Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 490: 508 Find a Back Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot (3 more)

Luke waved: “No need. Anyway, it's none of my business what the mercenary wants or does to those gang members. ”

Elsa nodded for a moment: "You know the scale, don't get involved in anything. ”

Luke nodded with a smile.

Serena next to her then covered up her cake hands and finally didn't reveal her strange expression.


Someone's score is different, and they don't have to interfere anymore.

After this, Luke got up and greeted Selena out.

At this point, he saw the door of Dustin's office open across the slope.

Martin and Roger walked out.

Martin's face is quite calm, much better than the gloom he had before.

Perhaps the death of a great enemy, if not an automatic hand, who had witnessed the killing of his wife and son led to a long-lasting tranquillity in his mind.

The passing away will eventually pass, and the living will continue, and that is life.

Roger's face was darker, not pure skin tone, but totally a case of bad luck.

Luke turned around and asked, "Boss, what happened to Martin and Roger? ”

Elsa looked at the two people across the slope and sighed: “They... got into some trouble on the Mexican side, this time worried about getting annoyed by the Ministry of the Interior, and Dustin is having a headache about them. ”

Luke's eyes turned, “Can't Dustin do anything? ”

Elsa grinned, "It's not a big deal, boss. I don't think so. ”

This is already a euphemism.

In fact, Dustin was almost helpless.

What Martin and Roger did was not a purely domestic matter.

The two guys were fighting hard on the Mexican side, reportedly killing more than three digits of Dito group members.

The news is that Dustin's head is about to blow.

Who the hell would have guessed that Roger and Martin would have done this amazing “big thing" if they had gone over there.

Today, the Mexican police have requested that they be “assisted in the investigation”.

The West End Police Department isn't loose yet.

If the Mexican police did find any hard evidence, Roger and Martin would not have been sent to Mexico, but the job would have been unsustainable.

Luke didn't ask too much, either. Take Selena and walk away.

When he drove out, he called: "Palmer, are you free? There's something I'd like to ask you. It's important. ”

An hour later, in a fast food restaurant not far from DEA, the three of them sat in the corner.

Palmer, the beautiful agent, drank a mouthful of juice and went straight to the subject: “What is it? ”

She knew Luke was used to this guy, no business, not looking for her.

Luke: "Did you hear about Martin and Roger? ”

Palmer nodded silently for a moment: "I heard. ”

Luke: “I don't know much about them, so I wanted to ask you, what could be the worst part of them this time? ”

Palmer sighed: "Lose your job, you West End police are pretty good at that, they didn't let themselves carry it. ”

Luke smiled softly: "What if, I mean, what if you DEAs came out? ”

Palmer frowned and sighed: “I tried, but Martin and Roger didn't work with us, and the Bureau... disagreed too much. ”

Luke looked at Palmer's expression and knew she had tried, but it didn't seem to work.

He smiled, “What if it's a deal? ”

Palmer moved in his heart.

To say what Luke was most impressed with her, that must be love.

Several times they worked together, either she owed him or she returned the favor.

Now it's another deal?

She kept quiet: “How can you say that? ”

Luke: "A piece of information about the Ditto-Flores business. ”

Palmer moaned for a moment and shook his head: "If it's general information, it's not enough. I'm afraid you don't know how much Martin and Roger did in Mexico this time. ”

Selena had wisely lowered her head and bit a big bite of doughnut into her mouth, allowing it to hold up its parchment.

Luke smiled softly: "What if this is Dito's internal ledger or something? ”

Palmer glanced: “Where are you from...”

Speaking of which, she stopped immediately.

Ask the source, it's a big taboo.

In particular, intelligence implicated in the gang of traffickers could lead to the death of a family of informants.

Luke: “I can give you something first. I only ask for one. ”

Palmer: “Say it. ”

Luke: "If there's enough value in this thing, you do your best to keep Martin and Roger at work. ”

Palmer hesitated.

Luke didn't say a word, and watched this beautiful woman change her color there.

A few minutes later, she nodded slightly: "Deal. ”

Luke nodded with a smile: "No one can guarantee that things will succeed without so much pressure, I just hope this information works a little best. ”

He took out a flash drive and handed it to Palmer: "I won't delay your time. Something's going on. Text me. ”

Watching Luke and Selena get in the car and leave, Palmer held the flash drive in his hand, silent for a long time.

This is what Luke gave her, these pictures of Dito's internal books.

He doesn't understand. It doesn't mean the DEA who deals exclusively with traffickers doesn't.

He still trusts Palmer's character.

At least with this sentiment for Martin, she will try to help as long as this information is useful.

As long as the DEA is willing to come forward and take over this mess, the problem in Mexico will be solved.

After all, DEA is the only United States law enforcement agency that can fly planes directly into Mexico without having to report them, and it has an amazing right of action in Mexico.

Neither have they done it once, completely carrying the black pot, to capture traffickers directly across the border without notice.

Assuming that information is worthy of presentation.

After that, Luke and the others resumed their normal schedule of investigations.

Apart from coming home a little late, the rest is the same as ever.

Luke went out again that night.

But this time, he called out the knife and grabbed its big dog's head: "Stay home honestly and don't encourage Selena again, okay? ”

The knife blurred, but the tip of her nose made a murmuring sound.

Luke got up smiling and rubbed his dog's head: "Tomorrow there will be good food, don't make mistakes again, increase the punishment time. ”

The knife snapped a few more times and turned around and went back to bed.

This is, of course, the gold block expressing dissatisfaction.

As a result, Luke came back in an hour.

This trip left him empty.

The demon saints in this gang's nest actually went to the sky.

Apparently, they were frightened by the black bone extermination last night, and the boss hid with all the middlemen.

Luke didn't mean it.