Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1205 Chapter 1222 Pit Team Friend Optical Circle, Maintenance Mirror (3 more)

The next night, Luke and his wife rarely wore formal outfits.

Though neither is the kind of character that walks at the top of the fashion spectrum, neither will learn to be the protagonist of the web, and have to wear a slipper slit ratio in a group of full-length guests.

Luke firmly believes that such self-inflicted + abuses cannot be advocated, and that both defeats are not a good option.

Luke walked in with Selena, walking to the door and showing her the invitation.

He can have a date with an invitation like this, of course his name.

If he didn't come, Selena would be embarrassed to come alone.

That's why Selena immediately understood when she asked him if he was coming.

Not that Sheila looked down on Selena and couldn't give her an extra invitation, but that she knew the two were basically in the same place.

Sheila gave only one invitation, and of course wanted Luke to see his performance for himself.

Send one to each of them, maybe Luke won't get lazy.

Claire accidentally said several times that her brother was completely free of fashion and fashion.

At Sheila's aesthetic level, you can naturally see that Luke's everyday attire is really ordinary.

The attractive, pure bottom is too good, and the body and face are all to the standard.

People with this kind of hardware can see the sunshine even with a flower shorts + a big vest, and men are usually just dirty, borderless dead houses.

To be honest, Sheila didn't expect anyone to be so lazy that the work he offered her was in flames and she was never asked for any tickets.

After the seismic show, she had the idea of sending tickets on her own initiative.

Claire, who was then assistant to her, mentioned for the first time that her brother never watched anyone's concert, saying it was boring, and it was a waste to give it away.

Sheila didn't believe me, but she sent a few tickets.

As a result... Luke didn't come.

He didn't even give the ticket to anyone else to see it, as if he'd never received it.

The truth is the same, Luke just heard a little snail mention of a ticket from Sheila, and then he threw it behind his head.

He doesn't have time to listen to songs.

Not counting the time to watch the show, at least for over an hour at a time.

Besides, he has some doubts about his luck.

Last time Sheila-led the California Earthquake Show, there were a few blank players out there who wanted to make the big news.

For Sheila in her 30-year-old transition, this is a fatal thing.

As long as there was a major incident, even if it was not Sheila's fault, she would have to thank the people of the country for their sins.

At that time, her career in the second spring was delayed for several years, and she was dismayed and annihilated.

So Luke rarely goes to a friend's place to walk around. Much less “friends” should be the result...

But last night and tonight, he felt like he could handle it.

Besides, tonight is Weimi's scene, Sheila is just a singing guest, and the problem is Weimi's main responsibility.

His friend's bad luck halo effect shouldn't be so exaggerated.

Sure enough, from Sheila playing "Chandelier," to sneaking up on Luke with Claire after she removed her makeup, sitting down and watching the rest of the show, the whole process was fine.

At the end of the conference, Sheila was called away by a staff member when the designers came out to thank the curtain with the supermodels.

Luke, who had a good ear, heard something, and the staff said that Sheila and all her assistants were going backstage and needed their help.

He said in passing: "Call me if you need anything. ”

Sheila smiled and hugged him goodbye, took Claire with her and followed the staff.

In less than five minutes, Luke's phone shook.

He pulled out his eyebrows and frowned deeply: Do I really have a pit mate halo? No, look how comfortable Tony is. Nothing but a hole in his chest.

Matt was unconscious a few times, but he wasn't hurt at all.

Even that half-aged kid in Clinton now moves bricks... ah no, the building materials are a little tired, the pay is much higher than a part-time job, a proper blue collar reserve.

But, Sheila, what's going on here?

With a little uncertainty, he and Selena hung out their badge wallets and asked the staff to bring them somewhere backstage.

Claire, who stands outside the circle and is in charge of watching the wind, waves his hand.

But she didn't make a rude noise, and the action looked louder, but it didn't attract much attention.

Luke nodded in his heart: Sheila had a good upbringing of her sister, at least with a lively personality, but with more brains.

If she says hello out loud, even if it makes sense, it will bring the two Lukes to the attention of everyone present.

It would be uncomfortable for him to be used to shooting quietly and not talking.

As he approached the crowd that had gathered, his gaze and his eyes swept through the people present.

He doesn't know what's going on. But Sheila herself called Luke a two-hour, 10,000 dollar knife, and his location was clear.

If you dare to call him, the small case is impossible. Seventy-eight out of ten is a big case.

And among those present, he wrote down all the nervousness, fear, panic, and calm.

There's been a case, and it's not surprising to have these attitudes.

But on the other hand, the suspicion of those who are indifferent, unintentional and laugh at the noise can almost be ruled out.

Because they knew it had nothing to do with them.

There are too many of them in the fashion circle where the desire for money flows.

Luke could even tell that a lot of people's anxious expressions were faking, and in fact they didn't even care what happened, and even some people were happy.

In just over a dozen steps, he succeeded in eliminating more than 70 per cent of those present.

A small proportion of those present were publishers and staff, and the majority were supermodels who participated in the launch.

Without mentioning it, the super cute people almost all look like, "Can we get this over with? I have to get out of here."

At this moment, these bright supermodels are more "pro-people” in the background.

Most people wear thick coats to avoid a cold, but in sudden situations, many people have skinny legs and no time to wear pants.

Some are wearing high heels, some are pulling on slippers for change, some have not removed their appearance completely, and some are still removing half of their makeup and continue without slowness.

A lot of people's spring light is hidden, white, yellow bright, black bright thigh muscle Thoracic dorsal muscle is close by, visible, but without the kind of exciting aesthetics on the stage.

The supermodels look more like housewives before they go out than the hormones on stage T.

Of course, that's not all.

In Luke's sensitive sense of smell, several models smoked tonight, and two, if not all, were drugged.

And the more cynical behavior, which he doesn't want to care about anymore, is a bit disgusting.