Super Emperor of the Late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 634: The Secret

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Super Emperors Search Novels of the Late Qing Dynasty ("!Soon Emperor Taisho’s wife and qualified children were brought over. Although the prince ran away, the others were not taken away. Tucker didn’t want these people to fight for power with him, and there were a few others. A beggar, nowadays Neon’s civilian life is extremely poor, and a few people just look at them in rags.No need to look for it at all.

Soon these beggars began to burst into rounds at the queen under the imperative of the Qing soldiers.

At first these beggars were still cowering, but now the queen is only thirty years old, and is very well maintained, both in appearance and figure, and more importantly, his status makes these people gradually excited.

This is the mother of a country, a person who is usually out of reach.

Even if the Emperor Meiji kept shouting and cursing them there, he ignored them. Later, they didn't need the coercion of the Qing soldiers to start fighting.

Instead, the emperor’s cursing became a source of excitement.

Moreover, the queen resisted desperately at the beginning, but later they all cooperated slowly. You must know that thirty is like a wolf and forty is like a tiger. Emperor Taisho suffered a strange disease when he was a child and burned his brain. His intelligence was only at the level of eleven or twelve years old. Frail and sickly, it's not good at all in this respect. The Queen's grade can only hold back. Later, she couldn't help but started groaning. It was only when the fifth or fifth person began to become weak.

"Beast, you beast!"

Emperor Taisho pointed at Zhang Xiaohuai viciously.

"Your Majesty, have you always considered it clearly now? Do you need to continue?"

Zhang Xiaohuai's sneer completely ignored Emperor Taisho's duties.

"Impossible! You will get retribution!"

Having been humiliated in this way, Emperor Taisho is even more reluctant to agree to this matter.

"Your Majesty! Do you really not think about it, or do you need to drag the queen to the square to let more people see this scene? And your daughter-in-law? Or execute a shooting in the square?"

"It's only a matter of time before you want us to win the East. If you really disagree, you will only die of neon people, and they will be ruined for nothing!"

Wang Shizhen also stepped forward to threaten this time.

"you guys!!"

At this time, Emperor Taisho was almost speechless. He just felt a headache and didn't want to face everything in front of him.

"Come here! Pull these princes and women to the square, all the men are shot, and the women are let go. Let a group of people come out for them to observe and observe!"

Zhang Xiaohuai is very aware of the character of the neon people. They are cruel and vicious and good at rebelling, but if you have power beyond their reach, their self-esteem will collapse. These people will become extremely ferocious hounds to charge you.168 Book Bank

Dealing with Emperor Taisho is to defeat his pride.

In the end, Emperor Taisho nodded helplessly and agreed to the matter. He already understood that Zhang Xiaohuai could do it if he could say it. He had no resistance at all. In his eyes, the emperor himself was just a prisoner with a higher use value.

After succumbing to Emperor Taisho's face, his face was sullen. He was limp beside the bed and his eyes were hollow as if his form was stale. The previous experience really made him feel like a cleavage pig and dog.

You must know when he was such an insult as the superior emperor.

But Zhang Xiaohuai and the others didn't pay attention to him at all. Instead, they dragged him into the car and rushed to the eastern capital. They needed to make Emperor Taisho speak, and all the neon resistance troops lay down their weapons.

Of course, in his current state, he couldn't speak at all, so he had to wait the next day.

That night, Zhang Xiaohuai ordered the various armies to stop offensive and defend on the spot. Since Emperor Taisho was caught, there was no need to add casualties. After all, the casualties in street fighting were still very large.

8 am on August 7, 3918.

"Dear soldiers and civilians of the Great Neon Empire, I am..., we have no chance of winning, and continuing to fight will only cause greater losses to the empire, so now I order you to immediately stop all resistance and lay down your weapons to the great The Qing army surrendered."

Zhang Xiaohuai drafted a report for Emperor Taisho to read into the microphone.

"What? Is this your majesty's voice?"

"Your Majesty asked us to surrender to the Qing people? I heard it right?"

"Nothing is impossible, do you still think we have hope of victory?"

After hearing the broadcast, these soldiers began to talk.

The neon army suffered a very heavy loss. Many soldiers knew that there would be no chance to continue the fight, and they all heard Emperor Taisho’s speech. So they were familiar with the emperor’s voice. The emperor had the supreme authority in neon, so Many people will choose to lay down their weapons.

& Many of these neon officers and soldiers can no longer hold on, but the neon bushido spirit forces them to continue fighting until they die.

But Emperor Taisho's speech made them breathe a sigh of relief. It is true that these people are not afraid of death. It is true that not everyone is afraid of death. This is because of environmental influences and they have to show that they are not afraid of death.

Even if you are not afraid of death, you can live with integrity, why can't you live?

So most of them obediently put down their weapons and prepared to go out, but there are still many people who are unwilling to surrender...