Super Emperor of the Late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 1219: Need to join forces to fight against China

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Super Emperors Search Novels of the Late Qing Dynasty ("But soon they couldn't sit still, and the action was already launched, strictly controlling the inflow of various strategic resources to the will, and even a slight release would greatly increase tariffs.

"My boss, people have begun to drastically reduce our strategic material imports. The main materials include petroleum, natural rubber and non-ferrous metals, and iron ore has also greatly increased tariffs."

The Minister of Economy Feng Ke reported to Hu Xiaoxi the actions.

"Damn, people really want to tear their faces with us, what's the point of this ally!"

Hearing that Hu Xiaoxi was furious, he originally thought that he would only take action after he had won Vic. He did not expect the revenge to come so quickly, which made him a little difficult to accept. The will has never been a resource-rich country, and now they have not taken it. The next big country in minerals is also an important reason why Hu Xiaoxi dare not thoroughly and tear his face, but it is actually the first mover.

"My boss, now we need to make adequate preparations, otherwise the strategic resources will be very scarce."

Funk couldn't help but said that the Anglo-American naval blockade and economic sanctions made it almost impossible for the Third Reich to obtain a little resource from the outside world, and the original strategic reserve was enough for them to use it for a year.

"Let’s carry out material control first, try to save the use of oil and non-ferrous metals, and give priority to ensuring the supply of the army. Petroleum will increase the exploitation of Romania. The exploitation of shale oil can also start. We need to find ways to find strategic materials from other places. Hu Xiaoxi sighed. After losing support, they can say that they are struggling, and they can no longer use troops unscrupulously.

"My BOSS, we have not started contact with the Huaguo people, and it is not easy to contact them now, they will still block us, and rubber and oil only have large-scale control areas and control areas of Huaguo. "

Funke couldn't help saying that other resources can still be found on land, and oil can barely be replenished through Romania to make do with a little, but rubber can only be imported, and the output and quality of artificial rubber can't keep up.

"No, we must find a way to import resources from other places. Even if we can't form an alliance with the Huaguo people for the time being, we can't directly confront it, otherwise we will be consumed alive, Ribbentrop, you go. Switzerland, they are a neutral country. There are representatives from all countries. Find a way to communicate with the Huaguo people. We will no longer touch the submarine to directly confront them, and they will not block us anymore. Just maintain the appearance of hostility."

"When necessary, we can even form an alliance and fight together."

Hu Xiaoxi said to his foreign education minister immediately.

"Yes! My BOSS!" Ribbentrop immediately prepared without talking nonsense.Literature 520

The meaning of the will man was quickly conveyed to the hands of the Huaguo and the Auspicious people through the neutral country.

Now there are discordant voices in the flower country. The disastrous defeats in North Africa and the Mediterranean have once again weakened their strength, and the domestic negotiations that have been suppressed have gradually begun to rise. In their view, paying enough benefits, That's also a good choice. Otherwise, if you really wait until the country is destroyed, then there is nothing to talk about.

But Ronaldinho knows very well that this is impossible. The Huaguo people want to be safe, sit on the land of two beautiful places, and wait for you to kill you when you have no strength to fight him.

Therefore, Ronaldinho still adopts an attitude of tacit or even cooperation with some of Hu Xiaoxi's requests.Although many people died in the hands of their opponents, there is nothing that cannot be traded and cooperated for the benefit of the country.

In order to fight against the common enemy and prevent their own country from being destroyed, it is entirely possible for the two sides to come together.

In this way, the alliance relationship with Germany is nothing more than a piece of paper, and both sides can tear him apart at any time.

If the Will and the Huaguo people want to form an alliance, they need to consider the feelings of the Geely people.

Geely is now the main ally of Hua Nation, and the two sides have been fighting side by side for so long and need to be specific.

Compared with the hatred of Huaguo and Will, the hatred of Auspiciousness and Will is much greater.

After the First World War, Geely even helped the will rise to fight against Gaul. After the First World War, Geely needs to continue to implement his continental equilibrium policy to slowly recover.

But what I didn't expect was that the Will Man launched a world war again, and the seemingly powerful Gaul was simply vulnerable.

And the weakened Geely was once again dragged into the vortex of war, losing a large number of colonies, and watching the former become a world power like an ant, and then seek the status of world hegemon.

Now Geely has lost most of the colonies. Even if this war is won, it will not be possible to restore the glory of the Sunbulu Empire. This is almost a gift of will.

Moreover, there are many civilians in the army who died in the hands of the will, at least ten times more than the Huaguo people...