You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Super Emperors Search Novels of the Late Qing Dynasty ("!"Everyone! Do you think that peace can be achieved through peace talks with the Qing Dynasty?"

"Did you see the ending of Neon? Did you see the ending of John? They will only cut the flesh again and again when the others are strong, and when he has the opportunity to mature, they will swallow each other in one fell swoop, Neon, Yilan, Mian Dian, how many pre-printing precedents are not enough?"

"The goal of the Qing Dynasty is the hegemon of the world. They hope to rule the entire world, treat every place as their colony, and the result of the peace talks will eventually be destroyed!"

"Once seemingly weak, John could defeat the imposing Spanish Royal Navy, but our current strength at Citi has not been completely weakened. There are still many enemies in the Qing Dynasty. Once we negotiate with the Qing Dynasty, they will help the soldiers of the will. To defeat Gili Gaul, then we will face the two rivals of the Qing Dynasty and the Will Army. If we cannot grasp this opportunity firmly, we will no longer be able to defeat them in the future."

Mao Qiufu's face turned gloomy, and he said almost word by word.

And those cabinet members also bowed their heads and became silent. These people also understand the truth, but they were just taking a fluke before. It is impossible for these chaebol capitalists to allow too many benefits to be passive. If Citigroup really What is the difference between becoming a colony and defeating a war?Besides, if you continue to fight, you will not necessarily lose.

"It seems that you are also very clear about the current situation, so I am now announcing that Citigroup's industry will unconditionally transform into a military industry. Our army will further expand in size and require more weapons and strategic materials."

"Although the Qing Dynasty is very strong, we are not weak at Citigroup. Moreover, we have a natural advantage in our homeland. The ultimate victory will always belong to us."

Mao Qiufu said while the iron was hot.

"Yes, sir."

These people also have other options for Citigroup, the future is not clear, and those arms dealers will definitely stand on Mao Qiufu's side, and Mao Qiufu should also be able to win the support of most people with the prestige accumulated before. , Even if they opposed it, it didn't make much difference.

"Well, everyone, go back, Morgenthau, Marx and Leahy, stay."

Mao Qiufu didn't want to say anything more to other people, not to be more truthful.

"Everyone, no matter what you think, our goal now is to defeat the Qing Dynasty and achieve the ultimate victory, so you must be united in what you should do to defeat the Qing Dynasty. You should know exactly what to do? If you have any difficulties, just mention it, now The entire Citigroup thinks war service is the center."

Mao Qiufu's remarks were mainly addressed to Morgenthau, after all, he had been a little hesitant before, which made Morgenthau a little bit ridiculous.

"Your Excellency, after the defeat of the Navy, it is no longer realistic for us to keep overseas colonies. Now we have to strengthen our defense on the west coast before the Qing Dynasty has captured any places. We need more troops and fighters. Even key cities need to be fortified." 520 Novel

"We must not let the people of the Qing Dynasty land in our homeland. Even if they land successfully, they will pay a heavy price."

"Even when it is appropriate to relocate some residents, leaving enough strategic space, as long as the Qing people can't bear the loss, they will naturally consider whether it will make sense to continue fighting with us."

General Ma Xie said first.

"What about the navy?"

Mao Qiufu nodded and asked, he still tried his best to keep the Qing army out of the country, but there is no way if he can't keep it.

"Your Excellency, we should stop building battleships and transform them all into aircraft carriers. The Qing people’s aircraft carriers are already very large, and we need to build more aircraft carriers.’

"In addition, according to General Kimmel’s report, Qing’s record seems to be more advanced than ours. Our most advanced F10 fighters and B1Bs should also speed up the development of large-scale production, otherwise even if our aircraft carriers exceed the number They, I am afraid, cannot escape the fate of failure."

Leahy also said.

"Okay! The Ministry of Finance will cooperate with you in your request, and related purchases should be arranged as soon as possible."

Mao Qiufu nodded and said, Citigroup wants to have better defense and even gain an advantage in future wars. It must be able to compete with the Qing Dynasty in the navy, so the navy cannot save it.

Morgan can only nod his head. Although Citi has suffered from the economic crisis, its foundation is still there. Moreover, after several years of recovery, it has a fiscal surplus. If a portion of the funds is misappropriated, it can still generate a lot of funds, but some preferential policies must be To be cancelled, I am afraid it will cause dissatisfaction among some people and enterprises.

But he doesn't care anymore. Anyway, it is during the war. Mao Qiufu has the right to sign these bills without going through the Congress. It is Mao Qiufu who bears the infamy, and it has nothing to do with him...

"Your Excellency, we have successively given a 400 million U.S. dollar loan and 200 million U.S. dollars in supplies to Bolvi, even more than the support we gave to the Neon Man. Now we have been attacked by the Qing Dynasty, it should be our turn. It's time for them to take action."

But he still made a relatively reliable suggestion.

"Okay! First show that it's time to let Boolvi take the shot."

Mao Qiufu nodded and said, if Mao Zi didn't shoot so many things, wouldn't all of them be thrown into the water, but he didn't think Lin Sida would be so mindless...