Super Emperor of the Late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 1269: The Tangle of the Navy

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Super Emperors Search Novels of the Late Qing Dynasty ("It’s just that these places are obviously also the most important defensive targets. They are certainly not so easy to blow up. It is even more difficult for them to hit the past. They can only bombard from a distance, but they have no heavy artillery left How much, the dams and sluices are still relatively strong, and they can't be destroyed by one or two heavy artillery. It requires continuous bombardment.

Naturally, their actions were also discovered by the military carrier-based aircraft. These Americans actually stopped their evacuation, and there were signs of continuing to attack the hinterland of Panama. The reconnaissance aircraft immediately reported the situation to the headquarters.

"Commander, our reconnaissance plane found that the two main forces that the Americans fled had stopped their evacuation and started advancing towards the hinterland of Panama. I don't know their strategic intentions for the time being!" A staff officer reported to him for the first time. .

"Haha! These Americans must have ran too hurriedly. They have forgotten their most precious wealth in Panama. Their canal has not been destroyed, and they are only reacting now!" Cai E snorted in disdain, this group of Americans is really true. The heart is big, and running is nothing but Roosevelt must have ordered them to make atonement.

"General, what do we need to do? Let the carrier-based aircraft bomb the US army in advance?" the staff officer couldn't help asking.

"The carrier-based aircraft must be dispatched, and since it has been discovered, the US military's movements can be arranged in advance to ambush them halfway." Cai E didn't want to be too passive in defense. It's not like putting the Americans near the canal. Got a good new.

So the order was quickly issued, and Celt and others braved the bombing of the military carrier aircraft to get close to the Panama Canal area, but they never thought that the military did not blindly guard against death, but set it up. A trap was waiting for them. When they were trapped in a semi-encircled circle, they were instantly desperate. After a symbolic resistance, the dressed-up people chose to surrender. Less than one-third of them fled. These people were lost. Almost all the heavy weapons were dropped, and there was no more threat to the canal area.

Moreover, they were so scared that they did not dare to come.

While their army is moving south, the US Naval Command is holding an emergency meeting.

"The army wants to attack Panama. It is impossible for these idiots to complete any bombing of the canal dam and sluice. In the end, we must go out. The ** have deployed a large number of aircraft carriers on Panama’s east coast. With a thousand fighter jets and a large amount of anti-aircraft firepower, we can dispatch, but we must not let the aircraft carrier suffer any further losses." Small composition novel

Nimitz spoke first. Although Marshall told them to take off the carrier plane away from Panama, and then leave immediately, how could it be so easy? Isn't this completely letting the navy pilots die?Do you think that those pilots are fools who will sacrifice in vain, and can only find a relatively balanced position, so that the carrier-based aircraft has the possibility of returning, and he is not willing to all of these carrier-based aircraft are finished.

This time, they were only able to use only six aircraft carriers, and the number of carrier-based aircraft was only one-third of the military, which was not easy to lose.

"Yes, Commander, we need to preserve our strength as much as possible. This time the task is not so easy to complete. After all, General Marshall is still the Army. He thinks more about the Army. We must have our own plan." A general nodded and said that the battle between the navy and the army exists in every country, and the contention is nothing more than resources. It's just that the resources of the United States are relatively sufficient, far less than the original competition between Japan.

And now with the large-scale army expansion and repeated defeats, even the resources and funds of this behemoth of the United States are beginning to be very tight, and the resource competition between the navy and the army, and even the army aviation is becoming more and more fierce.

The action this time was also agreed by the Navy after the Army promised to give up some resources, otherwise they would not wipe the ass for the Army.

"This is of course, so my plan has also been modified to some extent. This time our carrier-based aircraft will take off 250 kilometers from Panama. It must not be too close to Panama. In this way, our ship The carrier aircraft only has 20 minutes of combat time. No matter whether it succeeds or not, it will return immediately. After the carrier aircraft is recovered, it will return immediately!" Nimitz nodded and continued.

The **'s aircraft carrier stayed at Da Pingyang, which is on the west coast of Panama, so that the distance between them reached more than 300 kilometers. As long as the aircraft carrier accelerated slightly, it could directly leave the **'s combat radius.

"Yes, general, if we can quickly evacuate beyond their combat radius, the aircraft carrier is still safe, but the number of carrier-based aircraft for the military is much more than ours, even if they sent some to attack us. Our army also has air defense patrols and so on. Our losses will not be laughed, and we may not be able to succeed.” There are generals’ suggestions. Since there are tasks, they still hope to complete them instead of doing it carelessly, and the aircraft carrier’s Carrier-based aircraft are too precious and can't afford to lose.

The aircraft carrier that loses the carrier-based aircraft is just like a sword without an open front, losing its attack ability...