Super express

Chapter 597 surrender

"What do you want to do!" The other two people died, carefully looked at Wu Hao, ready to prepare.

I saw Wu Hao and smiled and said: "You are looking for me in the universe, I am not a doctive to send the door, your gift I received, now I am coming back!"

Gravity field!

Wu Hao is also unbelievable, and immediately limit the actions of the two, and the two are unable to act in this gravity field.

Thus, they also know that Wu Hao is afraid to have to do it, and the two immediately launched a defensive posture.

"Gravity field, we have already known, you should call us no matter from us." I saw that the two suddenly opened a switch from the wrist. The two people entered the purification state, and the gravity field lost the effect.

Wu Hao's eyes, the gods, this guy actually has this ability, and it should be that high-tech products will be purified in the field of gravity.

He also used the gravity field to deal with this guy, and it is estimated that they also know this, so they have studied this purifier.

The scientific civilization of this motherstar is really not a general level, and this kind of thing can be studied in that short time, which is troublesome.

The gravity field is one of his base cards. Many times this will help him, even helping people around.

In this way, the gravity field has failed, which means that this ability has no effect on the son female stars.

However, he doesn't just rely on this trick, otherwise I don't know how many times, the gravity field is not good, and there is still other people.

Domain fire field!

In an instant, the surrounding temperature rose speed, the two of the two people were shocked by the surroundings.

"What's going on!" The two faces a big change, I don't know what this is, how can I have a fire? Is it a illusion?

Of course, this is equivalent to illusion for Wu Hao himself, but it is a real fire sea.

"The field, this is also the field. He actually has a double area." The peak strong will respond to the horse, only the field will have this real feeling, just that he didn't expect Wu Hao to have a double area.

"Is there such a type in the field?" Another one asked, because they all have, they also saw a lot of types, but the type of fire sea is really never seen.

"I have never seen it, but I have heard of people who have this field, I have heard of fire!"

"What! Do you say that he is a strong thing from the ground fire?" Senior strong people did not believe it.

They also have someone who is in the ground, but now there is only one person who will refine the fire from the ground, and this person does not know where it goes.

It can be said that the ground refining is a threshold of the strong, if you can live back from the inside, even if you can't get a field, it is definitely a strong existence.

"This fire is very unsatisfactory, I also listened to my master, I can get the domain fire field, that is the real hell fire, according to my master's description, it is much different from this. , Just his strength, should not ... "

The two have fallen into a deep doubts. If Wu Hao has reached the peak, or the peak, then they will never doubt, but Wu Hao is clearly the strength, is it possible to break the ground fire with such strength Get a field?

Their son's motherstocks have entered the ground fire. Nowadays, they will reckonize the universe, even if there are many in the peak and the peak, but they have never heard who has passed the fire.

Those absolutely strong people have no way, Wu Hao is in a fact that even the strength is strong.

"Your field is the area of ​​the ground refining?" For the doubts in the heart, the other party's peak strong will ask.

Wu Hao did not denial, but smiled: "You actually know the fire, and I have seen the field of fire."

Wu Hao asked the other party to know the answer, it seems that his is true, this field is really obtained from the ground refining.

First of all, I won't matter how Wu Hao has passed, since it is from the ground fire, the strength of Wu Hao's metamorphosis can explain.

Originally from the ground refining is much stronger than the outside world, there is no exaggeration of Wu Hao, it will not be a lot.

Coupled with Wu Hao has obtained the field of land refining, it is no longer too exaggerated to fight the peak of the peak in the middle-level strength.

"OK, this time we believe in unlucky, we can accept it." The other person was discouraged, Wu Hao showed the domain fire area after they had a noord, this is impossible to overcome.

Even if he can fight against Wu Wei, there are three universe in the universe, although the strength is not strong, but it will never be weak, because he has seen the related image, see the two women's skills.

The two add up to have a high-level strength, and can even kill, because the two women have special places, one person has a deceaser, another person, wrong, should be said to be God's beast.

The beast reaches the god level, and will start talent skills. The ability of the purple show is the so-called god-level beast talent skill.

This skill is enough to swallow the world, even if he is him, if it is in the front, it is not a purple opponent.

Although a man is also an intermediate, but it is natural to be with Wu Hao and others, so he chooses to surrender, because this is a might of fighting.

"What, surrender? Do you think there is a surrender between our two sides?" Wu Hao smiled.

However, the other party's words let Wu Hao have changed him.

"I know your goals and ideas, in fact, the truth, the planning of the motherstar is indeed not recognized that it can't recognize it, plunder other planet resources, burn to snatch, these kinds of wicked, I don't stand by."

"So I didn't participate this time, I didn't participate, I also used to avoid being targeted, so I chose to sit in the town of female stars. I saw your behavior to tell you that I can't produce any hostility."

The man's words made Wu Hao were a bit surprised. It seems that no matter where it is, there will be a bad person, and there will be a good person.

It is rare to have this kind of person in this female star, which makes him feel comforted by his anger.

"What do you plan to surrender?" Wu Hao asked, surrender, but he had to look at the attitude, if he continued his mothersta, even if the surrender did not have his relationship.

"Oh, how can you cast, of course, choose to be all the way, this kind of planet is truth, don't wait, there is no feelings, anyway, it is gone."