Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 601: 619 Your takeout has arrived for $50 Knife (First New Year Plus)

Luke shook his head helplessly and gently drilled in through the open window, indicating to two SWAT players who dragged the middle-aged man.

One of the two SWAT players was Jim, who was a little strange, but still stood the middle-aged man up.

Luke stuffed the hamburger bag and the check in his hand into the handcuffed hands of the middle-aged man: "Your hamburger delivery has arrived for $50 knife, no tips for delivery. ”

He took a few coins from this guy's desk, just like a $50 knife.

Middle-aged: …


A group of SWAT players: …

Harrison outside: …

When the middle-aged got stuck in a police car, Luke put the change in his hand with his helmet and took it to Jim: "Look, there's no need to report it. ”

Harrison looked weird, but nodded: “No problem, it was the guy who ordered the takeout himself, and everyone at the place could testify. ”

Jim tangled, but he put some change in his pocket and said to Luke, "Thank you. ”

Luke hey hey smile: "Don't worry, I won't rob you of your job in the future, I'm not an SWAT! ”

Harrison flips his eyes: What do you mean? You've been shooting at us for a lot of work, don't you have a beep count?

When this strange case was over, Luke said goodbye to Captain Harrison and opened his own second-hand Ford.

Jim looked away at Ford and couldn't help but sigh: “His mental qualities are wonderful. I was just thinking about shipping, all a little shaky. He's... too relaxed. ”

He touched his trouser pockets consciously, where he had just recovered $50 in change.

Jim didn't even think about the $50 takeout fee himself.

Harrison glanced at him, silent.

More bandits have been killed than all of his squad SWAT. Is it psychological?

On Luke's side, Yu Hui returned home at sunset.

Open the door and a man jumps on his back: "Ha-ha-ha, Sapris! ”

Luke kicked in the door with a smile and slowly put down the car keys: "Yes, what a surprise! ”

“Hey, can you be more sincere?” The man on his back was dissatisfied and hit him gently in the head.

Luke was helpless: "But it's too hard! All right, why don't we go out for dinner tonight? ”

“I'm not interested, I can't drink.” The lack of interest.

“Claire, you're not even 18.” Luke slapped her in the head with his back hand: “Although anyone had been drinking before the age of 18, I can't take this as a benefit to you, okay? ”

That's Luke's cousin Claire, of course.

When she heard Luke say that, she was annoyed: "I'm just going to say it, you old fool have taught me another lesson. ”

Luke went behind her back to the living room and said, "When you go to college, who else can teach you a lesson every day? I'm just a reminder that you don't really take drinking as a good thing. ”

Claire: "Come on, you like reason the most, Robert can't even talk about you. ”

Luke smiled softly and said to Selena, "What are you doing with this guy this afternoon? ”

Serena sat on the couch with a big pot of popcorn, and she ate it with a beautiful knife.

She shrugged, “Claire said to wait for you, and we came straight back, nowhere. ”

Luke: "So I'll make you a big meal tonight? ”

Selena answered immediately, "Okay. ”

And Claire was stunned: "You did? ”

Her foxy gaze cast on Selena, which is strange, why not Selena did it.

Selena leaves her mouth shut: "All I make is pig food, and if you want to eat it, I can do it for you. Well, first of all, I'm not gonna eat it myself. ”

Claire: “What? ”

Luke shook his head with a smile: "Then I'll go prepare dinner, Claire. I don't care if you eat or not. ”

He patted Claire's head again: "It's coming down, I'm making dinner. ”

Claire finally jumped in love: "I want to see you cook. ”

Luke: “Whatever, but don't mess around. ”

Claire: “No problem. ”

As a result, in a few minutes, Selena heard Claire screaming in the kitchen: "No way! You must be lying to me. ”

“How could my brother suddenly become a chef? ”

“Why have you never done it at home? ”

“Is Selena really making pig food? ”

Selena turned a white eye and continued to look at the file, feeding the knife and herself snacks.

Luke was not angry or impatient in the face of the 100,000 why Claire incarnated, answering all her questions.

Both of them used to do the same at home, and this little monkey hasn't played with him like this in a long time.

It wasn't until 40 minutes before Claire followed him out of the kitchen: "Can you really eat? You're not poisoned? ”

Luke shrugged for a moment, and he said, "Why don't you and Selena eat first, and you watch? ”

Claire shook her head resolutely.

Luke nodded sadly: "What can I get you? Dinner is half an hour away. ”

Claire: “I'll take it myself. ”

Luke shrugged his shoulders and sat down himself, picking up tea and drinking it.

Claire took the can dr. Pepper came out, opened up for a sip and hit a hiccup satisfactorily.

Sitting on the couch, looking at Luke's green tea, she smelled it curiously: "It smells good. Can I have some? ”

Luke: “Grab your own cup and pour some. ”

Claire grabbed the cup vibrantly and poured a small cup, then blew it out.

Then she jumped up, shaming, jumping around the house: “Ah, bitter, why bitter! It's medicine, right? ”

Selina burst out laughing.

She and Luke didn't say anything just now, just watching Claire's joke.

Drink caramelized carbonated drinks and then have a strong cup of tea, which is more bitter than you can imagine.

For a girl of Claire's age, her favorite is sweets, and she's not sensitive to bitterness.

Luke didn't pour himself, and Selena said, “Pour me one, too. ”

He smiled and poured it into her cup, both laughing and drinking tea, watching Claire play.

Claire saw the behavior of the two of them, completely incomprehensible, and picked up the teapot and looked at it for a while: “Is there a compartment in this pot? Otherwise, why do you drink so much bitter stuff? ”

Selena made a barbell-like laugh: "Who made you drink this? It must have been hard for you to cry! ”

Of course she wouldn't tell Claire that she did something stupid like that.

Now, Selena suddenly has a sense of superiority and she's alive —— finally, not just by herself.

For a moment, the three moved to the backyard.

Selena and Claire went into the house and changed their robes and ran into the massage tub.