Super express

Chapter 1363 Self-heritage

The Qilin is long, saying to Xiaoqi, Xiao Qi, is a wrote, he is suppressed for so many hours, there is no saying in the end.

"Oh, the predecessor has a prize, Xiaoqi is just a good time, it has been punished." Wu Hao quickly helped persuade.

I heard this, the unicorn is a grateful, he can't hold soon, then it is really abolished.

"Hey, I saw no, you also said that he is your boss, multidemption." The Qilin family waved, and the suppression was withdrawn. The unicorn was soft on the ground.

"The grandfather of the family, you are too embarrassed!" Kirin buried.

"Hey, I don't want you how to have a long memory?" I said that the Qilin long walked out of the pavilion.

"You are also coming together." Said that Wu Hao and Xiaoqi. Wu Hao took the past to support Xiaoqi, followed by Dragon and Qilin.

When I came to the wooden house, some people have bubbled tea.

"This is the good Pu'er tea, after the refining of the three hundred and sixty-one days, plus the quenching of the law, absolutely the best."

Wu Hao didn't know what is a tea, but he now knows that it is urgent to eat hot tofu, and can only be installed as fine taste.

Also said that this so-called Pu'er tea is really less than other, the entrance has a feeling of refreshing throat, making people feel refreshed and refreshing.

"Do you have a tea first, and I am coming to find you with my boss." The unicorn said that there was no blind.

This Wu Hao can also understand that this is itself a small seven home, and Xiaoqi can do so boldly. It doesn't have anything.

"I know what you came, not helping, I can't help it, I believe that life goddess is also the case?" Qilin said.

After listening to this, Wu Hao frowned, and quickly asked the box: "The seniors also answer the doubts for the yourshi, why can't help, what is the answer to the life goddess and the seniors?"

If it is just the goddess of life, Wu Hao will imagine that the adult is completely put in his eyes, so it will not help.

But now the long speech of Qilin is very obvious, it is definitely difficult.

"Oh, this will be traced back to the original Pu Penns." Qilin is busy with the tea.

"At the beginning of the plenty of gods, I was one of them, so I also had a certain credit of the person of your selection." I heard this, Wu Hao's face changed, and did not expect the Kirin family to be a once. Member, then saying that he has to solve a lot of doubts?

"Seniors, please tell me what happened." Wu Hao frowned asking, I heard that this thing is in the sea in Haixiakou, but the sea fairy said that the sky is not leaked, did not tell him.

"At this time, I can't say it, I can't say it, I can't say that after you reach the master level, you will naturally know the past causes the cause." The Qilin family said.

A group of old guys, I really only know that I will sell Guan Chi, I can't do it again, and I don't do it.

Master level? That is more than 100,000 miles away, the monkey went to the Moon.

"That king and destroying this matter, what is the good resolution method?" Wu Hao gave up the previous question, people can't talk, he can't talk, he also clear, and how it is no fruit.

"Oh, this is the same roots, how is the tricks?, The king and shadow, itself is the creature outside the triple, both have the relationship between the phase of the phase, as for the destruction, the goal is you, only You find a solution to a solution. "

When I heard this, Wu Hao was surprised. He only knows that the shadow is a creature outside the triple, and the feelings of the emotions are also.

So, the shadow can deal with the king, as for the destruction of the main, I have to have himself to solve it?

But the strength of the shadow is not as good as the king, the two are different, there is a certain distance, how do you go to the phase in this gap?

Wu Hao fell into a pensive, and some did not understand what the Qilin is talking.

But Wu Hao believes that the Qilin family dares to say this, there must be this possibility.

After all, in such a distant place, the Qilin family can clearly know the outside thing, and you can see the heavenly skills.

"Thank you for your predecessors." Although I didn't get the answer you want, I spent a thank you for polite Wu Hao.

"Oh, don't have to worry too much, the world is big, use a word in your humanity, relying on your parents at home, go out to friends, will pass, you will have it."

Finally, this sentence Wu Wei's eyes are slightly changed, and the Qilin is a word, but what does this mean?

Go out to friends? Self-style?

The two seem to have nothing to do, but it seems that it is impossible. Is there anyone to help him?

Friends? He seems that no friend has this super power.

"You have passed the assessment of my beast ancient people, and you can come to you, and if there is customs clearance reward, is it acceptable?"

When Wu Hao was hanging, the Qilin people asked faint.

"Boss, there is a reward, there is a reward." Qilin excitedly called.

"This" Wu Hao is sorry, I don't know if I don't change.

After all, he is a foreign person, and the trouble of the beast is not saying that the people who still hurt the Fenghuang ancient people. Now I have to reward, will this be a bit too shameless?

"Oh, don't think too much, I also take it without going, sending your rewards, only to be ignorant, need to rely on yourself."

Wu Wei got up, holding boxing: "Then thank the predecessors." Wu Wei thought about it.

After all, the Qilin ancient thing is simple, before, because of the dragon, he found that the blood was refined, and the strength broke through the middle god through God.

So even if it is not a real thing, the light is a little small advice, and the proliferation can benefit him, this reward is still a relatively expected.

"Grandfather, I am, I am? My reward?" Xiaoqi also shouted.

"Your reward? What rewards do you still need? I have given you the main strength of the three cents." The unicorn faintly opened.


Three cubic?

Wu Hao is stunned, and the whole person is like a rigid cement.

What is the concept of three cents? How did Qilin have said this?

"Which is very much, the boss, he said not to rely too much to rely too much, very precious, so I haven't used it, so my grandfather is better to give me a very practical baby." Xiaoqi hugged the Qilin The arm, a squatting, making Wu Hao helpless.