Super Emperor of the Late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 678: Exclamation of Yuan Xiang's coming again

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Super Emperors Search Novels of the Late Qing Dynasty ("!Following the Italian invasion of Ethiopia and the re-entry of the Will Forces into the Rhine Demilitarized Zone, Germany and Italy joined the Franco rebels at the end of July 1936 and publicly attacked the Spanish Republic.This act of armed intervention in flagrant violation of international law is still condoned by Geely and Gaul.

Lao Le believes that the time is ripe to completely solve the Odili problem.He summoned the Minister of Operations, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces for an important secret meeting.The meeting was recorded by Colonel Hosbach, the military adjutant of Old Le, and a memorandum was compiled after the meeting, which is commonly known as the "Hosbach Memorandum."

According to the memorandum, Lao Le believes that the future of the state of will depends entirely on how to solve the need for living space.To solve the living space, we must first develop to Europe, not to find colonies overseas.The first goal of the State of Will should be to capture Czechoslovakia and Odili.

The next year the Army of the Will began to be active in Odili. Old Leyue met with Huschnig and asked him to sign a protocol that Odili was completely obedient to the State of Will and ordered him to reply within three days, otherwise he would enter Odili.Under strong pressure, the Governor of Odelli, Huschnig, agreed to the signing of a secret agreement and a communiqué for public publication by Zhiguo's minister in Austria, von Baben.

In the communiqué, the State of Will stated: “recognizes the full sovereignty of the Odili Federation”; the two sides will not interfere in each other’s internal affairs, including the issue of the Odili tribe’s bastard; Odili admits that it is a nation of the will.

But the secret agreement requires Odili to carry out its diplomatic activities in accordance with the foreign policy of the country of will; the implementation of a sexual amnesty, in fact, amnesty for Odili's criminals; and the appointment of "Odili's tribal opposition" to share government affairs.Through the German-Austrian agreement, the will-state basically controlled Odili's internal affairs and diplomacy.

But when Lao Le made a territorial request, Huschnig clearly rejected the soldiers of the will and turned to Gili Gaul for help. However, Gaul had more than enough energy at this time. Changing cabinets twice in the month was simply powerless to stop the army of will.Can only learn the policies of Geely people.

They hope to sacrifice Odili's personal interests to satisfy the appetite of the Will Army and no longer put forward new requirements. They believe that the Will Army will not continue to threaten them with force after they are satisfied.

Shuschniger's rule began to waver.Schuschniger tried to hold a referendum on Tuesday to allow the Odili people to choose between their will and him in order to save them and put their hopes above the referendum. However, Lao Le obviously would not let similar Something happened.

The voting could not be held.Lao Le contacted Odelli’s Minister of the Interior, Artur Seth Gilliquart, and ordered him to cancel the referendum.Schuschniger tried to take countermeasures, but when he heard that the Willpower troops had entered, he had to give up.

This evening, Schuschniger and his thousands of supporters will learn that Germany and Austria signed the reunification law and the Will-State officially annexed Odili.Odili’s strong industrial base and economy enabled the army of will to be strengthened again, and more than seven million people became the subjects of Lao Le’s rule, increasing the source of troops for Lao Le to launch a war.

Regarding Lao Le’s behavior, Gili Gaul merely took a protest, but Subo kept in touch with Gaul, hoping to unify the pressure on the will army.However, the Geely, Gaul and Citigroup recognized the annexation of Odili by the Will-State.

Even the Geely State Secret Secretary Halifax made a clear statement at the meeting with Lao Le in Old Legarden that "the errors of the Ersay mandatory treaty must be corrected." Sooner or later, the question of the changes in the European order, namely the Danzig, Odili and Czechoslovak issues It will happen.Classic Novel Network

What Geely is concerned about is "These changes must be achieved through peaceful evolution."Lao Le touched the bottom of Geely and Gaul, knowing that they would not be punished for annexing Odili, so he let go and did it boldly.

In fact, the Geely country has always sought to comprehensively resolve the contradiction with the will country. In the "general solution", Odili, Czechoslovak and Rimbaud are all bargaining chips.

As the Germans living in Odili were portrayed as a tragic situation of oppression, his behavior was supported by the entire army, and the successful realization of his goals greatly increased Lao Le's prestige.

He was sent to the altar by the people trapped in the blueprint he described. When a war madman was sent to the altar, the results can be imagined.

After the bloodless annexation of Odelli, the confidence of the Will Army greatly increased. He has understood the weakness of Gili Gaul. Without touching their bottom line, the Fagilis who feared the war and lost their rights and the opportunity to regain their strength could only Be patient.

It was originally planned that if they annexed Odili, Geely, Gaul and Mao would react strongly, and Lao Le, who had a little compromise and waited for the opportunity, had no worries.

He couldn't wait to make a request to the Sudetenland of the Czech Republic.

The Invasion Plan code-named "Green Plan" was officially launched.Their goal is not just the Sudetenland, but the entire Jack Slovakia.

"In the Sudetenland, most of you are Germans and are being treated unfairly. You should have the right to self-determination of your tribe without fear. The whole army of will is your strong backing."

Lao Le’s frantic clamor made those people with a sense of crisis have to exclaim again, "The prime minister is here again."

Proposed a program of "autonomy" to separate the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia.Lao Le used this as an excuse to build forces on the border between Germany and the Czech Republic, threatening war.

On May 20, 3926, Czechoslovakia was forced to announce a partial mobilization. The situation on the border between Germany and the Czech Republic was tense, which was called the "May Crisis" in history...