Super Emperor of the Late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 593: Unexpected

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Super Emperors Search Novels of the Late Qing Dynasty ("!The geographical location of Wuhan is destined to the complexity of her food culture. Here, you can find the extreme spiciness like Sichuan and Hunan, the terrible sweetness of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and the watery lightness of Dongguang.

I found a restaurant at will, just sit down and eat, have a few drinks, and talk about what I saw on the road. If you are tired, you can also look at the scenery outside the window, which is also very pleasant.

It is natural to take a break to be full of food and drink. This is also the time Wang Guangxu handles government affairs in a day, but it is only half an hour to take a look. Only he will be interested or important matters.

There are no major events in the country, and it is quite stable. The war against Neon is also advancing as planned. There are no major problems. It seems that Geely is relatively honest and will not cause major disturbances.

However, he was interested in some opinions, and Zhao Bingjun was called to ask.

"What's the specific situation on the Hong Maozi side?"

The content of the telegram is relatively concise, but it refers to the political changes on Su Maoqiu's side. Lev Ning's body is deteriorating, and Stavlin seems to be about to take power.

In his impression, it seemed that their political situation was still changing at a young age. At that time, Lev Ning had a few brain congestion before auspicious death occurred at an early age. However, his arrival made several targeted actions. Lev Ning's health condition, whose original physical foundation was very weak, was deteriorating, and it was not surprising that such a thing happened.

As for his successor, Stavlin, his life is very long.

"Su Maoqiu's current situation is like this. Levning's physical condition is not as good as before. Although he can handle government affairs, he has begun to train successors. He originally valued Stavlin very much, but he was in Stavlin's After the wings gradually plumped, he began to notice some small movements, so he began to look for a successor again."

"Now the Kamenev and Zinoviev groups headed by Stavlin and Trovsky are formed. Now the struggle between the two factions is very fierce, and it is not clear who will be the winner..."

Zhao Bingjun spoke out all the compiled information. As an excellent spy leader, he has good memory and analysis skills. Of course, in Wang Guangxu's case, he can only speak out the information and ideas, which is better than analysis.

Tolovsky had a high prestige in the civil and military, enough to contend with Lev, but with the passage of time and the rise of Lev's worship, atheism is the party and the civilians, his influence is rapidly The decline is not much better than Stavlin.Bibi e-book

Nowadays, in terms of nominal status, Trovsky is higher than Stavlin, but it is obviously not the case in terms of strength comparison. Now Stavlin has completely grasped three votes in the seven-man vote. Sometimes Lev Ning had to look at his face to pass some policies.

"In the past few years, Trovsky liked to raise some objections. In his view, it was just a normal work discussion, but in Levning's view, it was a challenge to his dignity, and in the eyes of others, it was Trovsky regretted his concession and wanted to fight for power. There was a conflict between the two."

"However, Stavlin gained his trust by courting Lev Ning, and quickly expanded his own strength. Now he has formed a tendency to become a big tail. Although Trovsky controls a part of the army, he has to It's much gentler than Stavlin's."

Wang Guangxu nodded and said, from the perspective of Trovsky’s previous performance, this person too valued the overall interests of the country, and he did not hesitate to sacrifice what he had. Wall, but suitable to be the second in command of the assistant, not the first in command.

On the other hand, Stavlin colluded with a part of the emerging working-class bureaucrats and rich peasants, and seized a large part of the leadership. This part of the so-called working class has long become a representative of confident capitalists and bureaucrats, and they suppressed the implementation of the plan. Economic and workers’ democracy, a policy of distribution.

Regardless of any point that Trovsky puts forward, they will oppose it because of opposition, preventing the adoption of his policies, preventing him from re-establishing prestige, and letting those policies not affect them.

Their behavior has seriously violated the original intention of Bol Hongweik, but they have done a good job of whitewashing. In this age when everything depends on exploration, even Lev Ning can't completely distinguish who is right.

And sometimes he is powerless.

"The emperor, do you mean that many of Trovsky's views are in line with the current national conditions of the red hat? But he is destined to become a victim of the struggle?"

Zhao Bingjun asked.

"That's almost what it meant, but Stavlin can't think of better policies anymore. This is not his good at. He will still take those policies and implement them, but now he must first suppress Trovsky. That's it."

Wang Guangxu nodded and said.

Immediately, the two people also exchanged some other things. Wang Guangxu was about to leave for the northwest. It has been almost a month since he came out. The time to play is almost the same. This time when the Qing Dynasty is so big, he just walked a small piece. , Other places can only wait until next time, and there are things in the northwest that he desperately wants to see in person...