Super Emperor of the Late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 1023: Controlling the Ocean

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Super Emperors Search Novels of the Late Qing Dynasty ("!When attacking the islands with underground fortifications with gas bombs, different combat methods were also adopted for those islands with a large number of special structure defense positions.

Even if the Citiman has a division on the island, China only needs to place a brigade on the island to build a good defensive position. At the same time, with the help of the old navy ships, the Citigroup wants to launch Fortune, defeating the remaining troops of China is completely impossible.

And when the Citigroup ran out of their resources, or couldn't bear this kind of despair, they would take the initiative to surrender. After all, the Citigroup's willpower is not so strong, they will not choose to be trapped alive or starved to death.

The current China 17th Group Army itself is a multi-line attack. The largest national model has only one division in cooperation with the Marine Corps, and there are small-scale companies. After adopting this method for these special islands Their offensive progress has been greatly accelerated.

For those islands with special and strong forces, China's army continued to use the strategy of defeating their air force and then lay down some of its forces to defend it. For other islands, it completely annihilated the American army there.

Huaxia’s actions made the Citigroup very confused. They would allow them to continue occupying these islands instead of trying to completely annihilate them. This completely does not conform to the powerful combat style of the Huaxia people, and it does not conform to the Citigroup’s predecessor. plan.

However, they soon discovered that all of this is not that simple. All the Citiman’s warplanes on the ocean were destroyed, and the airport was also occupied. China’s Air Force had more than a large number of aircraft here.

The Citizens suddenly discovered that although China did not occupy these islands, other islands in the entire ocean soon fell into China’s hands. With the loss of air and sea dominance, such a scattered three or four islands were simply impossible. A threat to China.

Immediately they tried to supply these to increase the strength of these pirates, but all Citi merchant ships would be sunk, and even some neutral merchant ships were ordered to be prohibited from appearing near these pirates. Once they appeared, they were also hit. Shen's result.

After using such tactics, China’s 17th Army and the Marine Corps have not encountered too much trouble in their advancement. I don’t know how much their advancement speed is more than half a month faster. The remaining Mi Army There is almost no resistance.

In the same entire ocean, more airports and ports have begun to be built, on the one hand to better control the ocean, on the other hand to monitor the islands that are still in the hands of Citizens or have a large number of troops.

In this case, China can be said to be destined to control the overall situation of the ocean. Citiman’s air force has been completely destroyed. Without the navy, there will be at most three or four isolated islands left, and the nearby seas are blocked. There is China’s air force. With the navy by his side, the Chinese army on the island is staring at them, and it can be said that they can't play any role at all.Yuyu Novel

When the Citizens were complacent from the very beginning, they were powerless when Houmi finally reacted. They believed that the Chinese people wanted to concentrate their forces on these islands because they were afraid of too much casualties, but now it seems that China has nothing. The plan to continue to attack these islands, their Citizens' abacus will fall.The entire ocean will soon be controlled by China.

Citi WHITEHOUSE, Chief of Staff Sher hurriedly came to Luo's office to report.

"Your Excellency, China’s actions in the ocean are very clever. They no longer attack our dominant islands, and instead occupy all other islands. They can use the navy, land and air forces to block our dominant islands. Said that those islands have become dead islands. They cannot play any strategic value at all, and will not play any supporting role in future competitions on the ocean. Unless our navy can defeat them, the entire ocean will be completely destroyed. Controlled by Huaxia."

Sher couldn't help but tell Lao Luo with regret that they seemed to have been dominated by Huaxia.

"Aren't there still a lot of troops and supplies on those islands? We can hold on for a long time. Why doesn't it work?"

Lao Luo couldn't help but asked in confusion. Although he could barely be regarded as a military strategist, he was not an excellent one, he could only be qualified.

"Your Excellency, after the Chinese people adopt this tactic, they will not attack these islands, but will only take defense. After blocking these islands, their strategic magic table has been reached and they can control the entire ocean. There is no need to waste time and troops to attack those islands, because they can't sneak attack on Huaxia's rear and supply lines, which poses any threat to Huaxia's attack on our homeland."

Cher can only explain.

"What? So that means that in less than two months, we will not have any effect on the ocean?"

Lao Luo couldn't help but surprised, this is the result of their arrangement for more than a year, and even some places have been arranged a few years ago, and they have persisted for less than two months.

"Your Excellency! I'm afraid it is like this!"

Sher said helplessly...