Super Emperor of the Late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 977: The President's Encouragement

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Super Emperors Search Novels of the Late Qing Dynasty ("!The words of the two made the generals and Roosevelt on the scene silent. They are now completely backward. There is a huge gap in strategy and tactics, weaponry and equipment performance, and even the overall quality of the combatants.

Although new weapons and personnel are constantly being prepared.

However, the research and development of weapons, mass production of equipment, and military training are not accomplished overnight. This requires a lot of time. That is to say, within a year or two, this situation still cannot be changed. They want to catch up. China and China launched a counterattack at least two years later.

"Everyone! Compared to everyone, it is clear where the gap between us and Huaxia is. It is indeed very difficult to defeat them, but now that we know these gaps, it gives us the right direction and knows how to do better. Deal with them well."

"Our new fighter dual Mustang fighter is being tested and improved, and more excellent fighters are also being designed. M24 and M26 tanks have also been put on the planning schedule, and the aircraft carrier is about to be launched in large numbers. With these, although we and The gap in Huaxia still exists, but it has narrowed a lot, at least it won't be as defiant as before."

"Although China is terrible, but in the inevitable situation of war, what we should do is not to lament the strength of the opponent, but to find ways to defeat him, because blindly fearing the enemy will not only change the outcome, but will also make us lose confidence. "

"Fortunately, the previous failure was not useless, at least let us know which aspects we should start with, and find ways to fill these gaps."

"Our equipment is being rapidly updated, and the personnel structure must be adjusted. It requires hard training to become a qualified soldier. At the same time, I suggest that the original plan to gradually equip each division with more than 800 guns of various types remains unchanged. However, the ratio of large-caliber artillery needs to be improved, especially the equipment of 180MM210MM or even 240MM caliber artillery, as close as possible to the configuration of the Chinese army."

"Our industry is constantly moving closer to the war industry. Even if it is not as good as China in terms of scale and top technology, it will definitely not be much worse, and our advantage compared to them is better geographic location and less Enemy, I believe that victory will ultimately belong to us."

Roosevelt couldn't help but encourage everyone's faces not very good.

When the generals also place bids, they must hurry up to train the army and prepare for a deadly battle with China...

January 3, 3927

Citi San Francisco

Although Huaxia and Citigroup are at war, there are still many Huaxia people in Citigroup. Even if Huaxia has started to evacuate overseas Chinese, there are still many people who have taken root here.It is impossible to evacuate all here, but most of the Chinese people have moved away from the eastern part of Citigroup and came to the vicinity of this city, making the number of Chinese people here exceed 200,000.

And here has become the only place where China does not bomb on Citi’s west coast. Of course, Citi’s control is also very strict.Love Book House

Of course, this is also a small bargaining chip for Citigroup. The status of Chinese people here is similar to that of ordinary people. Although many Citigroups can't understand them, they have not been abused. Citigroup knows that they also have the same status in the occupied area of ​​China. Quite a few people can't evacuate, and the two sides contain each other.

Today, Citigroup held a reception at the Chamber of Commerce here and invited all local celebrities to participate, including Li Sheng, the president of the China Chamber of Commerce.

Although Li Sheng is the president of the China Chamber of Commerce here, he has inextricably linked relations with the country. He is responsible for handling all issues concerning the Chinese people here. Citigroup also knows this. Although the two countries have declared war, The ambassador was recalled, but some things inevitably require communication and contact.

When it is inconvenient for the government to show up, some people just need to appear.

After Li Sheng came to the reception, he was very low-key. He didn't know exactly what Citigroup meant. He had been here several times since the war broke out. Sometimes there was nothing, but sometimes he needed to coordinate some things.

As a half diplomat, he is very cautious in his work. Although China is now the most powerful country in the world, and even has the potential to win the world, the more this time, the more cautious he must be. Cheering always waits for a real victory. That day.

Pride, complacency, and disdain for the enemy are often the harbingers of a big collapse. The lion fights the rabbit especially to do its best, not to mention that there are still many tigers.

"Your Excellency, good evening! I am very glad that you can come to my reception!"

Suddenly a voice rang in Li Sheng's ear, and a man who had never seen him appeared in front of him with a wine glass.

"Hello! Are you?"

Li Shengbu had some doubts, most of the people here knew each other, but this was the first time I saw him.

"Mr. Lee, my name is Morgan Phelps and I am from NY."

The man said so,

"Hello! Hello! Is there anything you can do with me?"

Li Sheng instantly understood that something might have happened to him this time...