Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1009 Chapter 1026 Highly Suspected Targets Found (2 more)

Instead of staying on the hillside site, Luke went straight home and continued to follow the situation around the town in the intelligence center until Selena rang the door.

Luke had already taken a bunch of spare snacks out of the storage space, led her to the living room sofa and showed her how to eat and talk.

Selena's hungry, too.

Luke, the snack supplier, usually supports her, she still doesn't think.

Late in the day, she had no idea to eat, and now she felt her stomach burning, decisively picking up the cake on the table and cooking snappers for a while.

Gold pieces are directly divided into a large pot of snacks, placed on the sides of the coffee table, and have been eaten one by one.

Five small cakes, a dozen cookies, slowed Selena down and burned her with snappers.

Luke handed her a big cup of hot chocolate to keep her warm and didn't forget to give herself a big one.

Selena sighed with a sigh of hot chocolate and said, "My relatives have arranged it all so that they can stay on the ranch for a while and hide out if there's anything going on. ”

Luke said, "Where's your family? ”

Selena: “I sent them to Houston to help Catherine with your“ ranch staff Christmas trip. ””

Luke was relieved, too.

It's ruthless, but that's what people are like.

Those closest to you can use their maximum strength to guard them, while others can only take care of them with them and cannot be fully covered.

Once the two of them have said the most important thing, they begin to enjoy this brief break.

All of a sudden, Luke's earpiece sent a little snail reminder: "Sir, a highly suspicious target has been identified. ”

As he said, he had a surveillance image on his brown sunglasses.

Only four people were seen standing next to a Jeep, asking a resident of Shakford on the side of the road about something.

They are two men and two women, both young and beautiful.

The man is a slightly fat old man and a... blonde, tall, strong white young man.

Luke recalled that the young man did not look like Xu Jinjiang in his last life.

Why Xu Jinjiang? Because he only saw Thor the Thunder once in his last life, and he was a little blind to white people's faces.

Later, however, many people pranked, saying that if Xu Jinjiang's face was replaced, Thunder God himself could not distinguish, which gave Luke a little idea of the five officials.

However, even though this young man is not like Xu Jinjiang, Luke is still going to check it out.

It is a coincidence that they are not residents of Shakford and that they are here again at this sensitive point in time.

More importantly, even if Luke was a man, he had to admit that the blonde was really tall, strong and handsome.

However, the handsome type of blonde is rough and wild, which is the saying very man.

This is very close to the appearance of a great prince.

Luke says hello and barely eats a three-cent full of Selena and gold and gets in the car and rushes to the town fast food restaurant.

The central area of Shakford is small.

When there is no car early in the morning, a foot of gas can be stepped on, basically only five minutes to cross the town center.

The periphery is the kind of zero down a few hundred meters to have a house on the periphery.

The Luke family is closer to the fast food restaurant and only a few minutes walk away.

Luke pulled out two badges and handed them to Selena.

Selena looked at it and said, "Sachford's badge. Robert gave you the spare? ”

As soon as Luke pressed the badge in front of his chest, he attached it to his clothes: "The official badge of honor, with our name on the back. ”

Selena flipped over, and then she was engraved -- Selena Hayek, an honorary officer for life at the Shakford Police Department.

She winks and winks: "Did you do it for me? ”

Luke: “You still want Robert to do it for you! At most, he can send you an old one in the police warehouse. ”

Selena was right.

Robert was such a doorman for the use of police funds, so he was a good sheriff.

The two men pushed the door out and looked at the two women who were already holding the second resident for questioning.

One of them, 234, could indeed be called a woman, with medium brown and black hair, a rather refined eyebrow profile and an absolute beauty.

Another long black hair with black framed glasses, not supposed to be twenty years old on the skin, but crushed the former on the chest for several rounds, absolutely a woman.

Luke didn't give a shit, he went straight ahead: "Ladies, I'm the sheriff here. Did you run into any problems? ”

That being said, he did not hesitate to cast his gaze on… black frame glasses sister paper with a gentle smile on her face.

The glasses twisted over her head, and when she saw Luke's face, she stunned, making an unconscious “wow” sound in her mouth, which was gone.

The older woman next to her measured him and Selena, and there was some surprise in her mind: the level of sheriff in this town was too high!

Luke and Selena are not dressed in the same golden uniform as the general sheriff, but in casual outfits that look simple and generous, more like young people in big cities.

With her generosity, she felt she hadn't seen several policemen of this class in the big city, but two of them were sheriffs in this remote town?

Strangely enough, she said, "Yes, we want to know where there are meteorites and all that. ”

“Just a moment.” Luke said, smiling at the old lady on the other side: “Lucy, you should hurry back to cook dinner, I'll take care of it here. ”

Old Granny Lucy, thin but spirited, nodded with a smile: "You're still so diligent, do well. Come to my house for dinner at night? ”

Luke shook his head helplessly: "I don't think so. There's a lot of people around. I have to watch. You haven't been out much in recent days, so don't get into any unexpected situations. ”

Lucy: “It's okay, I'm not afraid. ”

Luke grinned, "Yes, you're not afraid, but I'm afraid you're going to clean them up. ”

Lucy was stunned and smiled happily: "You little witty devil, you speak so well. Well, I haven't been out much in recent days, so I'm not going to add to your workload. ”

Luke gave Selena a look, and Selena immediately went over and helped put the two big bags in Granny Lucy's hand in the car by the road.

And then he squatted on the side of the road, and he wouldn't go in the car, and he said, “Mickey, come home with Lucy for a can of fish. ”

Nice and short, not struggling to get into the car, looked at her and closed the door.

Lucy also sat in the driver's seat and waved at her with a smile and drove home.

Luke just turned around and said, "May I ask, what do you do? Astronomer? ”