Super Emperor of the Late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 115: The Controversy of Imperial Examination Reform

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Super Emperors Search Novels of the Late Qing Dynasty ("!But is the imperial examination system necessary?Definitely!The imperial examination system is not just a selection of officials.Just like the civil service examinations of later generations, officials!Officials!It's just that the imperial examination only selects officials, not officials.

In later generations, when almost many people mentioned the imperial examination system, they would always denounce the imperial examination system one-sidedly, resulting in almost total denial, and ultimately leading to the lack of traditional culture.

From the beginning of the Sui and Tang Dynasties to the end of the Qing Dynasty, the imperial examination system selected a lot of talents for the Qing dynasty. Almost all the names reported in history had participated in imperial examination tasks. As a selection mechanism, there was nothing wrong with the examination.Naturally, there have been countless cases of Kong Yiji, but this is not the fault of the imperial examination.

This is a question of the content of the exam. Before the middle and late Song dynasties, the imperial examinations were all-encompassing and did not solidify people's thinking.It will not delay the development of science and technology. All these changes are derived from Cheng Zhu Lixue and the eight-legged scholarship.

Especially Zhu Xi, a figure who deified etiquette for committing adultery with his own daughter-in-law.It can be said to be the turning point of all this.

Therefore, it is a matter of the content of the examination. Wang Guangxu intends to add mathematics, economics, law, and current affairs to the current imperial examination first. After people are familiar with it, he will immediately cancel the stereotyped examination.Dali preached the style of Han and Tang Dynasties, and restored the content of Paul Vientiane in the Tang Dynasty.

History, mathematics, physics, even chemistry, biology, geography plus judgment, case analysis and even logic questions, and then gradually evolved into questions that require different departments.For example, if you examine the Ministry of War, then you should do the questions issued by the Ministry of War, and those who examine the Ministry of Engineering will do the questions issued by the Ministry of Engineering.

In the end, it becomes an examination that only goes to the officials, not the officials, and the officials need to rely on political performance, wind evaluation, and ability to be promoted.

He was completely transformed into a civil service examination, but still retained most of the ideological and cultural essence formed in the Han and Tang Dynasties.

As for the fairness of the exam, I don’t need to talk more about it. After decades of quarreling for the college entrance examination, I didn’t get it. So, I’m not waiting for the exam.

As long as the human factors are well controlled.Increase the proportion of multiple-choice questions, the Accord examination room system, and improve the level of technology.

What needs to be done is to reduce the proportion of human subjective factors.

At the meeting!

"Next year is the new year of the imperial examination. I intend to add Western learning to the imperial examination next year. What do you think?"

Wang Guangxu looked at the officials underneath and said, this is no way, and this kind of reform must first come up early.

"The emperor! Never!"

"I govern the country with courtesy, filial piety, benevolence, and righteousness. How can I compare those wonderful skills with Confucian classics."

As soon as he finished speaking, the few old men who were about to lose their teeth were snatched out, telling him that Confucius, Mencius, courtesy, loyalty, filial piety and justice are the foundation of the country.Old Friends Bookstore

Moreover, Wang Guangxu frequently lamented the profoundness of Qing culture.

Even his master Weng Tongshu from the Ministry of Etiquette also gave a speech, but his speech was dedicated to prescribing a separate examination to take the top students in Western studies to serve the army and the Ministry of Industry.

Then some people from the Westernization Group were discharged from hospital and began to support Wang Guangxu's views.

For a time, the whole Jinluang Temple was eloquent, and the debate was very intense.

Because of Wang Guangxu’s promotion, the Westernization Movement was much stronger than in history, but most of them were also born in the imperial examination, and their momentum is inevitably weaker.

This makes Wang Guangxu a bit big head. These people know the historical classics so much that they should go to the History Research Institute and the Archaeological Institute instead of being an official here.

"Look at your virtues! There is a difference with that shrew! You still claim to be the Confucianism of Confucius and Mencius. I think you are not studying Confucianism of Confucius and Mencius, let alone some legalism, Mohism, and peasantism, but all political experts The things that Zhu Xi learned!"

"The interpretation of Confucius and Mencius written by Cheng Zhu must be true? How could Zhu Xi not be able to do it himself? Not only could he not do it, but does he know how to write the word shame?"

"This imperial examination! It must be changed too! It shouldn't be changed too! You can be killed in this hall to fulfill your reputation! What I want to respect is Confucius and Mencius, Lao Zhuang, Mohan and not a man in human skin. Zhu Xi!"

Wang Guangxu stared coldly at the chattering ministers of the country, and flung his sleeves and left.

Although he is only thirteen years old, he is gaining momentum and has gradually gained the aura of an emperor.

Moreover, several bloodshed and actions are enough to show that he is a decisive person.His Highness suddenly became quiet, no one dared to speak and watched him leave.

Confucianism has been able to rule the ideological field for thousands of years. It is his service and catering to the ruling class. Although this time seems to offend most of the officials and scholars in the world, what Wang Guangxu used to fight them was the people's mind and the military power.

Moreover, their core interest is power and money. At this time, Wang Guangxu does not plan to move these things. He has to wait for his own power to become stronger and cultivate a large number of new-style talents who can take over their seats before he can do it.

And be prepared for sufficient discussion and ideological enlightenment.

Otherwise, who will govern the country if these people have all won?Relying on Wang Guangxu alone or the few Westernizationists?In that way, the entire country will be directly paralyzed, and it will collapse without the need for others to beat itself.

This time, Wang Guangxu also saw the strength of the stubborn forces and strengthened his determination to get rid of these malignant tumors. Moreover, he believes that his changes are not big this time. Western learning only accounts for 40% of the score, and some of them will accept it. of...