Super express

Chapter 172

Wu Hao was too lazy to deal with these'strict windpipes' and started the game directly.

The route of this round of aircraft is very suitable for jumping to the airport.

After arriving in the sky above the airport, Wu Hao jumped straight down.

As a person with the skills of'game proficiency', there is no problem if you want to skydiving faster than others.

When Wu Hao jumped down, he found an M416 on top of a container.

After falling onto this container, Wu Hao immediately picked up the gun and bullets.

"Little brother's luck is really good, there is M416 on the ground."

"Yeah, good luck, there is no need to land into a box."

"The local tyrant is not lucky, but he is really skilled. When he saw the object, he had already spotted this M416 and jumped on it deliberately. Moreover, you didn't notice that the little brother's skydiving The technology is also very good. Faster than others."

After Wu Hao loaded the bullets, he shot at 4 people still floating in the sky near him.

With just 4 shots, 4 heads exploded.

This is still a machine sight.

Seeing Wu Hao grabbing four heads, Lin Jiaxi's eyes widened. She is a layman, but she also knows that headshots are much harder than hitting the body.

In the same way, the people in the live broadcast room were also shown off by Wu Hao's show.

"I'll go, the plane sighted 4 shots and exploded the heads of 4 people floating in the sky. Would you like to be so pretty?"

"If it weren't, I saw it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it."

"My bride, come out to see God."

"Typical brother, I take it, don't show it anymore."


After solving 4 people nearby, Wu Hao began to search for equipment.

I have to say that the airport is really fat.

No wonder everyone who left the airport alive was fat and oily.

Soon, Wu Hao became fat, with a third-level head on his head, a third-level armor on his body, and a third-level bag on his back, a fully equipped M416 and a fully equipped 98K.

There are also two first aid kits in the backpack.

"The killing will begin now."

After Wu Hao said something, he began to look for the way he remembered.

Once he met someone, Wu Hao sent him out of the game with a 5.56 bullet.

When Wu Hao left the airport, he was already 12 kills.

"It's so unscientific. The rifle is used as a sniper rifle, and the sniper rifle is used as a rifle."

"Mom asked me why I was watching the live broadcast on my knees."

"Actually, the anchor's technology is average, mainly because the opponent is too scumbag."

"Compared to you, of course it can't be compared to you, your keyboard is invincible."

"I looked like God A's trumpet just now."

"Yeah, I saw it too."

"I went to the live broadcast room of God A just now, and it was him."


"Husband, have you encountered God A's trumpet?" Lin Jiaxi was a little surprised to see someone in the live broadcast room scribbled God A's name.

For Lin Jiaxi, who wants to transform into a game anchor, he must do his homework, and he still knows the names of some game gods.

"I haven't heard of it. If you encounter it, just shoot it."

Wu Hao went to eat the chicken, regardless of whether he was A God or B God, just a single shot.

"Local tyrant brother, mighty and domineering."

"That is God A. Although God A is not as famous as God Wei and God 17 in the past two years, there is a double row game. Teammates fall into boxes. When the Tiankeng starts, God A personally kills 32 times. Eat chicken and break the world record in the whole service."

"Yes, local tyrant brother, it's not easy to want chicken in this round."

"If the anchor of this game eats chicken, I will live upside down and eat."

"Upstairs, you don't want to run, I'm recording the screen. If you don't live broadcast, you will be human."


On another platform, God A broke through a whim today, played a trumpet, and had the addiction of eating chicken in the fish pond.

And soon, a game player named xixi attracted the attention of God A.

This player has 12 kills, and they are all headshots.

Most of them were killed by M416 headshots.

"Today in this fish pond bureau, there is a master." God A said with a smile.

And soon someone told God A what Wu Hao said.

"Oh, since he is so confident, let's see who can eat chicken in this game." God A is a big anchor, but he doesn't care about others' words.

Of course, xixi's marksmanship still attracted his attention.

On Wu Hao's side, he didn't care at all, and started looking for people to kill while driving.

As long as there is a gunshot, Wu Hao will kill him over there.

Before long, Wu Hao was already 20 killed.

"Let me go, this one is called xixi, it's all headshots, can it be a hang?"

"I just took a look at xixi's marksmanship just now. It's really strong. Moreover, his camera is facing the keyboard and mouse."

"Isn't the mouse hung up when facing the solution? Isn't there a mouse macro now?"

"If you play well, you just hang up. Are you all lemon spirits reincarnated?"

"As a chicken lover, that xixi's skills are really good. God A, you have to be careful."


"Sure enough, if he is really a master, then he will never open up. As for whether he is a real master, it depends on who can eat chicken." A Shinto.

Now he is also killing players in G City to run around.

The number of players killed reached 8 people.

As the game's life circle gets smaller and smaller, the number of Wu Hao and A's God Strike God is also increasing.

Soon there were only 5 people left.

And Wu Hao had already killed 30.

A god also kills 18.

Just two people killed almost 50 people.

Terrible marksmanship, terrible desire to kill.

This person is really powerful, as if in his eyes, only eliminating people is his ultimate goal.

God A knows very well that out of the 30 people Wu Hao eliminated, they all headshot.

He couldn't do this.

However, God A has an advantage in this game, that is, his position is very good, on the second floor of a house in a safe area.

You can almost see the safe area in your eyes.

At this time, two shots fired, and Wu Hao eliminated the two again.

God A was also on the second floor and killed another person.

But this also exposed the position of God A.

Originally, God A was still thinking about what method Wu Hao would use to attack the building.

But Wu Hao ran towards the Xiaolou in an open manner.

Seeing Wu Hao's operation, God A's face was angry, which was obviously despising himself.

So AWM aimed at Wu Hao's head, and shot away a bullet.

Originally, God A was also going to appreciate the words "Eat Chicken Tonight".

But suddenly, he suddenly fell down, this...what's going on.

But the xixi on the opposite side didn't even drop a trace of blood. This... this is unscientific.

"Hanging, this is definitely hanging."

"Report him, report him."

"Hanging force, real hammer."

"A bunch of blind guys, take a good look at the replay and see what kind of magical people are doing."

Fans who have God A said plug-ins, they also watched Wu Hao's live broadcast and spoke to Wu Hao.