Super Emperor of the Late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 79: Zhenyuan Weiyuan's Return

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Super Emperors Search Novels of the Late Qing Dynasty ("!This is ten million taels of silver, at least five million taels of profit, and the Tanterbury Shipyard is only the second shipyard in the Will Army, which has a more advanced Hamburg shipyard."Saxony is also the second-ranked ironclad ship of the Will Army. Moreover, they did not take away all the senior technicians of the Tanterbury Shipyard, only half.

After thinking for a while, he agreed. People who are strong within a certain range can not only help him contain the Gauls, but also contain the forces of Geely and Maozi, reducing the pressure on the Army of Will in Europe.

After all, the Will Army does not have much interest in the Far East, and their focus is still on Europe.

"Good! I will provide the grenade drawings and related manufacturing technology and parameters soon!"

Li Fengbao readily agreed that this was what Wang Guangxu proposed to give, but he didn't say it.

The two parties quickly completed the transaction, and Wang Guangxu, the technology of the Will Army to obtain the grenade, was not worried at all. The technology of this thing is so simple that it will not take long for the powers to study it.

And here is something to follow, that is, those senior engineers who left the Will Army no longer want to return to the Will Army after a few years and become a nationality.

One is that they have mastered a lot of technical cores, and made a huge contribution to the warship cause.The Qing Dynasty will not let them go. Second, they have seen the power and volunteered to join their nationality.

And this group of people will be grateful for their choice in a few years. At that time, countless soldiers of the will want to become a nationality, but it is so difficult for them to become the lowest pariah.

The will soldiers are very efficient. They mobilized after receiving an advance payment of five million taels after the agreement was reached.

Ten days later

Zhenyuan and Weiyuan are already driving above the North Atlantic Ocean. The 7,400-ton tonnage is so small in the open sea. Apart from a large number of navy, comfortable personnel and equipment, they have the strength of a company of the Will Army.

Liu Buchan was on the deck, watching the direction of the fleet.Full of confidence, he served as the chief trainee officer of the flagship "Manado" of the Mediterranean Fleet for two years, and he performed outstandingly!

After seeing the strength of the Will Army Navy, he always hoped that his motherland could build a powerful navy, and now he finally realized this wish.

The motherland, thousands of miles away, defeated Gaul's fleet, and if the two first-class armored ships he led could return safely, then the imperial navy would be even stronger.

The battleship moved forward slowly, and was about to enter the Mediterranean waters. He had some nervousness waiting for the passing ships.


Oncoming a huge fleet, three 7,800-ton iron-clad ships, three patrols, one 6000-ton and two 5700-ton patrols, and eight medium patrols and light patrols. The key is to fly the three-color national flag on the flagpole. Make all the sailors nervous.

However, the soldiers of the Will still control the two warships, the chief engineer, the first officer, and even the pilot, with the National Flag of the Will.It's useless for them to worry.

"Hey! Mr. Liu! Don't worry. Before the warship is delivered, this is still a warship of the Will Army. Unless the Gauls want to start a war, they dare not open fire."

Naval Colonel Rams patted him on the shoulder and said.Starting Point Novel Network

Liu Buchan nodded and said nothing.The Gauls on the opposite side really didn't open fire. Their huge muzzles all aimed at Zhenyuan and Weiyuan, but until the two fleets crossed over, they were still in peace with the cannon's range.

All this gave Liu Buchan a deep sense of humiliation. This is a demonstration by the Gaul, and the man’s warship still needs the protection of others.And they are nothing but a Gaul Mediterranean fleet.

They are showing how powerful the real main fleet is, and this is not yet the strongest main fleet in Gaul.

But fortunately, all this is slowly changing. Liu Buchan believes that in the near future he will drive a more powerful fleet to the door of the Gaul...

Annan, the headquarters of the Gaul Far East Army.

"Why did the navy fail! They are really a state waste!"

Miller felt very hot, and Annan's humid and hot weather made him very uncomfortable.Coupled with the successive bad news, he was even more irritable.

He irritably walked away from the map.The first button under the collar was torn by him, revealing a sweaty chest.

After the Zhennanguan First World War, the sister of the Gaul Army retreated and had already retreated to Hanoi. Today, relying on the Red River to stalemate with the army, it is more defeat than victory.

When news of the defeat of the Bastille navy came, he knew that Gaul had no chance in this war. Even if troops were sent again in the country, it would take two months to reach the battlefield at the earliest.

The Gaul army, which had lost control of the sea, would not be able to hold on to it for 20 days once the supply line was broken.

Then let alone North Vietnam. Even the South Vietnam, which has been in business for many years, will be lost. The Gauls can completely talk about 88 with this colony.

So as soon as he received the news, Miller immediately shrank the defense line. He had a hunch that the group of people would definitely not miss such a good opportunity to hit his supply line.

Therefore, he has arranged for the troops of the two brigades to go back ahead of time, while the other troops are slowly being adjusted, ready to withdraw at any time.

It's just that the opposing army suddenly stepped up its offensive. Even though the Gaul army shrank the line of defense, it was still a little strenuous. Several times they even passed the Red River. The Gaul army paid a great price to drive them back.

At will, in order to prevent them from discovering that the expeditionary army has begun to withdraw south, he can only deploy troops little by little.Prevent the collapse of the entire front.

The forces of the last division will also be withdrawn tonight, and the headquarters will be transferred. Tomorrow, the army will find that the Gauls have disappeared.

Miller walked out of the building slowly, and the team was ready, just waiting for him to pass.

"When I break into the southwest, all three provinces will be turned into our colonies!"

After looking at this place last, he vowed that he would set foot on this land again when the reinforcements arrived. ..