Super Emperor of the Late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 1468: You must be fast

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Super Emperors Search Novels of the Late Qing Dynasty ("!There are several countries that are considered world hegemons. The former Spain and the former Holland are a bit misnomer. Great Britain before the First World War was recognized as the world hegemon at that time, but now the Qing Dynasty is obviously strong enough to surpass Great Britain. Many countries have also seen the power of super weapons and have begun to develop them. If they can develop this weapon before the Qing Dynasty is destroyed, it may be able to make the Qing Dynasty throw a rat and even compete with one of them, at least to ensure its core interests. Not to be violated.

Of course, most countries understand that this weapon is not so well-researched, and the possibility of their development is very small. With the use of this weapon, some details are more or less revealed, such as Daqing gathered the world’s top physicists and spent a lot of resources, and it took several years to develop this thing. In fact, a lot of this news was revealed from inside Daqing. After all, in the next time Here, it is the best choice to have fewer enemies, let them give up on their own initiative, and obediently throw themselves into their arms. The best choice is to attack and defeat the enemy without fighting.

It is not easy for any country to develop super-weapons under this kind of looting, and it is not so easy to use this kind of thing to fight against the Qing Dynasty. Not to mention the difficulty of research and development, it is said that once they are discovered by the Qing Dynasty in the process of research and development, They would also be suppressed first, and even sent troops directly to destroy them. After all, this is what Mi Jian did in the future world security, and the current Qing Dynasty is several times stronger than the future Mi Jian and has this kind of strength to deal with other countries. Up.

The cakes in this world are just a little bit big. Who wants others to get a share?

Throughout the world, the army of will is the only one who is capable or qualified to pose a threat to the Qing Dynasty. After all, Mi Jian has already fallen. The only one who can be called a powerful country and demonstrate strong military strength is this. The country, and now they are also the most dangerous to feel the strong pressure. The Chaowu of the Qing Dynasty and the surrender of Mi Jian gave them tremendous pressure. Lao Le had to hold a meeting to find a way to deal with the current situation. situation.

It’s just that these famous politicians don’t have much to do. They felt too much pressure on the invincible Third Reich in the European battlefield, especially after the conflict between the two sides last time, after being taught a lesson on the battlefield, they hit them even more. Confidence.

It can be said that there is still a certain gap in the hard power of the two sides. Even if the strength of the Will Army is already very strong, it has even surpassed the strength of Great Britain at that time. The army that the Will Army is proud of can be said to be no better in strength. How much difference is the Qing Dynasty? As long as the artillery and armor are strengthened, it can even be equal to the Qing Dynasty, but it is only an equal share under the same power. There is still a huge gap between the two sides in terms of will. There are only 3 million elite troops with combat effectiveness, while the Qing Dynasty has more than 6 million. This is the gap between elite troops, and ordinary troops and subsequent mobilization forces are not at the same level.Little Snail Chinese Website

In terms of the air force, there is a certain gap between the two sides. There is a big disparity in both performance and scale. It can be said that the air force must be firmly suppressed once the will to fight.As for the navy, it goes without saying that the strength of the two sides can be said to be no longer at the same level, not to mention the aircraft carrier, even the submarine force that is proud of is not the opponent of the Qing Navy.

Moreover, this is still the gap between ordinary forces, involving the issue of comprehensive national strength, and the Qing Dynasty does not need to fight them head-on. A super weapon is a mountain that rests on the will, an insurmountable mountain for ordinary people. They were so overwhelmed that they would not have any chance of winning if the opponent kept throwing super weapons on their homeland as they did against Citigroup.

It can be said that ordinary people can't solve this situation at all, even the lunatic Lao Le is worried about it.

"We must create super weapons in a short time, and we must do everything we can. How long will it take to make them?" Lao Le now thinks of only such a way to fight against the Qing Dynasty. It is them. The only chance.

The other party can already use this horrible thing in actual combat, and they are still in the process of research and development. Although Heisenberg is responsible for this matter, it is Speer. After all, people are scientists and cannot stay in the department every day. And it is impossible to focus on these chores.

"My head of state, the scientists are working hard to overcome all the difficulties. This kind of weapon cannot be made in a short while." A cold sweat broke out on Speer's face. Although Lao Le was urging before, he did not. So impatient, after all, Lao Le has a certain degree of scientific literacy. He knew that some things were useful without being in a hurry, but under the great pressure of the Qing Dynasty, it was impossible to calm down now.

Although they are now studying barium bombs instead of uranium bombs, the difficulty of research and development is lower than the latter, but it is too late to start. Even if the difficulty is lower, it cannot be developed so quickly...