Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 998 Chapter 1015: Simple Single Bowl Noodles (Added with Clouds for Master Autumn Water)

Luke watched the skinhead's car disappear at the turn of the road before letting go of the earlobes of the future female painter's flesh: "Okay, let's go. ”

Elena was like, "Huh? ”

Luke: "You don't know anything about this tonight. Don't mention it to anyone. ”

Elena: "Ah? ”

Luke drove the car onto the highway and said, “That shooting was supposed to have been made by some people working in the dark. You know what black work is, right? ”

Elena thought about the movie she'd seen: "The murdering villain? ”

Luke nodded: “Almost. But there are basically rules for them and for those who have been attacked. If not necessary, they will not interact with ordinary people, and you will be safest when they do not exist. ”

Elena suddenly held her hand in his hand for a moment: "Do you, often, face these people and things? ”

Luke shrugged for a moment, or shook his head: “Most of the time, I used to play soy sauce in the police station, and I usually asked swat to kill them. ”

Elena burst out laughing: “Liar to me again. ”

She's not exactly Margaret, just think about what Luke does when he hears a gunshot.

Calm, comfortable, a little joke, how could he have acted so lightly if he hadn't been through something like that?

She even felt that Luke had ignored the matter and had notified the New Jersey police, which was why he was with her.

Luke didn't want to be photographed for her safety, so how could he risk being with her?

In her heart, she felt compelled to hold his hand tightly.

Luke sensed her emotional fluctuations, didn't say anything, just grinned and squeezed her hand in response.

Ford hid in the night.


At 9 a.m. on the 24th, Luke took a bath and gave a deep farewell kiss to a future painter who was still asleep, in exchange for her confused response.

Elena slept late last night, and he dragged her to morning coffee this morning, and she's in a state of sleep.

She asked for it herself.

When she came back last night, she said she had new inspiration, and while she was on vacation, the college was quiet and just turned into a piece of inspiration, so she had plenty of time to sleep this holiday.

Cover her up like a duvet, Luke leaves Parander College.

He also lost his rented Ford Explorer, who took the subway and went to a small New Jersey villa and drove home with a car.

And when he came home, he said, "Snail, did you find out what happened to those people last night? Especially those two priority objectives. ”

He transmitted the drone footage to the snail last night and gave the order to trace it.

“Sir, the first villa belongs to John West, which is the identity ID of the first priority target, but this identity part of the document is suspected of being forged, so the identity is questionable.” The little snail immediately began to explain: "And seven of the twelve attackers in the villa, NYPD data suggests they belong to the Tarasov family of the Russian gang. ”

Luke, um, made a sound.

The Tarasov family is a very famous Russian gang with a blacker presence than ordinary gangs, although their sphere of influence does not include the Clinton area and has not yet been cleaned up by him.

“What about the second goal?” He asked.

“That little building belongs to Frank-Mesis, and that's the ID of the second priority target. The identity documents were complete, but there was also a suspicion that some of them were manufactured artificially, although with more sophisticated means, his identity was also questioned. Ten of the fifteen attackers had military service records, of whom three were active and five belonged to a United States defence company and had long-term contracts for various military operations overseas. ”

Luke grinned, "Mercenaries? ”

The good news is that the so-called military contractors, or mercenaries or hyenas on the battlefield, often do dirty work for certain United States agencies.

“That's more than 85 percent probability, sir.” The snail said.

“Please rank these two goals as a general concern and let me know if you have further information.” Luke was less interested when he heard about it.

For the time being, he did not intend to get involved in the two matters, and he had the opportunity to check again in the future. If any of the parties had experience points to send to the door, he would not mind accepting them.

Now, he'd better leave Christmas in peace.

After washing his hands and entering the kitchen, he will need to bake and bake food, put snacks in the kitchen utensils, set the time and start making breakfast for himself.

Just a little thought, he decided to just simply eat the noodles and add a regular return to the pot.

Selena's interest across the street has been low, with occasional pasta.

Green pepper returns to the pot, a characteristic Sichuan dish, also doesn't get her taste buds, and Luke is too lazy to do it alone.

By himself today, he had a big meal at night and finally remembered the long-overdue noodles and returned to the pot.

I looked in the fridge and turned over a box of frozen shrimp, a large plier of Alaskan crab, a large piece of five-flower meat, and two chicken legs, which are the main ingredients.

Then the side dishes are green peppers, mushrooms, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, small green vegetables.

Wuhua meat is cut into large pieces and thin, not too much base oil, just spill out its own oil, then put it in a green pepper burst frying pan, the green pepper back to the pot meat is ready.

This classic Sichuan dish can be described as a myriad of practices, with a variety of ingredients, but the real essence is a few details, as well as fire control.

Same ingredients, chef and average cooking enthusiast stir up the flavor completely different things.

Luke, this plate is just a little better than Sichuan's fly restaurant, so just untie yourself.

Then the shrimp and crab put down the oil pan separately, the fried shrimp showed a nice red color and picked up the spare.

The chicken legs are cooked and torn into thin strips, which are also spare.

When two kilos of frozen noodles went down into the boiling water boiler, he sliced the vegetables, poured the oil and sautéed the garlic, poured the cut tomatoes, onions and shiitake mushrooms into the frying pan, and turned off the fire after a slight juice harvest.

At this point, the noodles are almost boiled, salvaged and dried in cold water, and poured into a basin.

Place red tongue shrimp, shelled white and tender crab meat, chicken strips, cucumber chips and green vegetables in a nice shape on the noodle and pour the sautéed tomato onion mushroom sauce over it.

Simple, single bowl of noodles, common back to pot meat.

A quick breakfast and that's it!

Luke can enjoy a simple breakfast in the absence of Selena, who has no feelings for the noodles, or some dog head at the bottomless level.

All of a sudden, he came up with something like that, taking a lemon slice from the side and squeezing the lemon juice evenly onto the shrimp crab on the noodle bowl.

Just this bowl noodle, mostly beautiful red, dotted with a little green material.

The back plate on the side is green green pepper with a little bit of scorched yellow meat.

They form just the right match and complement in color, perfect!