Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 749: 767 Take You To Beat Someone (1 more)

“It's her!” Selena said to correct the situation.

Luke stunned: “Are you sure the Hell Dog is" her ”? ”

Selena shrugged: “Don't forget, Beauty... well," the money ”is a female. ”

Luke's face is weird: “That's okay, it's safer. ”

During the conversation, Luke took all the gear out of his bag and switched it on quickly.

With his help, Selena put on a suit of armor she'd never used before and stood in front of the mirror, whispering: "Cool! ”

This suit of armor is all black and has a similar appearance to a fitted design and is not, in fact, sufficient to alter the shape of the body everywhere.

The seemingly soft fabric, which is a new type of material, is the result of the Stark Group research team.

It hardens when hit hard and absorbs a certain amount of kinetic energy, releasing it for a certain period of time.

This thing Tony didn't use on his armor because it didn't fit his armor design idea.

Luke loved it.

Now this suit of armor and the earliest Batman armor are about the same, with only two features - bulletproof, hidden identities.

Because it is still a shell, the vast majority of features are not added, and the rest are temporarily accomplished by accessory gear.

Mostly Luke hasn't had time to perfect it yet.

However, considering the fact that the two of them are only playing some mixed-up traffickers' chicken tonight, this armor has exceeded the standard.

After wearing a good armor, Selena looked at Luke beside her, and the armor on him was silver grey and did a little bit like a robot.

But if you look closely, you'll see that it's just a similar shape, no mechanical mechanism at all.

It's like the clothes on a human body painting, and it's not actually clothes.

“Wait, why don't our gear go together?” Selena dissatisfied: “You're like a robot, and I'm like... a black cat? ”

“Because I'm called Terminator, you're called Best.” Luke: “And are you sure you want to be like me, a meter around the waist? ”

Selena looked at his wretched body, and at herself, who was obscured but still moved by the curve, and gave up pursuing the issue decisively.

“Terminator, let's go?” She said, stunned to find her voice turned into a weird and cute electronic voice.

Luke Gual: “Everything is up to you, Commander Best.” His voice was a low male voice.

He did it on purpose.

From the beginning, Selena's voice-extraction system was defaulted to the Little Yellow Man mode, while his was the Terminator mode.

Selena was annoyed: "What's that noise? It feels weird. ”

Luke: “I think it's cute. ”

Selena: “Really? Well, it sounds kind of fun. Then follow my orders. Let's go, Terminator!” She raised her hand and waved forward.

Luke commanded him to turn around, open the door, sneak up to the ceiling, take a short run, and jump.

“Ah ~" Selena stepped on the ground, dancing and flying.

She flew seven or eight meters out of the air easily, and before landing, she had repositioned herself and landed smoothly: “What's going on? ”

Luke also jumped lightly: “Please use the internal calling system and don't scream with the microphone on the outside, okay? Commander.”

Selena: "Well, I forgot. ”

Luke could barely hold his laugh.

Imagine a man shouting like a little yellow man, flying through the air, and that's what Selena did before.

“Your shoes will change your height, your stress habits on the sole will be erased, and the new material will have the power to trigger. Now it's the default mode, and you can adjust to other modes until you're completely comfortable with your habits.” He explained.

Selena: “Cool.”

She stood there for a moment, and all of a sudden she was suspicious: "Why is this armor auxiliary system sounding like the one I'm talking to outside? ”

Luke: “Default. You don't like it. You can change it. ”

Selena: "Is that what your auxiliary system sounds like? ”

Luke nodded.

Selena's eyes turned and commanded, “Auxiliary voice switched to Terminator mode. ”

“Yes, Commander.” The auxiliary system opens exactly as Luke now plays his voice out.

Luke Gual, I don't think so.

“Okay, let's go.” Selena gives the order again, then… jumps towards the target location.

Luke: "Commander, jumping is not a necessary action to trigger, you don't actually have to learn to jump rabbits. ”

“Shit! I'm fast acquainted with its performance, you know!” Selena's furious: “No, I'm the commander tonight! ”

Luke grinned: "Okay, you're in charge. ”

They're out tonight with a new experimental armor, and she can play with it.

The reason why you chose to bring Selena out to play is simple.

The ghost butcher had to disappear completely for a while, and Batman had been too frequent lately, making another big move last night.

Flagg and Phil both began to make contact with Batman, and Luke's goal of using the Batman vest to divert outside sight has been achieved.

But he can't stop spending his experience points.

And when the blood mint left Los Angeles, he promised to clean up gang members in the East Side slums.

As a result of the earthquake, the security news that Bloody Mint had intended to see turned into Batman's news was not in keeping with his commitment.

That's the easiest way to bring Selena and change her identity.

Female thief, that should be a good name too!

Looking at Selena jumping on the roof in front of her, Luke smiled as she screamed in her headset.

Ten minutes later, in an abandoned factory in eastern Los Angeles.

“Are you sure you've done all the work?” Luke threw the concussion-coma gangster aside and looked at Selena.

Selena frowned: “Not yet? ”

Luke laughed without saying a word.

Selena looked around and shook her head: “I can't believe it. ”

Tonight is out to play, but don't waste too much time on the little details. Luke lifted his finger to the money on the finger table: "Do you have to take this? ”

Selena shouted, "Wanna take it? ”

Luke grinned, “If you don't take it, it doesn't make sense that we're not here for the money and the goods? Taking them, the first suspect on either side, is a dead match, so that the target is more and more conducive to our hiding identity. ”

Selena coughed softly: "Okay, Terminator, clean up all the money and take them away. ”

Luke: "Yes, commander!” (Yes, Commander)

He searched the room for money and flushed all the illegal drugs into the toilet, adding casually: "If you want to make the disguise a little more complicated, you can choose to miss change, stack the money, or scatter some of the money. This allows you to specify the target of suspicion, such as bandits, members of ordinary gangs, black-eaters, etc., which you may experience for yourself. ”