Super Emperor of the Late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 253: Postwar International Influence

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Super Emperors Search Novels of the Late Qing Dynasty ("!The signing of the Daqing Neon Weihai Treaty was widely publicized in domestic newspapers. At the same time, the history of Neon and the relationship between Neon Neon and the relationship between Neon and Neon were reorganized to prepare for the full occupation of Neon in the future.

"Neon, who is irresponsible, since he dared to peep into the territory of my celestial dynasty, he was beaten and surrendered in three months."

"It's that they spied on our territory during the Ming Dynasty. They landed in Yingzhou a few years ago, but unfortunately they didn't have the strength to swallow it."

"It's not good for us to occupy their territory. I am a country of etiquette, the Yangyang Dynasty."

"What do you know! Didn't you see it in the newspaper? They are the descendants of the five hundred boys and girls that Xu Fu went to sea back then. They attacked us because they rebelled against their ancestors. What if they were all taken down?"

"Yes! I have a profound and profound culture in the Qing Dynasty, and I am the only ancient country left. Even if we occupy other countries, it is to educate the barbarians!"

For defeating Neon, Wang Guangxu should be the most excited person in the world, because now Neon’s petition to the Qing Dynasty has not committed as many crimes as later generations. Except for some people of insight, the people think that more. It's just a stronger small country.

They hate more powers like Gili Gaul Maoqiu.

However, this time it has taken the first step to occupy the territory of another country. There is not much opposition in the country. After the people slowly adapt, the entire Far East will be Wang Guangxu's goal.

At the same time, the war also caused great repercussions in the West. The Times, London, and Gaul Empire reported on the course of the war.

"The real rise of the Qing empire, he is no longer an object of alliance, but an opponent or ally of the same strength."

"The Eastern Dragon is not just awakening, he has begun to take off."

"The Western world is no longer alone, because a powerful country was born in the East."

They used such words and titles to report.

In their eyes, the great powers can be divided into three levels, and Gran is undoubtedly the strongest, followed by the great powers, and then the third-rate powers of the Ohos.

Now it has been placed in the back of the second stream, on the same level as Mei Maoqiu, this positioning is undoubtedly very high.

However, they did not think that the current division of strength might be right. More than ten years, 20 years later, Citigroup of the Qing Dynasty grew to the same level as Gili Gaul, and even a few years later, only these two are left. A behemoth is fighting.

Neon has a modern navy and army. In terms of scale, the navy has surpassed some third-rate Western powers and was defeated in less than three months.

Moreover, the four largest naval battles in the world in the past ten years have appeared. The record of three wins and one draw has completely established the status of the world's first-class navy. In addition to the slightly smaller overall tonnage, the quality is already at the top.Tsinghua Novel

At the same time, it became the second country to have a dreadnought ship after Gran, although most people believed that it was built with the help of soldiers of will, but after all, it was built in a local shipyard and its industrial strength was also recognized.

The year of 1891 was the year when their customs was fully recovered. Geely State’s plan to support neon containment temporarily failed, and they really completely withdrew from the customs.Although the handover started last year, many aspects have not yet been fully cleared.

With the end of this war, there will be no obstacles to this handover. This will be a year of truly mastering the destiny of one's own tariffs.

1891 was also a year without leases. Countries took the initiative to surrender their concessions without delay. From then on, apart from the embassy on the land of the Qing Dynasty, no city could separate a large area for the powers to hang out. "People and dogs are not allowed" sign.

Even Portugal has taken the initiative to make contact, and Macau and Hong Kong will return at the same time in five years.

1891 was the year he entered the world. As he grew stronger and dozens of countries established diplomatic relations with him, embassies spread all over the world, and along with the embassies, there were Confucius Institutes that promoted Qing culture.

At the same time, the launch of the Qing-class Dreadnought-class battleship greatly stimulated the Western powers.They rushed to build and develop their own dreadnoughts.

Within two years, Mijian’s South Carolina-class battleships, the Volkswagen’s Nassau-class battleships, Gaul’s Gupa-class battleships, and Illy’s Dante Alligre battleships were launched one after another. Although these battleships did not have their original history Dreadnought ships of the same level are strong.But it also basically reached the standard of a large dreadnought ship, powerful armor, and unified caliber of multiple main guns.

A worldwide arms race has thus begun.

Winter Nuan Pavilion.Gathered Zhang Zhidong, Li Hongzhang, Zuo Zongtang, Yang Rui, Tang Shaoyi, Tan Sitong, Zheng Guanying and Nie Shicheng.

It can be said that this is a celebration party and a handover party. The older generation of military and political leaders will surrender a large part of their power.

"You guys, the victory over the Neon War is inseparable from your hard work, you are very lucky."

Wang Guangxu looked at the elites present, there were dozens of them, these things are currently the backbone of the empire.The lowest ranks are from the first rank and the winning rank.Get together and go to the big winter warm pavilion.The meeting rooms are a bit crowded.

"The ministers dare not wait, they are all intertwined with the emperor!"

These military and political ministers, one by one, dare not even say.But from their faces can see the joy of the power of this empire.

"You don't have to be humble. It is inevitable that you will be rewarded by meritorious deeds, and this country cannot treat you badly."

"I announced a few things today, and naturally there will be related calligraphy for those that have not been announced. You will know after reading them."

Wang Guangxu seemed to be particularly happy today, the smile on his face could not dissipate for a long time, even after defeating Gili Gaolu Qunchen, he has never seen him so happy.

As soon as this sentence fell, the officials' expressions became serious. They knew that Wang Guangxu was bound to announce something important...