Super Emperor of the Late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 1474: Begin to pressure

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Super Emperors Search Novels of the Late Qing Dynasty ("!In conventional warfare, the will men are definitely not the opponents of the Qing Dynasty. Although their strength is also very strong, the overall national strength is always too weak. The only worry is that they develop super weapons. If they can limit their development of super weapons, then they will The ability to integrate the power of the whole world continuously weakened the will, making it never possible to threaten the Qing Dynasty.

"Yes, the people of Will had agreed with us before. They launched a war against Su Maoqiu but sent troops in the name of their allies. All the land they acquired will be given up, but they are not willing to admit it later. Now we ask for it. They returned these territories and asked them not to develop super-weapons, and we sent people to supervise them. In this way, they were forced to express themselves in a disguised form," Gu Weijun also said.

"This is impossible. With Lao Le’s character, it’s impossible to give up those places. This is simply his lifeblood. We must know that we have been in contact with them before, and we have been strictly rejected. As for the super-weapon-willed person, we should also They will never give up. After all, if you have this weapon, you have the capital to fight us. If you give up this plan, then they will be under our control forever and be slaughtered by others.” Someone immediately raised an objection.

"It is to make them oppose. The power of super weapons is obvious to all. Once a nuclear war is caused, the whole world will be destroyed. So we can use this as an excuse to ask other countries to ban the development of such weapons, and we can be tougher and tell them Once the Will Army disagrees with these requirements, threaten them to go to war. Then we will have an excuse to start the war, and the country will understand some of them. There will be many problems in the same people of will, and those who oppose Lao Le will Take the opportunity to act against him. The people in the country obviously cannot fully support them. This also weakens their strength in disguise."

Tang Shaoyi immediately explained that the cohesion of the will people is still good, and Lao Le has a large number of diehard fans, but there are always people who oppose him, especially after he invaded the territories of Gaul, Poland and Su Maoqiu. There are a lot of opposing voices inside, but because the situation is too smooth now, the voices of those people are very small, and when this pressure comes, they may not be able to continue to lurch.

"Well, no matter what method, we can give it a try. It is best to let the people of the will recognize the reality. If they don't take the initiative, they can use cannons to educate these people." Wang Guangxu waved his hand and agreed. Suggest.

Lao Le had problems with the landlords of Junker because of his birth problem. In fact, he still established many enemies in the country. He took over the army because he cleaned the stormtroopers and was slowly accepted by the Wehrmacht. It was only the purge of the Junker nobles. , Which made them slowly accept Hitt. Now that the pressure of the Qing Dynasty has gradually developed in the direction of the latter part of World War II in history, as long as the generals with military common sense understand that the will may cause great trouble to the Qing Dynasty. , But the result of the war between the two sides must be the victory of the Qing Dynasty.PhD Novel Network

Therefore, those people in history will once again jump out to oppose Lao Le. Although Lao Le will not necessarily be killed, it will inevitably cause losses to the Will Army and their country. Moreover, the Qing Dynasty also has a lot of power in terms of will, although Lao Le Le has started to clean up slowly, but in some places Wang Guangxu was even earlier than his layout...

"This time, the people of Will are asked to surrender the original land of Su Maoqiu. If they agree, it is best. We will get closer to them, the closer we are to Bocheng. The more these people's hearts are panicked, and then we will liberate Gaul. People, the Poles only allow the people of the Will to own the territory before the Polish Battle, forcing Lao Le to not bear it. As for the super weapon, not only Geely Citi Will, but no other country can develop it.” Wang Guangxu continued to add.

We must know that in history, it is not only the ability of large countries to develop super-weapons, but some small countries can also develop super-weapons with the passage of time. Therefore, he must first draw up a treaty to prohibit any other country from developing super-weapons, otherwise large countries Qing will have the priority to strike. Although there is some hegemonism, this is necessary. It is impossible for the remaining countries to have any opinions except for will, even Brazil and Italy, which seem to have some strength.

In any case, first disturb the situation of the people of will. If Lao Le disagrees with these requirements, it will inevitably arouse the dissatisfaction of some justice people in the country, or careerists, and the great aristocrats who are afraid of failure, even if the two sides are true. When the war started, the cohesion of the opponent was greatly reduced.

After deciding how to deal with the people of the will, the diplomatic department immediately took action. First, they formally submitted a note and publicly announced to the world through the news media that they requested the will to return to the territories of the hairball occupied during the war.

You have to know that this time is very formal, not only on the level of things, publicizing it is to rise to the national level.

As for all of this, Sha Maoqiu has no right to speak at all. Of course, with the help of the Qing, they now have control of most of the Suou territory (Lin Sida era). came back...