

Of course, the credit is different.

But Elsa's face is relaxed because the case has been solved.

Evidence from both offenders has been found, and it is very difficult to overturn the case, and the media has nothing to do with the police station.

They're not really interested in the police station, they're just interested in the privacy of celebrities.

“Where's Lisa?” He asked.

Elsa: "In the interrogation room, taking Thomson's statement. Let them do more so they won't be too busy. ”

Luke nodded, saying he understood.

This ten-stable case, of course, is better suited for these new detectives, and anyway, the key things Elsa and Luke have solved, Elizabeth, and they're a substitute for playing in the game atmosphere in junk time.

He went into Elsa's office, closed the door, and he said, "Is there anything else I can do to bring these two cases to my attention? ”

After one day of working on the case, he was sure there were no leaks, but he was used to asking Elsa, who was the one who put the whole thing together.

Elsa shook her head: "No. Are you interested in the information you just interrogated? ”