Super express

Chapter 1014 Heavy Trap

Looking at the two hands on the hands of the ground, Xuan Ming has been touched.

"It's really ridiculous, can you hide? Don't we do it? In that case, you think we don't hide, can you stop?" Wu Hao returned to the space door and smiled.

"Hey, first, we are eliminating us, now a strong word is getting up, do you really think that we don't dare to do it here!" Xuan Synchronous eyes looked at Wu Hao.

"Xuan Ming, don't take you tall tone and talk, I am not your hand, for instinctivity, we hide is normal, you can't open it is that you have no business, if you think you can do it, you can Try a try. "

The molten in the pair of felings on the side of the Moist.

"Come come, just, I have already seen you don't plead." Melting a famous impulse, several times, do you have to press it, he has already rushed to these Moistors.

"You!" The Tiger King also couldn't stand, and the fire is full of gunpowder.

And the Lion Strihood in the latter is a smile, the Mozu fights Wu Wei, they are absolutely very good arrangements.

Under this condition, the strength of Wu Hao's ten people can be maximized.

Many of the magical strongest, it is also a matter of late and morning, but the Mozi will also pay a small price.

At that time, he can make a lot of fishermen.

"Wu Hao, you are too much, so on the moon, I can't see it." The lion is going to the top a few steps, starting to ignite.

"Oh, what do you have to see? Do you have to sell it by others? Do you not be too smart, you really have a brain." Lausanne said loudly.

"Lions, think about it, you are some people, you are still a ghost, don't go through the ditch."

When I mention this, the lion is not too big. He is very clear, Lu Lanzan, is Yang Ning, but he has already sent someone to see it. Yang Ning's grave is indeed shake, and there are traces of crawling around the grave. .

From this point to prove that his side is Yang Ning.

"Inart, don't think that you are very smart, Yang Ning is Yang Ning, do you think I should believe him, or believe in you?"

When I heard this, Wu Yu sighed and shook his head: "Lausanne didn't talk nonsense, some people are destined to die in their own hands, and there is no significance."

"Xuan Ming old, you can't fight, you don't hit us, you will go first." Wu Hao asked Xuan Ming.

"Hey, you will die sooner or later, let you go this time." After another hesitation, Xuan Ming still decided to bear it.

Wu Hao's strength is unlicensed, and it is clear that he has a half-God's power and dares to be so arrogant. It is enough to explain that Wu Hao is not afraid of him.

In addition, the environment is limited, if the battle is not careful here, even if it will ultimately kill Wu Wei, I am afraid that their losses will be very heavy. When they come, the lion is helping people will start with them.

"Oh, I thought you had much power, it was just a silver sample wax gun."

After that, Wu Hao took the lead and walked forward.

"You all pay attention, don't be docked again, the boy is very embarrassing."

This time, Juni Ming did not say that they also entered a very payment state, and they did not dare to relax again.

"Xuan Ming King, he said that you really don't care?" Tiger Wang at this moment, there is some soul of Xuan Ming.

They were all pointed to the nose, silver sample wax gun, and Xuan Ming actually didn't care, this is to be guilty, he will definitely rush with Wu Hao.

"Do you think it is very good now? Don't take anything, the calm mind can make you live again, only live, can you become strong, strong, who dares to say this?"

Although Xuan Ming said is very angry, he is very angry, but he is experiencing a big wind and waves, and it may be desperate because of such a sentence.

If you really do, then he can't live today. Maybe it is died in the third universe or trial continent very early.

The next road did not encounter what happened, because there was a sudden attack in the top two times, everyone appeared carefully, especially the magicity, I was afraid to suffer. ,

"Finally, this road is really long." Said it.

He is not walking, but the nerve is tight, the road behind, so the nerves are in a very stiff and state, and now the cold is loose, so that he has to breathe.

"Don't be loose, the more this place, the more likely it is possible to come out."

There is a huge and wide front room in front of you. After near, the people have found that there are a few words on the ground.

Excellers, die!

Several Chinese horror blood red characters, it looks like to have deterrent.

"This kind of trick of the child is dead, it is dead, and it can still return to the light." Melting is a little not trustworthy.

"Slow!" Wu Hao caught him back.

"Some are not very right." Wu Hao did not let me melt beyond the red blood line.

Although the front room is calm, it looks calm and impermanent, but the more like this, the more it feels strange, it seems that there is a dangerous and horrible thing.

"What should I do, you will not believe this kind of child believes?" Melting still does not believe.

"Follow you don't say this, since it is a Tomb of Pluto, dare to say that he must have his truth, and carefully drive a million ship." Lin Feng also said.

Wu Zhen nodded: "Yes, be careful to drive thousands of boats, let everyone all of the magic people help us."

There is another smile on the face, and then the hand is watched, and several big characters and red blood lines on the ground are covered with a gray.

"This ..." The fuser immediately reacted Wu Wei to do it, and immediately he stood next to the blood line.

"Oh, just this." With Wu Hao waiting for half a minute, Xuan Ming and others rushed over.

Looking at Wu Hao, they stood at the door, and Xuan Ming also made everyone stopped.

"Wu Hao, what ghosts do you play again." Xuan Miyan asked.

"Hey, don't think about it, I can't see you, there is no exit, there is no exit, there is no thing, I am thinking about the new entrance is around this." Said Wu Hao Wall, Lin Feng et al. Also followed by pretending.

Xuan Ming has a little questioning a few people, some are very uncomfortable.

If you have export, you will definitely find it from inside, why is it looking outside?