Super Emperor of the Late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 521: Battle Plan Against Neon (2)

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Super Emperors Search Novels of the Late Qing Dynasty ("!There are now ten armies in the empire.The standing force is 2 million people. In Western Siberia, Caucasus, Iraq, Miandian, Yueguo, and Indonesia, there is a group army garrison. The group army can be expanded to 3 million in war.

If three or four armies need to be used, then the strength of other places will be very tight.Even if it is accused of restoring wartime forces, it seems a bit weak. Although the standing army of the Qing Dynasty is already the world's largest, the territory is too large and there are too many places to defend.

"Before we attack Neon, we will resume the wartime military configuration. If other people have the intention to intervene. Then we will immediately expand and increase the configuration of three or four group armies. We need forces that can deal with all crises."

Wang Guangxu nodded and said.

Huaguo conducts semi-militarized education and implements a compulsory soldier system. Each adult man not only undergoes military training in school, but also has to participate in an organization of elite soldiers. There are more than ten days of semi-militarized training every year, which lasts for more than three years. .

It can be said that the expansion of the army is very simple, and it can even be expanded to more than 10 million troops when the country is alive or dead.Therefore, any country that wants to attack the mainland of the Qing Dynasty must weigh and weigh whether it has this strength.

Hearing Wang Guangxu's words, the generals were even more excited. They knew that the emperor had made up his mind this time, that even as a result of holding and tearing his face to other countries, he would forcefully extinguish the neon.

It will not change for any reason. Now Da Qing wants to mobilize a large number of troops to prevent the neon raids every time Da Qing wants to expand abroad, which will undoubtedly greatly affect Da Qing's strategic implementation.

Of course, if John and Citi make a joint effort, it is still possible to prevent the Qing movement, but these people will also consider their own interests, and it is impossible to make a full shot.

"Okay! The staff will revise the stable plan. There must be preliminary things before the next morning. We must prepare for the battle according to the plan."

Wang Guangxu understands the ambitions of Neon, but it is easy to defeat a country. If a country does not perish, it often takes several times of effort and sacrifice. After all, every country will have their loyalty, not to mention a country like Neon that is determined not to lose. It.

Landing on them will inevitably lead to fierce resistance from all citizens, and the price paid at that time will be much higher.

So you need to make complete preparations. Of course, if the Neon Man still doesn't recognize after being occupied, he doesn't mind letting the men of that country disappear from the world.

Knowing about Neon, he would never give any chance to such a mentally deformed clansman, unless he became a dog of his own, completely obedient to himself, without the strength to raise any resistance.

The results of the exercise were as expected, the battleship formation was sentenced to annihilation, and the aircraft carrier formation was unscathed.

The strategic significance of an aircraft carrier is of great importance.When he was able to exert the corresponding combat effectiveness, all preparations began.The second Chinese website

The battle plan for Neon was quickly specified. On the third day, every important minister received the relevant plan from the General Staff.

The war against Neon is divided into three parts. The first stage of naval battle preparation includes the blockade of Neon, the decisive battle with the navy, and the seizure of sea power.

The second part is to launch a land war against neon. The army will land from three places in the east, north, and south, and advance together, so as to achieve the goal of eliminating the neon regime as soon as possible.

The third part is about the actions needed to face the opposition of various countries to the Qing Dynasty and the control of the neon army. Half of the naval power and one million excited troops must be left in case of accidents, so the army is expanded and recruited. The work must start.

There is nothing new in the plan. The results of the Neon War I can be said to have been expected. The key is to see how much strength Citi and John Donggou used to cause trouble to the Qing Dynasty.

If they use too much strength, Daqing will still be under great pressure.

'This time the emperor, after we perished the neon, did we take them as a nation?Or directly as a colony?"

Prime Minister Tan Sitong couldn't help but ask, after the war, there is bound to be peace, and the people need to be responsible for the people's livelihood after the war.

Although the officer will be executed at the beginning, the officer cannot continue, and it will end one day.

"Temporary military control. After some people are eliminated, a new regime needs to be established. We will use it as a fief and grant it to future generations." "They will be the empire's vassal just like the Maoqiu Empire. Of course, they will After this stage, the Maoqiu Empire can only be king, and it is as good as the mainland. Only a constitutional monarchy system can be implemented. The first article of their constitution will always be in compliance with the Qing Empire and no modification is allowed.'

Wang Guangxu was understanding what Tan Sitong meant. He had his own ideas for a long time, so he said it in advance.

His purpose was to establish the world under the rule of the Qing Dynasty. Of course, there are some special places in it. After all, it is not so easy to govern a country purely. The Qing Dynasty must have certain pressure to continue its progress. .Of course it is impossible to let other forces completely separate from the control of the headquarters.

The mainstream cultural system in all places must be the Qing culture.

Everyone nodded when they heard the words, and they had no objection to the emperor's decision.

"Everyone, this battle against Neon is just the first step in the empire's striving for hegemony. Only by destroying them first can the empire have less worries about the future. It has really implemented its own follow-up strategy to destroy the powers of Europe. Occupy Mejian. So this time I have made a complete preparation to withstand any difficulties and pressure..."

Everyone on the ship Wang Guangxu had no opinion, so he began to instill his overall strategic thinking to the various senior management. The others listened with a serious face, although everyone had understood before that the emperor’s goal was not only to become the hegemon of the world. Simple, but it's the first time to say so bluntly... ..