Super Emperor of the Late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 1283: Roosevelt's heart is bleeding

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Super Emperors Search Novels of the Late Qing Dynasty ("The conditions given by Luo Luo simply cannot be accepted by the Easterners. I am afraid that they have been overturned by the Easterners as soon as they were put forward. They will not consider it at all, so there is no need to talk about it.

"What? You actually gave such conditions! With such conditions, our Huaguo has no capital to compete with the East at all!"

Luo Luo couldn't help but his face changed drastically. At 20 billion U.S. dollars, this can already produce 20,000 fighters, thousands of tanks, and one or two aircraft carriers.You know that Huaguo’s GNP is less than 100 billion U.S. dollars.

"Your Excellency, this is the result of deliberations by most of us. If the Easterners are willing to inform the world that they will not take the initiative to attack us, they will not attack us for at least ten or eight years. The country can build a huge defense system. Even if it is unable to fight for world hegemony, it is enough to prevent the East from acting rashly. This is better than being destroyed."

Morgenthau shook his head, obviously prepared for Rollo's attitude.

Luo Luo's face turned dark immediately, and he tried to suppress his anger, for fear that it would burst out accidentally.

"Okay! Since you insist on doing this, then talk to the Easterners first. How are you going to talk to them? And the emperors of Easterners probably won't agree to these conditions. I'm afraid they will end up being humiliated. !"

In the end Luo Luo's attitude softened, but obviously he still thought that Wang Guangxu would definitely not agree to these requirements. After all, those chaebols seemed to have given good conditions, but the vitality was still retained.

"We can contact the Easterners through the gravity country Switzerland. If they are willing to negotiate, we can ask the Secretary of State to negotiate, try our best to reach agreement with them and avoid the war from continuing. Of course, the conditions may be relaxed, but the decision It can't hurt the foundation of our flower country!"

Truman stood up and said at this time.

Luo Luo forgot to glance at Bernas, and Bernas nodded calmly. Luo Luo finally understood that if he did not have so much prestige among the people and led the Huaguo people out of the economic crisis, he would have been directly smashed down.

But even so, if the negotiations with the Easterners succeed this time, these people will let themselves step down!

After all, he was in the third term of office and did not conform to Huaguo’s rules.

Naked capitalists!Shameless!Did they forget that they led them out of the predicament?Douzi Book City

"Okay! I believe Mr. Bernas can win favorable conditions for the flower country, but I still advise you not to hold too much hope, and be prepared for unsuccessful negotiations. The conditions of the Orientals will go away. The country is heading for destruction."

Luo Luo almost said these words through gritted teeth,

"Your Excellency, we have considered this aspect. The Orientals are still likely to put forward conditions that we cannot accept. Then we can only live with the Orientals. We have another consideration, so we will pass. Switzerland will solve this problem."

Morgensau nodded. If the talk with the Easterners breaks down this time, it means that Rollo will continue to stay in this position. After all, he is still a strong president and he is still needed in extraordinary times.

"What can you do? Didn't you say that it is difficult to compete with the Orientals by our strength? That is not to return to the previous situation."

Luo Luo frowned, he was a little confused.

"Your Excellency, if the Easterners still can’t agree to our request, or fail to meet our expectations, we will donate the 20 billion US dollars of materials to the organization for war, and provide another 10 billion US dollars to the organization. In the same way, we can negotiate with the will and thoroughly establish the mission of jointly defending the East. After all, as long as we fall, our current will cannot compete with the East alone!"

"Before the will and the will have been almost torn apart, and the face allies have not had to do it, but the two sides have not yet erupted into an armed conflict. Now they have become more and more furious with the East because of the problem of the hair ball and the Mediterranean. As long as we thoroughly unite with that head of state, we may not be able to defeat the East!"

"It's just that the head of state is not a kind-hearted person, he also has a lot of ambitions, but they can't defeat the Oriental talents and they are slow to do it, so we must beware of them to prevent defeating the Orientals. After that, they pointed the finger at us!"

Morgenthau's long talk is actually a thought. If the negotiation fails, it will be completely dragged down on the grounds that Huaguo can't stick to it or surrender to the East.

It is bound to be that the current will has not yet developed with the East. It must be the idea of ​​watching the tigers fighting on the mountain, and will not appear until the end.

"Haha! In this world, who doesn't have the ambition to dominate? This is a very normal thing. Instead, I think that the possibility of unity with the will is far greater than the possibility of contact with the East."

Hearing this, Luo Luo was relieved. He originally thought that these people would give in blindly. What he didn't expect was that he planned to keep his position, and he might even become the president of the most powerful country in the world. ...