Super Emperor of the Late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 1495: The Call of the Distant

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Super Emperors Search Novels of the Late Qing Dynasty ("!At first people didn’t believe it, until the well-known gambler, Aitus, lost his family again one day, remembered this legend and came to Daxue Mountain and decided to try here to see if he could meet the legendary one. Purple aurora.

The Tianshan Mountain that night was extremely cold, and he lost his patience before it was early morning and he was ready to get in the car and leave as if he admitted his fate.

God's will make people, his car broke down halfway.

He was dejected and prepared to return along the original road of the imprint, waiting for someone to bring the car back tomorrow, when it coincided with a heavy snowfall.

This catkin-like goose feathers completely covered all traces within a short time.

Antus, who turned into a headless fly in an instant, looked up at the sky. He lived near the Tianshan Mountains all year round and knew the surrounding terrain well. He distinguished the position of the Big Dipper and moved with the position of the Big Dipper.

If I remember correctly, the direction of the Big Dipper is the direction from which he abandoned the car. When he returns to the car, he will have enough food and water. The heating in the car will also allow him to survive the cold.

Antus went all the way, and the cold wind in Jiling became more and more severe. He tightened his shirt, and the cold wind pierced his body through the gaps in his clothes, gently gnawing his bones.

This time he lost, except for the car that was more important to him than his life and the shabby uniform on his body, and he had no property at all.

He was tired, and leaning on a snow hill, the snowflakes froze into icicles on his eyelashes, and his body temperature gradually melted into the snow hill.

Looking back on his life, his father died of a work-related injury shortly after he was born. At that time, the governor was inspecting this place. The director was very worried that things would cause a big trouble and delayed the business. Qian Antus' mother has kept it as a last memorial to her husband.

He lost his father when he was young. In order to support the family's missing part-time job, there was no one at home to take care of his life.

Such an unfettered life has completely created his unruly nature. He lacks the talent for learning and is idle all day long, doing all kinds of things that should not be done at this age with a group of teenagers who are also lacking in control.

Fortunately, the small town school is not strict and does not force them to learn something. Most people just treat this as a process.

If there hadn't been that accident, he might have been so carefree until he grew up.

Until that day-the day that changed his destiny.

On this day, the small town boy still slept three poles in the sun.

"School absenteeism again..."

Antus got up with a wry smile, just as the school was over, he planned to find his usual playmates to play on the nearby recessed snow mountain.

The snow-capped mountain was called Tianshan by the people in the small town, and it looked like a tiankeng hit by a meteorite.Among them is a flat ice sheet, surrounded by layers of extremely ridges, like stars holding the moon.Tianshan is so big that the residents of the small town have never walked to the other side.

Skiing on this dangerous mountain was one of the few recreational activities in this small town at that time.

Just as he had gone to check the equipment near Tianshan Mountain after calling his playmates, he received the news that his mother had returned to him as a birthday present when he went out today.591 read novel network

"Birthday..." Antus' heart became warm when he thought of it. Only his mother would remember this day so clearly, right?

Antus bid farewell to his friends, and on the way home, he felt that the path he had walked countless times became more interesting.

And his bad luck finally showed his vicious fangs.

Antus kicked the pebble by the side of the road, dangling a timothy dangling, and wandering in the alleys.

Today's sky is not as blue as before, with a faint blood-red light.

Antus saw the big windmill in front of his house from a distance, and his pace was getting faster.

Antus’ mother was standing at the door. Today she is wearing the most beloved blue pleated skirt, holding a big cake in one hand, and greeting Antus with the other.

Looking at the pretty and beautiful mother in a blue dress, Antus' inner excitement can no longer be expressed in words.

Antus' mother put the cake aside, and was about to pick up Antus who was coming home like a swallow.

At this moment, the sudden change occurred.

A black light flashed and disappeared, and it turned into a legendary snow meteor with the indomitable force of a thousand junks, taking away the person whom the stranger missed the most.

This meteor fiercely penetrated Antus' mother's body, and Antus' mother's smile gradually solidified, and her figure slowly dissipated, like a piece of ashes.In the high temperature of extreme friction, even the corpse was turned into nothingness.

Destiny is playing tricks on him. This meteor did not take away his life, but took away the most important person in his life.

Antus was swept aside by the heat wave, his eyes full of incredible.

He wanted to cry, but he couldn't cry.In this scorching temperature, it seems that even tears are forbidden.

There is no greater joy in life than this.

And that meteor didn't seem to know, and didn't care that it broke up a family just now, and continued to stroke towards Tianshan.

Antus cried so heartbreakingly for the first time, even if he broke his leg in an accident in Tianshan when he was a child, he never cried like this.

This is sorrow from the soul.

From then on, he used gambling to relieve his sorrow, and he would lose every gambling, without exception.The property left by his father when he died was not much, and he was corrupted seven-seven-eight.

The other people in the town couldn't bear to see him so depraved, so they pretended to be a banker, and didn't have to deliberately pretend, (anyway, Antus hadn't won even if he was released) win his money, keep it, and he has nowhere to go. Time to help him...