Super Emperor of the Late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 1437: The surrender of the reorganizer

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Super Emperors Search Novels of the Late Qing Dynasty ("!The display is indeed as everyone imagined. After the besieged Citigroup saw that they had not been rescued, they could no longer hold on to each other. Under the leadership of the officers, they chose to surrender one after another. In this small space, what awaits them is nothing but death.

In a valley outside Parmao Ball, a division of Citigroup was surrounded by more than 20,000 people. In fact, the battle has just begun, but they have faced a lot of enemies, and the outer positions have been completely lost. It is very difficult to break through. For the time being, the Qing Dynasty has not launched an offensive. They seem very sure that the Citizens will definitely surrender, and the reality is the same. The Citizens did send people to contact the Qing.

"Sir, the Qing people demand that we immediately lay down our weapons and surrender unconditionally, otherwise they will launch an attack in fifteen minutes, and we will not consider our casualties at that time." The staff in charge of the contact said as soon as he came back. In fact, the time given by Daqing was half an hour, but he had already spent ten minutes on the way back.

"Sir, we have no chance. The Qing people surrounded us with superior forces, and the Weapon Manor was far ahead, and our reinforcements were not seen for a long time. Once they launch an attack, we will definitely be unable to withstand it. "Some staff members also began to persuade their teachers to give up resistance. After all, most people want to continue to live, even if they are prisoners.

This is the case with Citigroup today. Almost even the grassroots officers and soldiers do not think that they have the slightest chance of winning, and these commanders see it more clearly that they have no chance.

"How is it possible? Are we all left with surrender? And our organizational system has not been destroyed at all. Most of the strength is there, and people actually let us surrender unconditionally. This is too much." The teacher was so unwilling, even he understood that surrender might be the only way out, but such betrayal made him unacceptable.

"Sir, this is nothing we can do. We can no longer hold on to it. Doing unnecessary resistance will only increase casualties." Someone hesitated to explain when he saw him.

When the commander saw the look of these military officials, a trace of disdain and anger flashed in his heart. Now almost everyone is ready to surrender and is waiting for his order. If he does not agree to surrender, I am afraid that soon These subordinates who are very eager to survive will be taken off the ground, or even killed.

"Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly a few shells fell outside, and the roar of the plane was heard in the air. The opponent had already begun to attack, but it didn't sound large in scale.Free Chinese

"Damn it, isn't there ten minutes left? Why are they attacking now."

"This should be their warning. If we don't surrender, I'm afraid a full-scale offensive will begin."

Some military officers seemed even more anxious. He had even seen the flash of their eyes. Some people tremblingly touched the pistols on their waists, as if they were deciding what they wanted to do.

Fear has caused these people to lose their minds. They just want to live, and they don't care about many of the remaining things.

"Order the troops, lay down their weapons, and surrender to the Qing people." In the end, the commander waved his hand weakly.He has to give an order, otherwise he won’t even survive for five minutes...

Following his order, the remaining 20,000 people put down their weapons and surrendered to the Qing troops. Although it was only 20,000 people, they set a precedent, that is, without major losses. A reorganizer surrendered to the Qing people. This gave the Citigroup a head. As a result, more and more troops began to follow suit. Once they fell into a disadvantage, they followed them and surrendered. Anyway, they are not the first. A reorganized and surrendered unit, and surrender is no big deal. The current situation is getting more and more unfavorable for Citi, and the rate of failure will get faster and faster.

With the rise of Citigroup's massive surrender wave, the troops quickly advanced to Havana, the headquarters of Cuba. If even Havana were lost, it would be difficult for Citigroup elsewhere to continue. It can be said that once this important town is lost, The entire Cuban island was not far away.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

After a period of time, the number of cloud blast bombs is also low and needs to be supplemented. Of course, the offensive cannot be stopped because of this, and the battle will continue. Then gradually add the heavy weapons and air force first-class naval guns Hundreds of ground guns are firing frantically. They will prepare for two hours of artillery fire. The shells will fall like raindrops, destroying the positions and buildings in the city.

In the fierce gunfire, most of the positions and buildings were turned into ruins. The main defensive direction of Havana was the sea, and the defense on land was not strong. What's more, the ordinary buildings in Havana were mostly low-rise residential buildings. The Cubans here are very poor, and there are not many strong buildings that can be used as capital for street fighting...