Super Emperor of the Late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 598: Tolowski's End

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Super Emperors Search Novels of the Late Qing Dynasty ("!The train drove to the extremely cold area close to the Arctic Ocean, and then the car took them to the place of exile. There were secret security surveillance along the way, and he had no chance to escape.

However, the weather at this time was fairly refreshing, and there was no bitter cold in winter along the way, which was the only comfort to Trotsky.

This border town is very backward, there is no running water, lights and telephones, the only thing is an old telegraph, and the environment is very bad, sewage is received in crossflow, unclean drinking water, malaria, and plague are frequent. .

Stalf Lin Xiang wanted to use the environment here to consume Trovsky to death, but he appeared to think too much. Trovsky did not become decadent because of this, but made him explode with infinite fighting power.

He rented a house on the plains of the small town of Principle, where the air is fresh and the environment is quite beautiful. He can even go hunting and pick apples occasionally, and his life is quite moist.

He has always insisted that he is an opponent, a supporter and correct implementer of the identification of Kesi and Lev.

However, Hong Maozi adopts resolute suppression and shameless cleaning methods for such people who are in contrast with the leadership. It is impossible to allow internal opposition to exist. It is obviously impossible for him to succeed in this regard. of.

In the face of adversity, Troowski still persisted in the struggle. He continued to create theories and write letters to people. In just a few years, he sent and received thousands of letters and more than 500 telegrams. Supporters continue to influence the situation.

This had to make Stalflin feel terrified.

However, he did not dare to kill him right now because of the prestige of this person, but today Tolovsky is like changing an office, still fighting, and still posing a huge threat to his centralized rule. .

The Kremlin

"Damn Trovsky, he didn't give up at all. Their people are still there, Xinwusi, is making a crazy counterattack, hoping to regain power."

Stalflin held his pipe in his mouth, constantly puffing out smoke.

"Your Excellency, our local officials have given him a stern warning to stop all activities. If he is different, we have the right to take all actions, but instead of notifying him, he changed the cost."

A senior general of the secret security forces said.Guangxi Biquge

They have spoken very tactfully to Troowski. Although facing the pressure of the masses and his party members, they dare not kill him for the time being, but it definitely makes his life difficult.

But Trovsky vowed that he was fighting for the class interests of the proletarians. The current Stavlin does not represent the interests of the proletarians. It is impossible for him to give up his mission. Now they Although its power is very weak, it will inevitably affect the situation in the near future and win the approval of most representatives.

"Huh! Still thinking about the future? Can he hold onto the present? Let him go abroad! That way our actions can be bigger."

Stavlin couldn't help laughing and angry, he would never give Troowski a chance.

Immediately, the secret police came to Trovsky’s residence and announced the charges against him. Trovsky was deported for inciting an armed rebellion.

They ignored Trotowski’s rebuttal and directly escorted them out of the country. They were immediately sent to the Will Army. In Hongmaozi, a larger-scale anti-revolutionary campaign was carried out. A total of more than 300 core Trotskyists were secretly controlled , And most of them were detained until the demise of the Boer Red Vic.

Trovsky still resisted tirelessly after he went abroad. In order to find a good base and guarantee his life safety, he has traveled to various countries, but apart from Brazil, he is not particularly welcomed in other places.

In Brazil, he received a grand reception in safety, and had much more reliability in terms of security. Brazil sent a mission statement to monitor day and night to prevent someone from plotting wrongdoing.

And Trovsky began to write Stavlin's monograph, and began to combine Stavlin's dark side and various despicable methods.

Obviously his behavior greatly exceeded Stavlin's expectations, and he ordered Troovski to be killed at all costs, so that he would shut up.

So Troowski was killed in his home in Brazil, and the secret execution of the team's law and order won the Leningrad Medal, which can be said to be a very high reward.Not to mention there is a lot of money.

; Trotsky's death made Stavlin very happy, and he could finally issue orders freely without worrying about the consequences.

Most of the old Bolhongvik disappeared because of his bloody cleansing, including the two marshals who supported Trovsky. They were also secretly executed.

Now five people have died in the original game, and the remaining one is just his doglegs. Now he can control everything. He can’t wait to carry out reforms in all aspects, but he quickly discovered this Everything didn't work at all and it didn't suit the national conditions, so they quickly picked up Troowski's theory and implemented it with their own things.

These policies have achieved good results in the initial stage, but due to serious internal corruption, many high-level officials have changed their nature. Leap-forward and satellite-based development followed one after another. However, Stavlin turned a blind eye to all this. He wanted. It is the worship of the people and the feeling of power, as for the others, he believes that it will gradually get better... ..