Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1110: 1127: Very capable, Lord Wick. Rest (3 more)

There are more dead people alive than there are here, and the old man has taken many.

But if they all die at the hands of one person, there will be a dramatic decline in the number of such lives.

If a dead man is still a man of the Twelve Brains of the High Table, that's one of a kind.

And the large number of people who died in front of him was the core force of the Mutual Aid Society, which was known for its use of force and assassination over the high table.

This is the first job the old man's ever met.

That is why he was so respectful just now.

Those who can push Mutual Aid headquarters alone can, to some extent, already be considered to exist at the equivalent level of the Twelve Brains.

What a man can do cannot be compared to a group, but he can kill the vast majority of those against him - including the immediate power of the Twelve Brains, including the Twelve Brains.

A killer is a piece of chess at a high table, but when the strength of the piece exceeds the power of the chess player, few people are willing to play hard with him.

Everybody's not stupid, there's nothing good about it, idiots go.

Besides, John the Night Demon is best at latent assassinations. Faced with this legendary killer who pushed the Mutual Society forward, how many people on the high table can resist his assassinations?

The old man doesn't know what the high table will do to John later, but John needs to be in awe before the high table announces.

As the cleaning progressed, the guys separated the bodies and checked the identities of each body.

Soon after the initial sorting was completed, a fellow came over, shocked, but with an exciting look on his face, whispered: “Boss, let's find out. With the exception of Sloane, the remaining 18 named killers were all killed, 16 were shot in the head, only the butcher was knife wounded and then nailed to death on the ground. ”

The old man exhaled and didn't say a word, just waving his hand to show the man to continue his work.

When the man walked away, he took out his phone and dialed it, he whispered: "Winston, I have a big news for you about His Excellency Wick...”

A moment later, Winston at the mainland hotel dropped his phone and rubbed his forehead, whispering: “Calm down, I'm going to calm down. Let me think, let me think...”

He's always admired John Wick, and he knows he's capable.

But this time... can you overdo it? How dare you mess with Santino's 250? Winston had to get into a deep state of disorientation.

It's not that he doesn't value the news, it's that he does.

John alone washed away the core force of the Mutual Aid Society, something he hadn't heard of in decades.

Is that the Twelve Brains of the High Table, or is it the most powerful family that's been killed?

Though the head of the Mutual Society is still alive, Sloane's old monster and more than a dozen named killers are all dead.

Especially Sloane, an old man who hasn't made a move in years, but some of the rumors were clear to Winston back then.

That brain is only the “brain” of the Mutual Aid, while the "body” that represents mobility is Sloane and those named killers.

What good is mutual help with the rest of your head?

Even if it were supplemented by its own armed forces, that master could not be any better than Sloane.

The rebuilt mutual aid club is the top of the toddler's head, and the strength must be greatly weakened for a long time.

He had to sigh when he thought of the Tarasov family, who had lost at least 30% of their strength, and Kmora, who had lost two heirs in a row: "The high table, it's too quiet! ”

With this call, the news of the total death of the Mutual Aid cadres spread at an extremely rapid rate.

A phone rang at night, and a middle-class and a big man stared at the news and immediately remembered the benefits.

John the Night Demon is not a big problem. At best, he has a bad temper. Whoever messes with him kills the whole family.

But almost all the people who messed with him are dead, and the others haven't messed with him yet.

The real interest lies in the Tarasov, Kmora and Mutual Aid families.

Who made them fall in love with the Night Demon, losing their strength?

These are the three most deserving things compared to lonely widows, stinky, hard, yet unproductive night demons.

That's the fat sheep on the scene, isn't it?

It doesn't scrape a few pieces of meat off of it, big man.

For a while, the clouds in the high table were creepy and hooked up, more like something big was about to happen.

Here, Luke, who triggered all this turmoil, has returned home.

After telling Serena, he went to the basement, didn't keep pressing his dumb heart, took a deep breath, and tapped the button to modify the system panel.

Does it hurt to give up converting a Heavenly Woven to 500,000 points? Oh, it doesn't exist.

With his recent efforts, more than 100,000 experience points have been painted.

Sufficiently prove that experience points are like that, crowding is always there.

However, only a few times have the system itself been upgraded.

Obviously, only objects with fairly magical properties can be seen in the system, and of course he cannot let go.

The system was silenced as the retrofit button was pressed.

In Luke's perception, it's still there, but it can't use any features.

Tried the storage feature and the system panel, and he didn't think much about it after it really didn't work.

He will rest for a few days, no matter what happens after tonight.

Mutual assistance would wipe out such news, and deterrence was sufficient.

Even if the Twelve Minds were determined to deal with him, it would not be too soon.

When all three of the main brains of the head birds have lost a lot, others will not rush to the bareback to give their heads away.

The biggest possibility is that one of the "legacy issues” that Luke and Gianna designed beforehand - Santino's blood oath badge is unfinished.

With this pretext, whether it be for Gianna, the dead and resurrected owner of the Kramola, to avenge her brother, or for the High Table to issue a direct order for extermination and pursuit, it should be.

But all of this can't be bypassed by Gianna.

Luke's not in a hurry about this, and Gianna's not in a hurry.

The longer it takes, the more secure her position as the head of the household will be.

Luke killed a lot of voters for Kemorrah, but not the kind of old guy who leans on old age and doesn't listen, that's Santino's part.

These are the only people who have died, as well as their close bodyguards, and the real power of Kemorrah is not working at all.

Moreover, these “losses” of Kemorrah are not the losses of Gianna, but will significantly increase her control over Kemorrah.

As long as the adjustment period lasts for a few months, Kemorrah will only be stronger.

As an accomplice, Gianna will share the information with him.

One of the twelve brains gave himself ears and eyes, and he was not afraid of what the table was going to do.