Super express

Chapter 1333 hits back

The three seal methods took out, and Wu Hao sticked the fracture paper in front of the space transfer.

"This ghost thing can really seal this thing?" The emperor of the empty north is obviously unbelieved.

After all, this space transfer array can be the existence they can't seal, Wu Yizhen can seal.

"Try it, even if you can't seal forever, there should be no problem in a short time." Wu Haokou began to tell the spell.

In the next second, a huge array was coming out.

"Time and space"! "


Wu Yu Show its own time and space, which is why he has confidence.

The space law is also a space, and he itself has a space area, plus now the strength rose, and then cooperate with the seal method, it should be able to achieve a good effect.

However, at this time, the law actually lit up a light.

Wu Hao's brow, the altar in the district of the disabled, the gods in the gods.

"Not good, the old man is ready, someone wants to transfer."

If you don't accidentally, it is very likely that it is a king. How can this guy come over this time, it is really active.

If now I'm now, everything they do will have no meaning.

A huge power is actually squeezing the space, I want to climb out from the inside.


Black thunder!

Wu Hao began to prepare your efforts and absolutely could not let the guy came over.

"Who! I dare to stop me!"

Sure enough, his voice actually came from the space transfer array.

"Hey, I want to come over, there is no door, give me back!" Wu Hao screamed.

I have already been very angry when I am very angry.

"Available humans, I want you to die!" The power of the king exploded.

One hand actually appeared from the space.

"Gravity field, condense!"

All gravizes all hit in the transfer envelope.

By attack!

After Wu Hao ordered, the attack of Netherly et al. Was all, huge strength bombarded the front.

"Take the ovary stone, wait for me, you have died!" The strength of the northern part is obviously limited, not that they are too weak, it is too strong.

"That have to have a chance!" Wu Hao retired, the black thunder of the head fell.

"The old man, you stick to it." Wu Haofei got up, at this time, the Dark God appeared from the small world.

"Phaw king, I am coming back, I can't see it!"

At this time, the king has exposed a head, and the eyes are locked in the Dark God.

"Actually you!" The face of the king of the king.

"I am not wrong, I didn't expect it? I am resurrected." The Dark God waited for a long time.

"What is happening, it will die in my hand." The king is making your strength.

If it is not the power of the seal, it is impossible to be his opponent in front of him.

"Yes, let you taste this!"

Black purple!

Suddenly, a huge purple black stove was smashed.

Raccoon bite more anger after seeing the king.

"Really is you, my treasure!" Raccoon dog bite king extremely angry heart, go back and he found that not only was sealed Fengdu people, even the treasury were looted, is simply insane.

"Ha ha ha, I have to thank you talking about treasure trove for me after a lot of efforts." Wu Hao said, laughing.

"Boy, you die!"


Monstrous strength came, seal the space is actually alive circle torn a fissure.

Wu Hao face became pale, this should really be the king of the raccoon dog bite climb out of it would be bad.

"Then we'll see." Said Wu Hao hands Results India.

Qiongtian palm, third style!

Endless power of aggregation, and even the sea to be affected.

After the raccoon dog bite king felt this force could not help face became pale.

"Who are you, a mere medium of god just why there is such a terrible force." Raccoon dog bite is not afraid of the king, Wu Hao's strength, although strong, but they are still unlikely to pose a threat to his life.

You know he's the first person under the Lord God, but in God there is such a place possible strength, he never heard of.

"In the future you know who I am." Wu Hao strength mudra has been completed, the next second, the power of the outbreak.

Reincarnation palm!

Gossip imprint fast forward, raccoon bite Wang Xinsheng bad, if subjected to this beat it, even if he probably also suffer a great deal.

Raccoon dog bite king did not dare to trust big, I had to back out avoidance.

"Oh, you again!" Wu Hao Wang raccoon bite see retracted within Chuansong Zhen, turned three Fuzhi posted up.

Mouth spell frequently issued, a continuous seal so that the space Chuansong Zhen lose effect.

Wang raccoon bite disappeared in the mouth of the array, then the spatial fluctuations of energy dissipation.

"Cheng, success rate?" The airborne looks at Wu Hao, and did not expect it to succeed.

They have not been prior to speaking, and I didn't expect Wu Hao to solve this problem.

And he is thinking about a problem, Wu Hao did what is done, why is it to look so angry, what is the treasure #, what is the situation.

"A stinky boy, it seems that you have disappeared for more than ten years without less dry things." Net pointed to Wu Hao smiled.

"Hey, which one is a bad thing?" Wu Hao also smiled.

"This is not clear you, and there is, the Holy King will conspirate with you at the beginning? You actually even conceal, good kid."

Wu Hao smiled: "I have not hidden, just thinking about the big situation, the more people know, the more risks, the risks."

Regarding this empty North Emperor is not too investigating, he also knows Wu Hao said.

The more people do know, the greater the risk, and Wu Hao's practice is right.

"Well, this matter will then be said, go back to help the Holy King." Wu Hao took the lead in the water, but he reunited to become Ai's appearance.

"O'Neill is not good, they have ambush in the sea, all of the people are all, all dead." Wu Hao pretended to shout.

The back is pretended to pursue Wu Hao's empty north, it is really a drama, and it is so realistic.

"What!" O'Neill's face, I didn't expect that they were agreed.

"What should we do, do we want to retreat!" Wu Hao came to O'Neill.

Kirin looked at Wu Hao at this time, did not continue to attack, and Wu Hao is staying for a long time, naturally, I will lead to God.

Don't look at Wu Hao, it seems that it is very weak, but it does not refer to what is bad in your heart.

"Retreat? Nothing is easy. Hey, even if you want to retreat, I will give them a price!" O'Neill's eyes change, obviously to move the whole.