Super Emperor of the Late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 116: The Conflict Between Man and Han Soldiers

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Super Emperors Search Novels of the Late Qing Dynasty ("!In the early summer, there are vast expanses of greenery on the grassland, and you can't see the end at a glance at the whiteness of the sky and the greenness of the earth.

But so that the Dragon City Fei Jiang was here, he did not teach Huma Du Yin Mountain, and now this Yin Mountain has long been the territory of the Qing Empire, and even hundreds of kilometers to the north.

The animal husbandry outside the Great Wall, blood stained with yellow sand, is also the dream of many ancient bloody men.

However, Li Yongfu was really worried at this time. The soldiers he brought over were all southerners. After arriving here, they vomited up and down. They were not satisfied with the water and soil. They basically became soft-footed shrimps. to make.

He finally understood the emperor's meaningful eyes and the reason why Zuo Zongtang was hesitant to say something when he was fighting.

"This is going to teach me a lesson! I blame me for being too proud! Don't put the hat in my eyes! Now"

Liu Yongfu couldn't help smiling at this time. He already understood the emperor's meaning and thought that he was too accustomed to being wild and rebellious, and wanted to sharpen his spirit.

"Reporter Chief! The capital has sent Doctor Li! He is outside the camp now!"

As he was thinking about it, a security guard came in and reported.

"Please...please will go by myself!"

Hearing this, Liu Yongfu stood up and walked out in great joy.

"Doctor Li! You used to treat the emperor, but even if it was not helpful, you were also treating a doctor of the Central Committee of the DPRK. Now you are indeed giving us a bunch of rough people..."

Liu Yongfu couldn't help but feel dark when he saw that Dr. Li had brought a few people over, but he had also learned how to behave and said politely.

"Now most of the imperial doctors have been rushed by the emperor to teach and educate people at the Imperial Medical College. What are you talking about nobles! And you are also nobles to fight and bleed for the country!"

"My lord, rest assured that the emperor has ordered the establishment of the Sui Military Uniform Museum. I am just taking the first step and come here to see the situation. There are dozens of people behind, all of whom are famous doctors, and I have brought a lot of apprentices!"

The doctor Li has been treating those people intensively, and there is no way to see what Liu Yongfu is thinking.

"It's so good! It's too much trouble!"

Liu Yongfu smiled immediately after hearing this, and greeted him again and again.

Under the meticulous treatment of a group of Chinese medicine masters and apprentices, these people almost recovered their combat power in less than ten days.

And this medical team has been stationed in the Fourth Division along with Doctor Wang.

The establishment of the Imperial Medical School is of course also Wang Guangxu's meaning. The long-standing failure of Chinese medicine to develop has been due to the fact that it has been self-contained, and the traditional idea of ​​passing on from men to women and the master's left-handed thinking has also led to the loss of a lot of essence.

Later generations had an even more one-sided understanding of Chinese medicine, and the Western medicine was popularized by Westerners. Hua Tuo was already doing craniotomy thousands of years ago, and he also knew how to anesthetize.33 Novel Network

And Chinese medicine has a miraculous effect on chronic diseases that Western medicine can't do.Especially in the era of the proliferation of antibiotics, Chinese medicine has slowly begun to find his position, but at this time, there are at least few things handed down.

Therefore, Wang Guangxu decided to carry forward traditional Chinese medicine, at least to complement Western medicine, and for the disinfection, blood transfusion, and surgery that are often encountered on the battlefield, in fact, they have already been and practiced in ancient Chinese medicine theories, but no one can Make a summary.

Where are the most masters of Chinese medicine?Of course it is too hospital!So Wang Guangxu, these old men got out most of them, plus Hu Xueyan from Hu Qingyutang, and Le Xianyang from Tongrentang, together with a few western doctors, entered the Imperial Medical College. On the one hand, they taught and educate people, and on the other hand, they improved the theory of Chinese medicine and western medicine. Learn from each other.

As for the Sui Military Medical Center, which is the health station in the army, male nurses cannot be recruited, and only male nurses are available for the time being.

On the vast grassland, two hundred Manmeng Eight Banners sent this batch of rations westward under pressure, and more than a hundred miles away was the camp of the Fourth Division.

Just take a break at the Hotes military station in front, and you will be able to reach the camp tomorrow or almost tomorrow.

The leader of the army was Albudan. He followed about a dozen bannermen and more than two hundred sturdy Mongolian cavalry. Judging by the rank on his shoulder, Yan Ran was a captain.

"Brother, did you lose the fourth division of Song Liang Dynasty?"

Suddenly dozens of new troops appeared on the other side of the grassland. They were at least very slow. They hadn't been thoroughly familiar with how to control horses and they came close. Zhao Chunsheng, who led the soldiers, stepped forward and asked.

"We have walked more than eight hundred miles! Seeing to be there soon!"

Albudan snorted coldly, even if he saw that Li Chunsheng was the rank of captain like him, he was still not polite.

"Sorry! We got lost in the grassland, and we don't know how to ride a horse!"

Li Chunsheng couldn't help being a little embarrassed.

Albudan ignored him and blew his whistle, and his horse ran to his side.He jumped up, and the two hundred cavalry behind him immediately followed, moving extremely fast.

Li Chunsheng was a little helpless. He had a mistake first, so he couldn't say anything, so he had to hurry up to keep up.

Albudan was a man from the Zhenghuang Banner of Manchuria. He did not go to the guard battalion arranged to be the platoon leader. Instead, he petitioned to be transferred to Outer Mongolia to be the Eight Banners garrison. For half a year, he took his two dozen brothers. Killed more than 30 Maozi, and lost only five or six people.

Relying on his military merits to take the seat of this company commander, it is very likely that he will be promoted to deputy battalion commander or directly to the main camp in a few days.

He did not have too much dissatisfaction with the emperor's abolition of the Eight Banners. People should have gone for the waste. Only true warriors can enjoy the privileges. He wants to prove to the emperor that elite satisfaction is still a powerful force of "Jurchen dissatisfaction and invincible".

After half a day, I finally arrived at the Hotes Military Station. At this time, it was already dark. I usually don't rush on the grassland after dark because it is easy to lose my way.

Just when Li Chunsheng sat down, he ordered the soldiers to set fire to prepare to boil water. He has been drinking mare's milk these days. The smell of the fishy smell made him unable to eat at all. He couldn't help but eat the marching dry food when he wanted to boil some water. There is a big temperature difference between morning and evening, and it is colder at night, which can also be used to drive away the cold.

Unexpectedly, Albudan kicked off the fire when he came over, gave Li Chunsheng a fierce look, turned his head and left.

Li Chunsheng stood up suddenly, and now the Han people are not slaves to the full, not to mention that both of them are captains, and the other is no more senior than him. Before, he had tolerated it because his mistake was first, but now he can't bear it...