Super Emperor of the Late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 1052: Toast and not eat

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Super Emperors Search Novels of the Late Qing Dynasty ("So Ribbentrop soon went directly to Constantinople by plane, met with the prime minister and president of the ballooning countries, and brought them the words of the head of state.

Although the commander-in-chief of the hot-air balloon country thought it was still unreliable at this time, he believed that even with the help of the country with the will, they would not be able to defeat the East, but in the end the other two decided the matter.

They refused to provide any help to the East. They asked the ambassador to China and privately told the East that they would give them three months to fully join the Axis Alliance...

And the Will also began their plan to attack the Feather Nation. Although the apparently garrisoned troops are not many, and they have even begun to withdraw, some supplies have indeed begun to be delivered in advance. They want to confuse the Feather Nation and conduct the war between the Feather Nation and the East. At the most intense time, give the feather country a fatal blow to reap the greatest benefits.

Soon Tonavic took his mission to the Eastern Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and he needed to reply to the diplomat.

"Mr. Ambassador, you should have received domestic orders this time. We don't have much time, so we cannot wait indefinitely."

The diplomat said straightforwardly that according to the current strength of the East, the hot-air balloon countries should know how to choose, not to mention just temporarily coordinating a few ports.

"Your Excellency, we have no intention of blocking the plan of the East, but as a neutral country, we certainly cannot allow your warships to pass. But you can rest assured that we are willing to join the Axis Alliance, but it will take three months to prepare. Foreign capital needs to withdraw."

Tonavic was a little embarrassed. He didn't know that it would be no good for them to offend Dongfang by what the people in the country were thinking. For three months, who knew if it was true.

"We can’t wait that long, and there is at most one month left. Your country’s investment abroad is not much, nothing more than the evacuation of some personnel. I don’t think those institutions dare to evacuate your personnel. As for property damage, we can Give you 100 million Chinese yuan in compensation, and the port can also give you 100 million yuan a year for the lease of Huayuan."

Diplomats did not expect that the hot-air balloon people would still be so stubborn, but since the hot-air balloon countries have the intention to join the alliance, it is not necessary to give certain conditions.

"Your Excellency, this is the final domestic decision, and I can't help it."

In fact, Tonavic is still very clear. He naturally knows how strong the East is in the East. 200 million Huayuan is no longer a small number, but this time the domestic opinion is very firm. Obviously, 200 million Huayuan can not be passed.

"Your country only needs to wait three months, but then we will be able to facilitate you as an ally.

"We can't wait for three months. Three months is enough time for our enemies to regain a lot of vitality. Thousands of soldiers will even die in this battle. However, joining our country three months in advance will not do anything. Loss. You can send a telegram to your country now, 300 million Chinese yuan, this is the final price." Wanshulou

The diplomat shook his head and gave a bottom line. If the hot-air balloon countries still disagree, either they are just waiting for the price, or they are not willing to join at all, but are dragging time to see who has the upper hand.

Even for three months, Dongfang can’t afford to hold off. It’s already February. Three months later, it’s May. However, it will take another month or two for large quantities of supplies to be delivered. The offensive can only be launched in the middle of the year. Accepted.

Tonavic nodded and immediately sent a telegram to the country. The hot-air balloon country responded quickly. The price they gave was one billion Chinese yuan.

This is their real purpose, to get the greatest benefit!

"Haha! The hot air balloon country has a big tone, billion Chinese yuan? Can you afford it?"

The diplomat’s face was already full of anger. He never expected that the hot-air balloon people have such a big appetite, can they really be taken advantage of by the East?Since this road is unworkable, it can only be resorted to by force.

Do hot-air balloon people really think they are something?Other agencies woo him because of geographic location, not their strength.

"Your Excellency, how about I ask China, 800 million Chinese yuan is okay! If Dongfang agrees."

A cold sweat broke out on Tonavic's head. Obviously they could feel the anger of the diplomat, and it was indeed a lion who spoke out in their own country.

In fact, it's okay to open a big mouth, but you need the corresponding strength.

"No need! Your Excellency! You have been deported! Please leave our eastern territories within 24 hours! We will also send special planes to pick up our diplomats in your country. I hope that your country will be responsible for what you do. I also have this ability to be responsible."

"As long as the person who made this decision still controls the rights of the hot air balloon country, we will no longer consider any diplomatic channels to resolve this matter!"

The diplomat sneered, and stood up directly, obviously meant to see off the guests.

"Your Excellency, are you? We can sit down and talk slowly! We still have a chance to convince the country."

Tonavic couldn't help being anxious, Dongfang obviously wanted to develop with them. He could feel that this was not just a threat, Dongfang was indeed angry...