Super express

Chapter 818 Chief Elder

"Qing Yunzong's boy, here is the trumpet, you and the magic dragon belong, I have nothing to do with my iron man, as for the contradiction between my iron, I will go to find the breeze, roll!"

Suddenly, the iron man has a powerful breath.


Wu Hao frowned, it is obviously the respect of the iron man, did not expect him to talk to the Tihu, all of them know.

"Okay, since I don't say anything, Qing Yunzong is always driving!" Wu Hao said loudly.

He has already said this point, the iron man thinks, if you want to help the magic dragon zone, then he can only consider the import of the iron man as an enemy.

As long as it is an enemy, it must be destroyed. He will not make things that you regret.

"Tihu predecessors, I have left the two people!" Wu Hao waved his hand and went in the door to leave.

Tihu does not block, I was originally intended to leave Wu Hao for a long time, but I just passed the old ancestors, let Wu Hao leave.

"Hey, unfortunately, this kid is extremely high. If my disciple of my iron, I really don't know what the Universiade in Qing Yunzong is actually received."

After Wu Hao left, a picture appeared in the Tiger.

"The old ancestors, I can feel that the child is higher than me, and there is a kind of sacred person." Tihu said to the Tieshi old ancestors around him.

Tie Shi nodded: "Yes, the kid has the supreme angry, and the Feng Wangfeng has such a strong supreme gas. In his strength, even if all, I am afraid it is not his opponent. "


The iron tiger has changed, that is the most critical thing that is the supreme super powerful, and he is a half-step millennium, and it has condensed a star half of the year. Wu Hao has long, actually can be exterior.

"The old ancestor, why didn't you leave him? Since this kind of enchanting genius is not a friend, then the enemy, isn't it better now?" Tihu didn't understand the ancestor.

"It's still not the time, and our contradiction between Qing Yunzong is not to resolve, not to open, not there is already, you can't tear your skin, otherwise this is very likely to be a catastrophic blow, and the boy has space capabilities. If the rhyme is honored, we are also very passive if we join hands. "

Tihu instantly understands that the original ancestor is intended to leave the backhand. Now let go of Wu Hao, the contradiction will gradually weaken, even if there is a day of the blade, but there is also a line of life.

"The old thing is a strong thing." Wu Hao returned to Qingyunzong and said.

"What happened? Tiebine is hard to be?" Qingyan asked.

Wu Hao shakes his head: "It is difficult, but the old guy is definitely a hard to deal with the Lord."

Wu Hao will tell Queen, and you can't laugh. "This is the terrible place of Tieshi, often does not do things, but in the end, there is no killing heart, no I will choose to die with his iron man. "

"But he encountered me, I am in this person, if they really dare to continue to help the magic dragon, once I found that he is my enemy, there is no removal."

I didn't talk, he knew that Wu Hao was indeed like this, which is also a terrible place in Wu Hao.

The owner does not have a talent, but so much, this is really a big benefit for the friend, and it is a nightmare for the enemy.

Especially in dealing with the iron people, it is necessary for Wu Hao's character, or will always let the iron people drill void.

"Okay, the only threat of Iron people has also been notified. As for the Longchang Empire, the strongest is only two steps, for the current situation, there is no big role. "

Wu Zhen nodded, the battle between the five major doors, the empire and the family did not insert the hand, the Longchang Empire is also good, and the Baili is also, if you really want to intervene, then you can only become the cannon for the war.

Just like adding hundred families, they have been sending a death team, with a population of hundreds of families, the rest of the power, and how many families and empire dare to help the magic dragon.

Even if the magic dragon belongs are more powerful, far from the water can't save near, everyone knows Wu Hao's space field.

Once the Wu Hao is locked, the magic dragon belongs are not to rescue. Even if it is the Longchang Empire, when Wu Hao has been to the iron man, it is shocked, all of them have been in the world, and the imperial troops have also strengthened defenders. All this is just just to Wu Hao.

However, Wu Hao has no kind, because they didn't put the Longchang Empire in the eyes, and the district is half-step, and it is still not possible to turn around.

For a time, the whole continent is quietly quiet, Wu Hao practitioners are so angry, and they will cultivate otters.

It took a whole three months, and Qiusida realized the first floor of the igre, which is still highly talent.

If the talent is general, if you want to cultivate your breath, you may not only be as simple as half a year, or even two years, perhaps longer.

But this all the green also is worth it.

It took three months to practice the gas, although it wasted for three months, after this is a successful cultivation, he can obviously feel that the power of the supreme is several times more than before, this is not only three months.

After three months of cultivation, the breeze old ancestors, basically it is close to the end, I am afraid how long I can't take it.

"Wu Hao, this time you have given a huge change in Qing Yunzong, no matter what, this is the first old man, you have to accept it." Qing Duan made a major decision, let Wu Hao become the chief of Qing Yunzong, The status is constant.

"This is not, you know, I like freedom." Wu Hao refused again.

"Of course I know, so I said that the chief is old, but she has the first-year-old treatment, and she will not let any behavior. I have a good response. In short, you have to accept, otherwise we will not accept it. agree."

Wu Hao looked at Qinghai and other old people, and eight people had eight people. They lost one person before, and there were seven people.

Seven eldest old ages firmly agreed that Wu Hao was the first old age, unassounted.

"Wu Hao, you are not deserved, this chief must be arrogant by you."

"Yes, your kid is accepting it, or you call me uncle all day, I feel that I have been a hundred years old." Su Yan also attached to it.