Super Emperor of the Late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 306: Furious Study Abroad

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Super Emperors Search Novels of the Late Qing Dynasty ("!Although Geely’s fleet looks mostly old and few new warships along the way, they were influenced by the dark age of the Victorian Navy at that time, and their shipbuilding industry and design concepts are still the world’s top. Four dreadnought ships are about to be launched, and the improved design has been completed. They can start construction of ten capital ships at any time as long as they want.

The Geely people’s proposal that the navy’s tonnage and quality should exceed the sum of the second and third in the world is not just a slogan, they will do it.

Although in the second industrial revolution, Geely’s products were dumped by a huge colony, and they were not keen on improving technology. They were surpassed by new powers such as Citiwill, but they knew the origin of the sun never set. , The technology and strength in the navy have been maintained at a level, even in the Victorian Dark Navy, this aspect has not stopped.

What's more, as an empire that never sets, although their industrial strength is gradually lagging behind, the accumulation of wealth for hundreds of years is not a joke. It is far more than ten times their financial income. The huge side can get from neutral countries and allies. Buy everything they want.

Now that Gili Gaul’s contradictions have gradually emerged, the Will Army wants to achieve hegemony on the land first through their powerful army, and is hand-in-hand to suppress and play.The policy of competing with the Geely country again, while the Geely country hopes to divide and suppress the army of will.

The fleet finally passed the Gili Gili Strait and approached the Will Army. As the coastline approached, everything became clear in Wilhelmshaven.

When the huge Qing Dynasty arrived at Wilhelmshaven, they were surprised to find that on the breakwater of the harbor, all the open spaces were full of young students with yellow skin and dark eyes!There are as many as 10,000 people.

Although almost every major country has sent overseas students to China, it is undoubtedly the most in the country of will, followed by Mi Jian.

Of course, most of the students of these people study abroad at public expense, but as they become stronger and groups of students return to China, there are gradually fewer public-funded international students, and more self-funded international students.

These students were sent to the Will Army a few years ago.Holding up all kinds of banners, slogans, and flowers cheering to the fleet from their homeland!Pay tribute to their emperor.

They are all dressed in hot and neat school uniforms, including Berlin.The universities, the University of Konstantz, the Munich University of Technology, and the University of Heidelberg...Almost all of them are the most famous universities in the State of Will. These universities are difficult for even the native students of the State of Will to enter. The elites of Yu easily entered.

At the beginning, some people thought that there was a deal here. They had always heard that the royal family was very rich, and the young emperor did not stingy with his funds for the sake of the country's strength, especially the investment in education and industry. For this reason, he even spent a lot of money to buy half of the Hamburg shipyard and relocate it as a whole.

They thought it was people who wanted the universities to use dirty methods of bribery, so they launched an investigation.

But the results of the investigation surprised them.The House of Novels

These students are simply the treasures in the eyes of professors at various universities. Not only do they study crazy, and their scores in the usual and final tests are much higher than the local students of the Willing Forces, but they also appear in various laboratories, libraries, and even factories. Participating or active figure.

They are very talented, and they study frantically almost constantly, and they can master German in just one or two months.In a few months, I can master what ordinary students of the country can master in a few years, and then go crazy in the library and ask the professor to teach them new things.

Each class of international students graduated with the best grades, and under the influence of Wang Guangxu's ideas, these students did not study hard after coming here, they also have strong hands-on skills.

Therefore, many factories and even their own schools flocked to open them with generous and unreasonable conditions to ask them to take up positions or stay to teach.That Fenghou's salary and superior treatment were completely comparable to those of the same rank, but without exception, no one was left.Instead, they chose to return to the country that was once poor and backward and is now rapidly developing, because they know that there is a person there who is trying to change the status quo and is constantly getting results, but he is too lonely and needs more help.

Another ten years have passed. These international students, like their predecessors, did not stay behind. Instead, they returned to the cabinet and used their shoulders to support all walks of life.

As the warship drew ashore, everyone began to arrange the actual disembarkation. Wang Guangxu walked in the middle of the team in a straight military uniform, with a flower badge and several delicate medals falling from his chest, and five gold stars gleaming on his shoulders.Bright wallpaper riding boots, the sword of the emperor with a shark leather sleeve on the waist, this is the clothing of the grand marshal, and above the marshal of the empire, only the emperor has the right to wear.

As soon as the team stepped on the shore defense, several people dispersed and merged into the nearby team, soon being overwhelmed by the crowd.Immediately, a large group of international students swarmed up, but instead squeezed the welcome staff arranged by Wilhelmshaven aside.Fortunately, they all knew the rules. When they were about twenty or so away from the team, they listened and looked at Wang Guangxu with excitement.

Nowadays, as long as the people of the country understand that this is an emperor's experience, they worship Wang Guangxu and do not worship the personality, which has reached unprecedented heights.

Immediately, several people who seemed to be quite prestigious among the international students had begun to arrange for everyone to prepare to bow their gifts.

"That's it! This is not a domestic place! And it is not a major event, and it doesn't need to be the case in the country! Don't forget it!"

Wang Guangxu smiled and waved his hand. He was very satisfied with these international students. Many of the seniors have done so much for the rapid development in China.

"Long live my emperor! Long live! Long live!"

Upon hearing the emperor’s words, the leaders changed it to bend over.
