Super Emperor of the Late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 1453: Determine the goal

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Super Emperors Search Novels of the Late Qing Dynasty ("!"There is no problem at all. Those guys are the best pilots in the Air Force. They are proficient in the technology of taking off on aircraft carriers. However, for safety reasons, the Navy can still send certain carrier-based aircraft to escort." Feng Ru This is not to worry at all, but if the navy can help, it is naturally the best.

"Regarding the location of the use of Chaowu, do you have any good opinions? Destroy their military installations as much as possible in a domestic matter. If you have to do it, you can bomb them to hit big cities." Cai Yang also nodded, yes. There is no objection to this, and the safest ones have always been the style of the Qing army.

In history, Mi Jian used Chaowu directly in the city by the bank. Wang Guangxu did not intend to do this. He hoped to destroy Citi’s resistance. After all, if the city was blown up and the Citi people had to persist, they would still be able to persist. , But if the military strength is greatly damaged, it will be impossible to resist.

"Now the Citiman’s army is not a big threat to us. The only powerful ones are the air force and the navy. The air force is relatively scattered, whether it is airports or aircraft factories. To destroy most of their combat power, they need more super weapons. It is not suitable to use them, but their navy is relatively concentrated. Once they are attacked by Chaowu, they will definitely be wiped out." Zhou Zhirou said.

After a period of development, the Citi Navy has recovered a lot of strength. The number of aircraft carriers has reached thirteen again, and there are a steady stream of new ships in service. Waiting for their vision to recover is also a major issue for the Qing Dynasty. Threats, and if there is a navy, Citizens have mobile counterattacks.

If the Qing Dynasty takes the lead in destroying these aircraft carriers and destroying some of their shipbuilding and maintenance capabilities, the Citiman’s navy will be completely ruined. It will not be possible to restore such strength in a few years, and it will be impossible for Citi in a few years. Persevere.

"Well, anyway, this first super weapon is also a test of water, to see the reaction of the Citigroup, it is a deterrent to solve their navy, the second one is used to destroy their nuclear experiment base, if this If the Citigroup didn't surrender at that time, the third Chaowu would be directly placed in their big cities such as New York and even Huadu, so they would not be able to stick to it."

Cai Yang also agreed with this point of view. If it was put in a place like Huadu, New York from the very beginning, even if the Citigroup surrendered, it would fall into a long period of chaos, and the subsequent processing would be troublesome. This is just the worst. s Choice.E-bookstore

As for the Citiman’s super-weapons research and development base, it must be destroyed. This also breaks the Citiman’s back path and makes them break their dream of relying on super-weapons to make a comeback. As for those excellent scientists, if they lose, they lose. , Even a small influence on the development of mankind is nothing, and in the future, the Citigroup will have as few smart people as possible, so as to save some moths.

"No problem, the Air Force will be prepared. First, we will solve Citi’s naval base in Mayport, and a second nuclear strike can be launched within three days. We can just see the reaction of Citigroup in the past few days, but please ask the sea. The fleet cooperated with us and provided enough escorts to prevent Citizens from sending fighter jets to intercept." Feng Ru nodded. Although he has enough confidence in the performance of the J-13, it is still possible if the opponent sends too many fighters. The heavy bombers were injured. After all, their goal was to escort, not to solve the opponent's fighters. Fortunately, the port said that it is still possible that mistakes will occur when entering the inland and being besieged and blocked...

As soon as the plan is formulated, it is directly reported to the General Staff. Although they can directly focus on the target according to the front-line format, they still have to obey the overall domestic situation. If there are different opinions in the country, they must be based on domestic requirements. But obviously this time their The plan was approved by the General Counsellor Wang Guangxu.

In order to successfully prevent the leakage of the plan, the preparations were launched only two hours later. For the first time because the bombing was not too far away, the J-13 fighter jets will take off with the bombers, and the sea fleet has begun to move north to prevent it. Some accidents happened. Similarly, both the carrier-based aircraft on the fleet and the bombers at the airport have already begun preparations, stopping the fuel and adding bombs. This time everyone was told that they must follow the commander’s orders and nothing. Love war behavior, otherwise you will be directly expelled from the military.

Everyone seemed to feel the extraordinary of this task, and silently did their own business.

This time, in addition to fighting skills and bombers, there is also a special observation aircraft responsible for recording the scenes of super weapon explosions. Even the J-13 fighter jets will not follow the strategic bombers into the center of the bombing when it is not necessary. Radiation spreads very quickly, and strategic bombers will flee as soon as the bombs are dropped. They don't want to endure this hell carnival with Citigroup.

Before the first ray of sunshine on the side of the day appeared, these fighters had already begun to take off one after another, and most of the Citigroups were still dreaming, not knowing that the end of the world was coming... ..