Super Emperor of the Late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 744: The Truth Is Difficult to Distinguish

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Super Emperors Search Novels of the Late Qing Dynasty ("!But Citi couldn’t do anything about them. They didn’t know that Daqing’s bombers had no bombs at all, and they dared not relax their guard.These have no doubt that as soon as they reveal a flaw, the Qing's carrier-based aircraft attack group will launch an attack without hesitation.

Fortunately, half an hour later, the Qing’s carrier-based aircraft finally began to return. When the Qing’s fighters disappeared from their small radar, the Citigroup finally breathed a sigh of relief, but they did not dare to land all the fighters. I left about a hundred planes in the air for alert. The other fighter planes landed first and took turns to rest.

After all, their radars can only cover 40 to 50 kilometers outside Hong Kong, and Daqing fighters can fully assemble outside this area, and they won't give them much reaction time at all.

Richardson also had to transfer all the fighters from nearby cities, and transferred some of the relatively good pilots and spare fighters that were originally involved in the selection of pilots of carrier-based aircraft and returned to the Air Force to the carrier-based aircraft.

After all, Citi had fewer aircraft carriers before, and these pilots were of relatively high quality and could take off normally on carrier aircraft. However, there were not many fighters suitable for taking off and landing on aircraft carriers. Only a hundred carrier-based aircraft.

Sure enough, only two hours later, Daqing’s fighter planes appeared on their radar again. When they discovered this time, Daqing’s attack aircraft had already taken off, and they had already flown more than 40 kilometers away. .

Citi's fighter planes had to take off again, and the air defense forces entered a state of guard outfit again. This time, the Daqing fighter planes were still the same as the last time, they just lingered.Does not launch an offense.

And Citi’s fighters did not dare to take the initiative to provoke Daqing’s fleet except for the range of air defense firepower. After all, previous battles had long shown that they were far from the opponents of Daqing fighters.

The two sides can only confront each other far away, and no one will attack first.

After all Citigroup fighters took off and the anti-aircraft firepower was ready, Daqing's fleet once again lingered for half an hour before leaving...

Repeated so many times, even in the middle of the night, more than a hundred Qing fighters came to make surprise attacks. The air defense alarms of the entire naval base hardly stopped in a day, and even these pilots and air defense troops were numb. When they heard the air defense alarm sounded, they had to force themselves to drag their tired bodies up and rush to their jobs.

"Damn it, what do they want to do, don't you dare to fight us upright? They must engage in such indiscriminate sneak attacks."

In the headquarters, Richardson was losing his temper. It was already midnight, and he was awakened by the air defense alarm again, and he had to fight hard to take command.Xunread

At this time, his eyes were bloodshot due to fatigue and anxiety, and his complexion was very bad.

It’s just that he didn’t want to think about why he had to make too many sacrifices for his soldiers to obtain the Great Warring States at a small price, and didn’t he also send a carrier plane to carry out a sneak attack? Circumstances, but they did not achieve the desired results, but Gao was wiped out.

"Your Excellency Commander, this is not a solution. You will be dragged to death by the Qing people. We must give the soldiers enough rest."

The staff had no choice but to suggest that if this went on without the Qing people's attack, they would be exhausted themselves.

"Raise the alert level and let the pilots take turns to rest. The air defense soldiers take turns to rest on the spot. The next time the Qing fighters come, they will only take off one-third of the fighters. They will take off all the fighters when they actually attack."

Richardson was also helpless. He had to make such arrangements so that the soldiers would no longer blindly enter a state of combat. Although he also knew that such badness would greatly weaken their defenses, these soldiers were after all humans, not machines. Just give them a little bit and they can keep running.

However, at three o'clock in the morning, the Daqing fighter planes came again. This time, Citi took off and there were only more than one hundred planes that were in the air. The other pilots stayed in the dormitory. Although these pilots were very tired, they all held on and did not fall asleep.

They were afraid that Daqing’s fighters would take the opportunity to launch an offensive. After all, they only had more than a hundred fighters taking off at this time. Daqing was very likely to launch an offensive. Once they attacked, they would have to run to their own aircraft as soon as possible. Position...

What made them breathe a sigh of relief was that this time the Qing fighters left again and did not launch an attack. When they received the news that the Qing air force had left, many people fell asleep directly. They were too tired. , At the moment when the mood is relaxed, all that is left is deep exhaustion...

At five o'clock, the sky just got dark. At this time, the Qing attack fleet was not far from the San Diego Naval Base. It was only 50 kilometers away from the San Diego Naval Base, that is, when they first appeared on the Citi radar. Diversion was carried out as before, some went straight to the naval base, and some went to the Citiman’s airport.

The difference is that this time they are not the same group of people, but this time they are full of ammunition.

After the Citizens' radar soldiers discovered the Qing's fleet, they once again reported to the headquarters, the air defense alarm sounded again, and the part of the Air Force fighters in charge of the enemy began to take off.

At this time, most of the Citigroups just slept for more than an hour. This time the air defense alarm sounded. They did not respond too much, but continued to sleep, even because they were so tired that most of them did not hear , But according to the regulations, they do not need to play at this time...