Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 785: 802 You can run, I can fly.

When Johnny insisted on saving his girlfriend, the old man sighed, picked up the shovel next to him and smashed his shovel.

Johnny just found out that the shovel was hollow.

The old tomb keeper drew a fine scroll from it: "The Covenant of San Van Gonza. ”

Johnny reached out and wanted to get it.

The old man dodged his hand: "Can I trust you? ”

Johnny silently said, “They took my soul, but they couldn't control my heart. ”

The old man laughed: "Anyone who has the guts to sell his soul for love has the power to change the world. Remember what you said! ”

He handed Johnny the scroll.

Johnny Results Scroll: “Uh, where's San Francisco? ”

Old man: “About 200 kilometers southwest, we have to hurry.” Speaking of going outside the cemetery.

Johnny took the scroll and followed the old man's footsteps: "Us? ”

The old man walked to the road in front of the cemetery, fingers in his mouth and a crisp whistle.

Not far away a sudden sound of horses hissing, horseshoes clicking on the ground, quickly approaching the two.

A black stallion suddenly slipped out of the clouds and gently ran to the old man's face, stopping and rubbing the old man with his head.

The old man turned his back on his horse: "I think I can ride it one last time. ”

During the conversation, his head burst into flames and spread down.

A skeleton knight appeared in front of Johnny.

Johnny looked at the scene stunned and suddenly realized, “Carter Slade? ”

The Skeleton Knight nodded slightly.

Luke wasn't too surprised.

Carter Slade, the last Evil Knight the tomb guardian himself mentioned.

In order not to let Murphy get the great power of the San Van Gonza Pact, Carter Slade rebelled and fled with the Pact and disappeared.

Well, from that point of view, Murphysto was looking for the devil knight who didn't do well.

But on the other hand, the Evil Knight also has the term "the fittest”.

If anyone can play the power of the Evil Knight, Mephisto doesn't have to pick the one who accepts it.

And the people who get that power, Mephisto, it's definitely not easy to control them.

Johnny looked at the horse with some scepticism: "Can it keep up? ”

Carter Slade's skull opened his mouth, seemingly laughing, and the flame suddenly spread to the sitting black horse.

Not surprisingly, the black horse, with flames in his four hooves and eyes, his nostrils and mouth sprayed with a mouthful of Mars, his hooves shaved and his head crooked, seemed to despise Johnny's problem.

Johnny: "Okay, let's go.” Speaking of flames rising, he became a knight of the devil.

The next moment, in the roaring sound of the engine, there was a crisp horseshoe, one car at a time.

Luke sighed: "You're playing with me. ”

If these two guys transform themselves, they can change the nature of the ride with that flame, which is really cheating.

Black horses and vintage motorcycles, when possessed by flames, immediately become super powerful vehicles, speeding more than 300 kilometres per hour in a short period of time.

And the two guys went straight west on the field and didn't take the highway at all.

Triumph motorcycles had difficulty driving at such speeds on the highway, and Luke hummed, putting away the motorcycle, releasing small planes in the open space, mumbling: “I can't run, I can't fly. ”

Above the night sky, you can see a line of fire on the ground with a string of flamethrows on it, and he won't lose them.

But looking at the two men in front of them, especially the handsome skeleton horse, Luke was a little red, but he could only watch the next car drool.

Secondly, the Evil Knight Transformation, though too high-profile, can't resist the fact that it is handsome and can disguise its identity.

Evil knights are bone skeletons when they show up, and it's not easy to see how big they are.

When Luke was bored, he even recovered Johnny's skull, not Johnny himself, but another strange man's face.

Obviously, this skeleton of the Evil Knight is not Johnny.

But Johnny had just completed his transformation in the holding cell, and the role of hiding his identity was no longer talked about, and he was blind to such a good vest.

On the other hand, the Evil Spirit Knight was transformed by the Evil Spirit given by Mephisto.

Luke never wanted to sell his soul.

Luke couldn't sell his soul, even if Murphysto was willing to sign a contract with him.

The old man accidentally mentioned that Luke's soul had signed a pact with Man before he was systematically beaten back to hell to play with mud.

Now, he should be referring to the system.

Again, the system is usually never proactive in stopping any attempts to invade its “territory" (denying mental energy links) and also proactively attacking Mephisto.

Conversely, the system will not react as long as the enemy does not attack Luke's soul and spirit.

As such, Luke, pondering things in the air, followed the two evil knights below for more than twenty minutes and arrived at the ruins of the town of San Van Gonza.

Looking at the wreckage of a dark village not far away, the flames on Carter Slade went out and restored the old look: “Here I am sending you. ”

Johnny's a little stunned: "Are you coming with me? ”

He thought Carter Slade was coming to help save people. How can this be done with a run?

Carter Slade helpless: “I'm too old and the power of the Evil Knight is almost exhausted, and I'm only sending you here to fulfill your wish. ”

Johnny: “What wish? ”

Carter Slade: “I want to be sure that some people will continue to fight demons after I die. ”

He threw a Winchester shotgun on his horse's back and said, "Go, boy. ”

Johnny took the gun, Carter Slade pulled the rope, the black horse clasped uniformly, the front hoof twisted in place, turned the horse's head, and always walked with a ticking response.

One horse at a time quickly disappeared into the thick of the night.

Johnny was silent.

Carter Slade was a 150-year-old Evil Knight, and he lived to this day, supporting Old Mai's body with the energy of the Evil Knight.

But this support is limited and not enough to make people live forever.

At this moment, Carter Slade will defend the Covenant of San Van Gonza for more than a hundred years and hand it over to Johnny.

This represents his only stake and responsibility and is in the hands of Johnny, the new generation of the Evil Knight.

Having lived for nearly two hundred years, there was nothing worth remembering, and running this last journey with Johnny also meant that the story of his former Evil Knight had come to an end.

Henceforth, only Johnny, the new knight, walked alone.

Johnny sent Carter Slater away behind a small mound before putting away the seemingly vagaries and moving on to the ruins of San Van Gonza.
