Super Emperor of the Late Qing Dynasty

Chapter Twenty: Training with Neon Soldiers

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Super Emperors Search Novels of the Late Qing Dynasty ("!Only less than fifteen minutes later, more than 800 figures appeared behind the Neon Army, hundreds of guns fired in volley, and the sound of gunfire was like setting off firecrackers. For a while, the Qing Army could not lift its head.At this time, few people in Sugimoto were alive.

The soil slope in front of Feng Guozhang was splashed with bullets.Some of the recruits who had never fought were shrunken in fright, trembling and wondering something.

"Damn, there is only 800 people on the opposite side! Your weapons are better than them, he. Damn it!"

Feng Guozhang saw that the Qing army, who had only the personal soldier company, had the same expression, and was still fighting back. Many of those recruits felt weak and did not dare to look up.

"Fuck me back, where's the usual training! Wang Houshi brought a line up, and all those pretending bastards were drawn to me!"

Seeing that his words didn't help much, Feng Guozhang immediately issued an order to send the supervising army out.

"Yes! Follow me in the second row!"

With a wave of Wang Hou's hand, dozens of people immediately filed out. They were all elite veterans. They dared to fight foreign devils when their weapons were poor, and now they are even more fearless.

Immediately after the recruits under the influence of the "supervising army", they managed to raise their heads and began to fight back. After getting used to them, the usual training slowly came up.

"Zhiquan! The combat power of these recruits needs to be improved!"

On a hillside not far away, Yuan Kai and others were also observing the movement here.This is why he sent three battalions.

"No way! After all, there needs to be a process of adaptation, and it takes a process to grow into a veteran of a hundred wars!"

Duan Qirui replied with a smile, he was already quite familiar, after all, he had come back then.

"You can't go on like this! Take my order, after you surround yourself, let the veterans watch from behind. Once the Neon Army charges, they will fight me back. All the recruits will go up in turn. No guns or grenades are allowed! "

Yuan Kai frowned, then said.

"Master, what are you?...Lead!"

Duan Qirui immediately realized that Yuan Kai was going to use these hundreds of devils to train his troops, he immediately arranged.

Among 10,000 veterans of the Hundred Wars, there are almost 3,000, and most of the remaining are recruits, or soldiers who have never seen blood. This is indeed a good opportunity for training.

He couldn't help feeling sad for the fate of these eight hundred devils.

"This damn thing looks like this!"

A quarter of an hour later, Feng Guozhang looked at the recruits gradually entering the state, and nodded in satisfaction. Although they are still not veterans, they at least dared to fight back.

"Report! A new order from the master seat!"

A messenger appeared in front of Feng Guozhang and handed him a piece of paper.

"Fuck! You idiots! I'm embarrassed!"

After reading the order, Feng Guozhang couldn't help but his face was green, and he cursed fiercely, but he still followed the order.

"Report to Mr. Nakata! We are already surrounded! There are Qing troops in all directions, and there are about 800 to 1,000 people in each direction!" Classic Novel Network

A messenger arrived in front of Nakada Jiro who was reprimanding Shinichi Sugimoto.

"Damn bastard, it's so cunning! And how do you use such weapons, isn't it all tattered stuff?"

Nakata Jiro gave Yuki Sugimoto a fierce look and cursed.

"Captain! I think they have a large number of them, but they all seem to be recruits! Give me a team and I will open the way for the army!"

Sugimoto Shinichi gritted his teeth and said.

He had already seen that, although the initial wave of attacks was considered experience, after the Devil Army came up, it soon suppressed the same number of Qing troops on the opposite side.

"it is good!"

Nakata Jiro naturally knew that he had to break through now, and once these recruits were put into the state, they would have to explain here.

Due to the long-term domestic disputes, the Neon Army has seen more blood than the Qing Army. So far, the combat power is still higher than the Qing Army's recruits, unless Yuan Kai uses all veterans.

"Follow me!"

Shinichi Sugimoto waved his hand, and 80 or 90 neon soldiers rushed out with him.

"Ping Ping Ping!"

Obviously, the Qing army had never encountered such a situation. When they saw someone charging, they tilted their bullets crazy.

However, Sugimoto and the others did find the hiding spot very well, or directly lay down, rushed forward during the interval of the attack, and immediately concealed again.

"Huh! Bastard! Just bastard! When we rush to the front, we will definitely collapse!"

Nakata Jiro nodded in satisfaction. He was going to charge the whole team directly when he pressed in a little bit. He knew that once the clearing soldiers were close, many people would collapse and fall apart.

"Er Gouzi, you idiot! Don't you need money for bullets? Calm down, look for someone to hit!"

Beside a recruit, a bearded veteran patted the recruit viciously on the shoulder.

"Look up!"

The old veteran began to take aim, when the neon soldier on the opposite side felt that a wave of bullets had passed and was ready to jump forward.


The bearded head shot at the right time.

"Have you seen? Learn it!"

The bearded man looked at Er Gouzi with a smug face.

The same scene was played around, and of course the veterans couldn't be hit, but it taught the recruits how to face such a situation...